The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two types of phytases (the 1st produced from Escherichia coli and the 2nd from Aspergillus oryzae) with different dosages (300 and 900 Unit Phytase or FTU) on performance, organ biometry and bone quality of replacement pullets in the period of 8 to 17 weeks of age. A total of 288 Hy-Line White laying hens were used at 8 weeks of age. A completely randomized design was adopted in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, totaling 4 treatments with 8 replicates of 9 birds each. Performance, biometric variables and bone characteristics were evaluated. There was no significant interaction between the factors for any of the evaluated variables. The conversion and the accumulated consumption were influenced (p<0.05) by the phytase dosages, with the highest results being observed for the consumption obtained with 300 FTU, and the best results for the feed conversion obtained with the dosage of 900 FTU. The relative weight of the liver was influenced by the treatments (p<0.05), presenting higher values with bacterial phytase and a dosage of 900 FTU. The sternum length and tibial deformity were influenced by fungal phytase (p<0.05). It is concluded that the use of 900 FTU superdosing and fungal phytase improves the performance and bone characteristics of light replacement pullets.
Myo-inositol; phytate; phytic acid
Due to the great productivity of today’s poultry on the market, there is a need for research which provides relevant information on the nutrition of replacement pullet laying hens. Nutrition is one of the main factors influencing productivity within the poultry segment (Rezende et al., 2013Rezende JCR, Laurentiz AC, Filardi RS, Fascina VB, Berto DA, Sobrane Filho ST. Níveis de fósforo e fitase para poedeiras comerciais leves. Boletim de Indústria Animal 2013;70(2):149-157.), being of fundamental importance to the growth of the laying pullets and their productive longevity during the adult phase.
Success in the production phase of laying hens is associated with adequate performance and sexual maturity obtained during the growth phase. Thus, it is necessary to provide adequate nutrients which meet the requirements of the laying pullets, so that they can develop adequate body structure and reproductive tract formation, allowing greater productivity in this phase (Rezende et al., 2013Rezende JCR, Laurentiz AC, Filardi RS, Fascina VB, Berto DA, Sobrane Filho ST. Níveis de fósforo e fitase para poedeiras comerciais leves. Boletim de Indústria Animal 2013;70(2):149-157.; Bastos-Leite et al., 2016Bastos-Leite SC, Alves EHA, Sousa AM, Goulart CC, Santos JPM, Silva JDB. Ácidos orgânicos e óleos essenciais sobre o desempenho, biometria de órgãos digestivos e reprodutivos de frangas de reposição. Acta Veterinaria Brasílica 2016;10(3):201-207.; D’Agostini et al., 2017D'Agostini P, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Exigência de metionina + cistina para frangas de reposição na fase inicial(1 a 6 semanas de idade). Ciências Animais Brasileira 2017;18(6):1-12.).
The use of additives in monogastric diets is a common practice and often necessary in animal nutrition, with the use of exogenous enzymes among them. These enzymes are part of the group of zootechnical additives and their use in diets has grown in recent years. Such use is justified by the beneficial effects they present such as in the removal of antinutritional factors, improved digestibility and availability of phosphorus and other minerals, reducing their excretion and their deposition in the environment (Viana et al., 2009Viana MTS, Albino LFT, Rostagno HS, Barreto SLT, Silva EA, Florentino WM. Efeito da suplementação de enzima fitase sobre o metabolismo de nutrientes e o desempenho de poedeiras. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2009;38(6):1074-1080.; Leite et al., 2011Leite PRSC, Leandro NSM, Stringhini JH, Café MB, Gomes NA, Jardim Filho RM. Desempenho de frangos de corte e digestibilidade de rações com sorgo ou milheto e complexo enzimático. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 2011;46(3):280-286.).
Phytases are enzymes which have the ability to provide phosphorus as well as other nutrients which are complexed to phytic acid molecules (Lima et al., 2010Lima MR, Costa FGP, Givisiez PEN, Silva JHV, Sakomura NK, Lima DFF. Reduction of the nutritional values of diets for hens through supplementation with phytase. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2010;39(10):2207-2213.), with the latter being an antinutritional factor present in foods of plant origin. Thus, the effects of phytases on making phosphorus available and reducing the antinutritional activity of phytate is undeniable. In addition, phytases also provide the release of other molecules chelated to phytate such as aminoacids, other minerals and energy (Dersjant-Li et al., 2015Dersjant-Li Y, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Phytase in non-ruminant animal nutrition: a critical review on phytase activities in the gastrointestinal tract and influencing factors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015;95(5):878-896.; Ribeiro Junior et al., 2015Ribeiro Junior V, Ribeiro CLN, Messias RKG, Rocha TC. Importância da enzima fitase na nutrição animal. Revista Eletrônica Nutritime 2015;12(4):4127-4139.).
