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Indication of high resolution anoscopy and anal cytology for prevention of HPV and colorectal cancer in HIV patients

OBJECTIVE: Screening for HPV as well as its correlation with anorectal cancer in patients carrying the human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) through high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) and anal cytology. METHODS: We developed an observational study, double-blind attended by 31 patients with HIV independent proctologic complaints. Patients underwent HRA and anal cytology slides were sent to which sector pathology staining and analysis. RESULTS: We found 22 males and 9 females between 20 and 67 years. Of the 31 tested, 4 were in stage of immunosuppression, 23 were using antiretroviral therapy, 16 with history of receptive anal sex and 12 with a history of condyloma acuminata. In the HRA 11 patients had changes and 7 were confirmed by cytology. We also verified eight patients with abnormal cytology who had no changes to the HRA. In the atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (Ascus) cytology had three, five with parakeratosis and/or hyperkeratosis, six intraepithelial lesions and a low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion high grade. CONCLUSION: We suggest the use of anoscopy high resolution combined with anal cytology for screening in patients with the HIV, since these examinations are complementary for the detection of lesions that are related to anorectal cancer.

Papilomavirus; Anal neoplasia; HIV

Cidade Editora Científica Ltda Av . Marechal Câmara, 160- sala 916 - Ed Orly - 20020-080 - Rio de Janeiro - Rj , Tel 2240 8927 , Fax 21 22205803 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil