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Complications of stomas in colorectal cancer: review of 21 complications in 276 stomas carried out in 870 patients with colorectal cancer

The author had the opportunity to attend 24,000 patients, 923 patients bearing cancer of the large bowel (3.8%). Eight hundred and seventy of them were colorectal cancer (adenocarcinoma) (94.3%) and 53 (5.7%) were carcinoma of the anus. In 490 cases (53.1%) cancer were localized in the colon and in 380 (41.2%) in the rectum. The aim of this report is to study these 870 patients bearing colorectal cancer analyzing, specially, the 276 stomas carried out (31.7%), classifying them in temporary and definitive, describing their modalities and indications as well as their complications and surgical techniques used to approach them. Operability rate was 98.1% (853 patients), being 90.6% (778 patients) the incidence of resected tumors. The most used surgical techniques to approach the disease were abdominal colon resection with anastomoses (617 cases, 70.9%) and abdominoperineal resection (15.5%). Stomas were made in 276 patients (31.7%), being 73 temporary (8.4%) and 203 definitive (23.3%). End colostomy was the most common type of stoma carried out (181 cases, 21.2%). Loop ileostomy was the most common temporary stoma (33 cases, 3.9%) and end colostomy the most common definitive stoma (156 cases, 18.3%). Incidence of complications was 7.6% (21 cases), and loop colostomy and loop ileostomy the stomas with the highest incidence of complications: 9.1% each. End ileostomy did not show any complication. The most frequent complication was stoma prolapse (six cases), necrosis (five cases) and stenosis (five cases). The main procedures for surgical approach were pericolostomy incision with correction of the stoma (12 cases) and laparotomy and colectomy making a new stoma (five cases).

Enterostomy; colostomy; stomas and colorectal cancer; colorectal cancer; complications of stomas

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