Phytases produced from microorganisms such as fungi (Apergillus sp.) and bacteria (Escherichia coli) are more commonly used commercially in the diets of poultry and pigs. Phytase produced from Apergillus sp. presents the best characteristics for commercial scale production (Dersjant-Li et al., 2015Dersjant-Li Y, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Phytase in non-ruminant animal nutrition: a critical review on phytase activities in the gastrointestinal tract and influencing factors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015;95(5):878-896.), where bacterial phytases have shown better results in many studies because they are thermally more stable and resistant to proteolytic action, presenting a similar pH to that of the proventriculus and gizzard of birds, where enzymes have higher action (Igbasan et al., 2000Igbasan FA, Männer K, Miksch G, Borriss R, Farouk A, Simon O. Comparative studies on the in vitro properties of phytases from various microbial origins. Archiv für Tierernaehrung 2000;53(4):353-373.; Pereira et al., 2012Pereira R, Menten JFM, Romano GG, Silva CLS, Zavarize KC, Barbosa NAA. Eficiência de uma fitase bacteriana na liberação de fósforo fítico em dietas de frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2012;64(1):137-144.; Wu et al., 2015Wu D, Wu SB, Choct M, Swick RA. Comparison of 3 phytases on energy utilization of a nutritionally marginal wheat-soybean meal broiler diet. Poultry Science 2015;94(11):2670-2676.).
The recommended phytase dosage for broiler diets is 500 FTU/kg (Phytase Unit), while the Superdosing concept of phytase is the addition of higher levels of this enzyme in the diets, being double or triple the usual value (Meneghetti et al., 2011Meneghetti C, Bertechini AG, Rodrigues PB, Fassani EJ, Brito JAG, Reis MP, et al. Altos níveis de fitase em rações para frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2011;63(3):624-632.; Dersjant-Li et al., 2015Dersjant-Li Y, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Phytase in non-ruminant animal nutrition: a critical review on phytase activities in the gastrointestinal tract and influencing factors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015;95(5):878-896.;). Research has reported that phytase superdosing has beneficial effects on animal performance (Cowieson et al., 2011Cowieson AJ, Wilcock P, Bedford MR. Super-dosing effects of phytase in poultry and other monogastrics. World's Poultry Science Journal 2011;67(2):225-236.; Pirgozliev et al., 2011Pirgozliev V, Bedford MR, Acamovic T, Mares P, Allymehr M. The effects of supplementary bacterial phytase on dietary energy and total tract amino acid digestibility when fed to young chickens. British Poultry Science 2011;52(2):245-254.).
Broilers are normally used in researches carried out with phytase superdosing, with limited information on the application of this concept in laying hens. Due to the beneficial results obtained by the use of high doses of phytase in chickens, there is also a need to obtain information about its use in replacement pullets (Cowiesonet al., 2011Cowieson AJ, Wilcock P, Bedford MR. Super-dosing effects of phytase in poultry and other monogastrics. World's Poultry Science Journal 2011;67(2):225-236.; Pirgozlievet al., 2011Pirgozliev V, Bedford MR, Acamovic T, Mares P, Allymehr M. The effects of supplementary bacterial phytase on dietary energy and total tract amino acid digestibility when fed to young chickens. British Poultry Science 2011;52(2):245-254.; Kim et al., 2017Kim JH, Pitargue FM, Jung H, Han GP, Choi HS, Kil DY. Effect of superdosing phytase on productive performance and egg quality in laying hens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2017;30(7):994-998.). In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different phytases at two dosages on performance, biometry of digestive and reproductive organs, and bone quality of light replacement pullets.
All procedures performed in this study were approved by the Ethics Commission on Animal Use (CEUA) of the State University of Acaraú Valley - UVA, Ceará, Brazil (Protocol No. 004.05.017.UVA.504.03).
The study was carried out during the rainy period lasting 56 days in the Poultry Sector of the Experimental Farm of Acaraú Valley, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. A total of 288 Hy-Line White strain pullets with an average weight of 639.60 ± 6.05 g, clinically healthy at eight weeks of age, were used. All birds were housed in a closed shed with smooth galvanized wire, kept in galvanized wire cages with dimensions of 90x45x45 cm, with three subdivisions of 30 cm and density of 675 cm²/bird-1.
The experiment lasted 56 consecutive days and the birds were weighed and selected to obtain experimental plots with uniform mean weight before starting, according to the recommendations proposed by Sakomura & Rostagno (2016Sakomura NK, Rostagno HS. Métodos de pesquisa em nutrição em monogástricos. Jaboticabal: FUNEP; 2016.).
A completely randomized design was used in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, with two types of phytases (1st produced from Escherichia coli and 2nd produced from Aspergillus oryzae) x two dosages (300 FTU and 900 FTU), totaling four treatments with eight replicates of nine birds each. The phytase types evaluated were bacterial phytase produced from Escherichia coli and fungal phytase produced from Aspergillus oryzae at the 300 and 900 FTU dosages, supplemented in the diet without altering the standard formulation, i.e. on top.
The rations for growth stage I and II (Table 1) were isonutrient and formulated according to the suggestions of the lineage manual (Hy-Line, 2016), while the composition of the ingredients used in the formulation followed the recommendation of Rostagno et al. (2017Rostagno HS, Albino LFT, Hannas MI, Donzele JL, Sakomura NK, Perazzo FG, et al. Tabelas Brasileiras para aves e suínos:composição de alimentos e exigências nutricionais. 4th ed. Viçosa (MG); UFV; 2017.).
Both the birds and the rations were weighed at 8, 12 and 17 weeks of age for calculating the performance variables. The evaluated performance variables were the mean weight (g), weight gain (g), feed consumption (g/bird) and feed conversion (g/g).
Next, 20 pullets were drawn, identified and euthanized by the cervical dislocation method at the end of the experiment (according to Normative Resolution No. 37/2018 - CONCEA). The animals were then weighed individually and necropsied. The organs were removed and emptied for biometric analysis of the gizzard, liver, pancreas, intestines, ovary and oviduct using a precision balance of 0.01 g. All weight data were expressed as a percentage of body weight.
Crest height and sternum bone length were measured with a digital caliper. A tape measure was used to measure the length of the intestines.
The tibia and femur of the pullets were used to evaluate bone quality. Their lengths were measured with a digital caliper and the weights were obtained on an electronic scale with an accuracy of 0.01 g. Bone density assessment was performed using the Seedor index, obtained by dividing the weight (mg) by the length (mm) of the evaluated bone (Seedor et al.,1991).
Bone strength and deformity analyzes were performed by mechanical press, where the left tibia and femur were placed horizontally, and a compression force was applied to the center of each bone. The maximum amount of force applied to the bone until its rupture was considered the resistance to breaking (kgf/cm²), which was measured through a digital extensometer. The deformity (mm) was measured through an analog replacement gauge until the rupture moment of each bone. These analyzes were carried out at the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics at the Department of Transportation Engineering of the Federal University of Ceará.
Next, mineral matter was determined at the Animal Nutrition Laboratory (LANUT) of the State University of Acaraú Valley. After deboning, the right tibias and femurs were weighed and placed in a forced ventilation oven at 105 ºC for 72 hours. They were then weighed again and crushed with a mortar and pestle. Afterwards, these ground samples were identified for determining mineral matter (MM) according to the methodology described by Silva & Queiroz (2002Silva DJ, Queiroz AC. Análises de alimentos: métodos químicos e biológicos. Viçosa: UFV; 2002.).
The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2000) program, considering the factorial model that included the effects of treatments, phytases and dosages, and the interaction between factors.
No significant interaction between the studied factors was observed for any of the evaluated performance variables. The initial, final weight and weight gain were not influenced by the evaluated treatments. However, feed conversion and cumulative consumption were influenced (P <0.05) by phytase dosages, with the highest accumulated consumption being obtained with 300 FTU, and the best feed conversion with the dosage of 900 FTU (Table 2).
Considering that feed conversion depends on food intake, it can be inferred that the dosage of 900 FTU, regardless of the phytase origin, was able to release more nutrients adhered to the phytate molecule, increasing its use by pullets and optimizing performance, leading to improvement in feed conversion as observed with this dosage, according to studies (Karadas et al., 2010Karadas F, Pirgozliev V, Pappas AC, Acamovic T, Bedford MR. Effects of different dietary phytase activities on the concentration of antioxidants in the liver of growing broilers. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 2010;94(4):519-526.; Cowieson et al., 2011Cowieson AJ, Wilcock P, Bedford MR. Super-dosing effects of phytase in poultry and other monogastrics. World's Poultry Science Journal 2011;67(2):225-236.; Beeson et al., 2017Beeson LA, Walk CL, Bedford MR, Olukosi OA. Hydrolysis of phytate to its lower esters can influence the growth performance and nutrient utilization of broilers with regular or super doses of phytase. Poultry Science 2017;96(7):2243-2253.) where superdosing of phytase in the diets of birds can provide even better performance responses.
Different results were reported by Viana et al. (2009Viana MTS, Albino LFT, Rostagno HS, Barreto SLT, Silva EA, Florentino WM. Efeito da suplementação de enzima fitase sobre o metabolismo de nutrientes e o desempenho de poedeiras. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2009;38(6):1074-1080.), in which they did not observe an effect on the diet consumption of commercial laying hens when they evaluated the nutritional matrix of a bacterial phytase (Escherichia coli) with doses of 200, 400 and 600 FTU.
No significant interaction was observed between the factors studied for the relative weight of the digestive organs, or for the length of the intestines of the replacement pullets. The relative weight of the proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas, intestines and intestinal length were not influenced by the phytase type or the dosages. However, the relative weight of the liver was influenced by the treatments, presenting higher mean values with bacterial phytase and the dosage of 900 FTU (Table 3).
According to Hazelwood (1986Hazelwood RL. Carbohydrate metabolism. In: Sturkie PD, editor. Avian physiology. New York: Spring-Verlag; 1986. p. 303-325.), laying hens’ livers increase in size before the laying period, due to greater activity by this organ to synthesize the yolk material which will be deposited in the ovary for the production period. Therefore, the increase in liver weight in this study may be associated with better activity of bacterial phytase and superdosing of 900 FTU, providing an increase in the nutritional supply of the pullets, thereby favoring the best liver development and potentiating its activity in the laying period.
There was no significant interaction between the studied factors for the relative weight of the reproductive organs, height and length of ridges, and length of sternum of the replacement pullets. The relative weight of ovary, oviduct, height and crest length were not influenced by any of the evaluated treatments. However, the length of the sternum presented a higher value with fungal phytase, not differing between the evaluated dosages (Table 4).
Phytic acid can also influence the use of proteins and the absorption of amino acids in the diet which can affect the metabolism and biometry of the organs by forming insoluble complexes, reducing the availability and digestibility of these nutrients (Sousa et al., 2015). In contrast, the phytases and dosages used in this study did not influence changes related to the biometrics of the reproductive organs, nor at the crest height of the pullets.
The distance between the pelvic bones and the development of the sternum bone (preferably more elongated) must be observed in selecting quality laying hens, being considered of great importance for the production period of the birds (Ani & Nnamani, 2011Ani AO, Nnamani ME. The physical and laying characteristics of Golden sex linked hens under the humid tropical environment. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2011;10(11):1041-1047.; Hy Line, 2016), among other characteristics. In this study, it was observed that fungal phytase was more efficient for the sternum bone growth (120.14 mm). Thus, this phytase probably provided greater availability of nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus for developing this bone.
No significant interaction between the studied factors was observed for any of the evaluated variables in the bone quality of the tibias. The bone quality variables of the tibia were not influenced by the treatments, except for bone deformity, which showed higher averages in treatments which contained fungal phytase (Table 5).
Deformity measures the flexibility of the bone as a function of a force applied to it until the moment of its rupture (Oliveira et al., 2013Oliveira AN, Freitas ER, Filgueira TMB, Cruz CEB, Nascimento GAJ. Limestone particle size and artificial light for laying hens in the second laying cycle. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2013;42(7):481-488.), and is directly related to the breaking resistance of the bone. As noted, fungal phytase provided an improvement in tibial bone deformity, regardless of the dosage used. Thus, due to the relationship between deformity and bone resistance, it was expected that the latter would also be influenced by fungal phytase, but this was unobserved. Thus, both phytases were efficient in releasing the nutrients necessary for proper bone development, resulting in the bone resistance values found.
Such results corroborate those of Powell et al. (2011Powell S, Bidner TD, Southern LL. The effects of feeding various levels of nonphytate phosphorus in the starter phase on broiler growth performance and bone characteristics in subsequent phases. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2011;20(2):181-189.), who reported that the addition of phytase in the diet provides more calcium and phosphorus (essential elements for bone growth and formation), thereby increasing weight and concentration of mineral matter.
Moreover, Lima et al. (2010Lima MR, Costa FGP, Givisiez PEN, Silva JHV, Sakomura NK, Lima DFF. Reduction of the nutritional values of diets for hens through supplementation with phytase. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2010;39(10):2207-2213.) performed experiments with a reduction in nutritional levels of laying hens diet with the addition of phytase at the level of 600 FTU, and did not observe effects of the nutritional reductions on the evaluated bone parameters; however, bone resistance improved when they added phytase at the dosage of 600 FTU.
There was no significant interaction between the factors studied for the bone quality variables of the femurs. The bone quality variables of the femurs were also not influenced by the treatments (Table 6).
Our results corroborate the study by Rezende et al. (2013Rezende JCR, Laurentiz AC, Filardi RS, Fascina VB, Berto DA, Sobrane Filho ST. Níveis de fósforo e fitase para poedeiras comerciais leves. Boletim de Indústria Animal 2013;70(2):149-157.) who used three levels of phytase (0, 500 and 1000 FTU/kg of feed) of fungal origin (Aspergillus niger) in an experiment with commercial laying hens of the Hy-line White line with reduced phosphorus (0.10; 0, 20; 0.30 and 0.40%) and also did not find significant results for bone characteristics of the femur.
Some studies report that bacterial phytases are more efficient than phytases of fungal origin in hydrolyzing phytate, as they have greater resistance to protease (Igbasan et al., 2000Igbasan FA, Männer K, Miksch G, Borriss R, Farouk A, Simon O. Comparative studies on the in vitro properties of phytases from various microbial origins. Archiv für Tierernaehrung 2000;53(4):353-373.; Pereira et al., 2012Pereira R, Menten JFM, Romano GG, Silva CLS, Zavarize KC, Barbosa NAA. Eficiência de uma fitase bacteriana na liberação de fósforo fítico em dietas de frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2012;64(1):137-144.; Dersjant-Li et al., 2015Dersjant-Li Y, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Phytase in non-ruminant animal nutrition: a critical review on phytase activities in the gastrointestinal tract and influencing factors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015;95(5):878-896.). Although phytase supplementation in the diet is considered the most effective way of releasing and using the minerals linked to phytate, there are divergent results regarding the exact dosage, duration, species of birds, the best microbial form of phytase, among other issues which need to be better studied (El-Hack et al., 2018El-Hack MEA, Alagawany M, Arif M, Emam M, Saeed M, Arain MA, et al. The uses of microbial phytase as a feed additive in poultry nutrition - a review. Annals of Animal Science 2018;18(3):639-658.).
In conclusion, 900 FTU of phytase of fungal origin is recommended in the diet due to the better performance and bone characteristics of light replacement pullets.
To God, Hy-Line of Brazil, Tecnavic and all the Poultry Sector of the Experimental Farm of Acaraú Valley interns for their partnership and help in collecting and analyzing data.
- Ani AO, Nnamani ME. The physical and laying characteristics of Golden sex linked hens under the humid tropical environment. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2011;10(11):1041-1047.
- Bastos-Leite SC, Alves EHA, Sousa AM, Goulart CC, Santos JPM, Silva JDB. Ácidos orgânicos e óleos essenciais sobre o desempenho, biometria de órgãos digestivos e reprodutivos de frangas de reposição. Acta Veterinaria Brasílica 2016;10(3):201-207.
- Beeson LA, Walk CL, Bedford MR, Olukosi OA. Hydrolysis of phytate to its lower esters can influence the growth performance and nutrient utilization of broilers with regular or super doses of phytase. Poultry Science 2017;96(7):2243-2253.
- Concea - Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal. Resolução Normativa n.37 de 15 de fevereiro de 2018. Diretrizes da prática de eutanásia. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações, Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal; 2018.
- Cowieson AJ, Wilcock P, Bedford MR. Super-dosing effects of phytase in poultry and other monogastrics. World's Poultry Science Journal 2011;67(2):225-236.
- D'Agostini P, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Exigência de metionina + cistina para frangas de reposição na fase inicial(1 a 6 semanas de idade). Ciências Animais Brasileira 2017;18(6):1-12.
- Dersjant-Li Y, Gomes PC, Mello HHC, Calderano AA, Sá LM, Rostagno HS, et al. Phytase in non-ruminant animal nutrition: a critical review on phytase activities in the gastrointestinal tract and influencing factors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015;95(5):878-896.
- El-Hack MEA, Alagawany M, Arif M, Emam M, Saeed M, Arain MA, et al. The uses of microbial phytase as a feed additive in poultry nutrition - a review. Annals of Animal Science 2018;18(3):639-658.
- Hazelwood RL. Carbohydrate metabolism. In: Sturkie PD, editor. Avian physiology. New York: Spring-Verlag; 1986. p. 303-325.
- Hy Line do Brasil. Guia de manejo: poedeiras comerciais Hy-Line White. 2016 [cited 2017 Oct 4]. Available from: https://www.hyline.com/userdocs/pages/36_COM_POR.pdf
» https://www.hyline.com/userdocs/pages/36_COM_POR.pdf - Igbasan FA, Männer K, Miksch G, Borriss R, Farouk A, Simon O. Comparative studies on the in vitro properties of phytases from various microbial origins. Archiv für Tierernaehrung 2000;53(4):353-373.
- Karadas F, Pirgozliev V, Pappas AC, Acamovic T, Bedford MR. Effects of different dietary phytase activities on the concentration of antioxidants in the liver of growing broilers. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 2010;94(4):519-526.
- Kim JH, Pitargue FM, Jung H, Han GP, Choi HS, Kil DY. Effect of superdosing phytase on productive performance and egg quality in laying hens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2017;30(7):994-998.
- Leite PRSC, Leandro NSM, Stringhini JH, Café MB, Gomes NA, Jardim Filho RM. Desempenho de frangos de corte e digestibilidade de rações com sorgo ou milheto e complexo enzimático. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 2011;46(3):280-286.
- Lima MR, Costa FGP, Givisiez PEN, Silva JHV, Sakomura NK, Lima DFF. Reduction of the nutritional values of diets for hens through supplementation with phytase. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2010;39(10):2207-2213.
- Meneghetti C, Bertechini AG, Rodrigues PB, Fassani EJ, Brito JAG, Reis MP, et al. Altos níveis de fitase em rações para frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2011;63(3):624-632.
- Oliveira AN, Freitas ER, Filgueira TMB, Cruz CEB, Nascimento GAJ. Limestone particle size and artificial light for laying hens in the second laying cycle. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2013;42(7):481-488.
- Pereira R, Menten JFM, Romano GG, Silva CLS, Zavarize KC, Barbosa NAA. Eficiência de uma fitase bacteriana na liberação de fósforo fítico em dietas de frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2012;64(1):137-144.
- Pirgozliev V, Bedford MR, Acamovic T, Mares P, Allymehr M. The effects of supplementary bacterial phytase on dietary energy and total tract amino acid digestibility when fed to young chickens. British Poultry Science 2011;52(2):245-254.
- Powell S, Bidner TD, Southern LL. The effects of feeding various levels of nonphytate phosphorus in the starter phase on broiler growth performance and bone characteristics in subsequent phases. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2011;20(2):181-189.
- Rezende JCR, Laurentiz AC, Filardi RS, Fascina VB, Berto DA, Sobrane Filho ST. Níveis de fósforo e fitase para poedeiras comerciais leves. Boletim de Indústria Animal 2013;70(2):149-157.
- Ribeiro Junior V, Ribeiro CLN, Messias RKG, Rocha TC. Importância da enzima fitase na nutrição animal. Revista Eletrônica Nutritime 2015;12(4):4127-4139.
- Rostagno HS, Albino LFT, Hannas MI, Donzele JL, Sakomura NK, Perazzo FG, et al. Tabelas Brasileiras para aves e suínos:composição de alimentos e exigências nutricionais. 4th ed. Viçosa (MG); UFV; 2017.
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- Sousa JPL de, Albino LFT, Vaz RGM, Rodrigues KF, Da Silva GF, Renno LN, et al. The effect of dietary phytase on broiler performance and digestive, bone, and blood biochemistry characteristics. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2015;17(1):69-76.
- Viana MTS, Albino LFT, Rostagno HS, Barreto SLT, Silva EA, Florentino WM. Efeito da suplementação de enzima fitase sobre o metabolismo de nutrientes e o desempenho de poedeiras. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2009;38(6):1074-1080.
- Wu D, Wu SB, Choct M, Swick RA. Comparison of 3 phytases on energy utilization of a nutritionally marginal wheat-soybean meal broiler diet. Poultry Science 2015;94(11):2670-2676.
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