Open-access Optimization of β-xylosidase extraction process using reversed micellar systems

β-xylosidase, produced by Penicillium janthinellum, was extracted by using the reversed micellar system of the CTAB (cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide) cationic surfactant containing isooctane, hexanol and butanol. The combined effects of CTAB and butanol concentrations on enzyme extraction were studied by using the surface response methodology. As a function of the results, it was proposed a mathematical model to describe the process of β-xylosidase extraction. This model predicted a maximal enzyme extraction yield of 35.05±6.4% under the following conditions: pH = 8.0, CTAB = 0.20 M, hexanol = 5% (v/v), and butanol = 20% (v/v). Experimentally, a recovery value of about 38% was attained, and showed that the model is appropriate.

β-xylosidase; Reversed micelles; Liquid-liquid extraction; Recovery; Hemicellulosic hydrolyzate

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