Open-access Formulation of cupuassu "chocololate" and rheology of liquid product

Cupuassu "chocolate" is a product whose process of manufacture consists to transform cupuassu seeds (after fermentation, toasting and grinding) in derived one with flavour, texture, odor and appearance similar to chocolate elaborated with cocoa. It could be processed as powder and tablets (semi sweet, milk and white types). Cupuassu is a cylindrical fruit, and in its interior there are seeds involved by a white and thick mass. This work intends to show formulations of cupuassu chocolates (semi sweet, milk and white types), where the fatty phase is blends of cupuassu fat and cocoa butter (1 to 5.9 %), and the flow behaviour of the product was evaluated using the vane and coaxial cylinder sensors at 40 ºC. The products obtained were very similar to the tablets of traditional chocolates in flavour and rheological parameters at 40 ºC, with flow properties of soft chocolate.

Chocolate; Theobroma grandiflorum; Cupuassu; Fats; Rheology; Vane

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