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Studies in the Neotropical Apocynaceae: new species of Lacmellea (Rauvolfioideae, Willughbeeae) from South America

Lacmellea bahiensis J.F. Morales and L. macrantha J.F. Morales, two new species from South America are described. Lacmellea bahiensis is endemic to the state of Bahia, Brazil and has been confused with L. aculeata (Ducke) Monach., but differs by its smaller corollas and sepals. Lacmellea bahiensis is also similar to L. pauciflora (Kuhlm.) Markgr., but differs by its longer corolla tube (21-23 mm vs. 15-17 mm) and wider leaves ((2,5-)3,5-5,5 cm vs. 1,4-2,2(-3,1) cm). Lacmellea macrantha, known from Ecuador and Peru, has been confused with L. floribunda (Poepp.) Benth. and L. speciosa Woodson, but L. macrantha differs from the first taxon by its larger floral bracts, wider sepals, and longer corolla lobes and from the second one, by its larger corollas, longer corolla lobes and bigger fruits. Illustrations, discussion of their taxonomic affinities and specimens examined are included.

Apocynaceae; Lacmellea bahiensis; Lacmellea macrantha; Neotropics; new species; Rauvolfioideae

Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo Caixa Postal 57088, 04089-972 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 5584-6300 - ext. 225, Fax: (55 11) 577.3678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil