Open-access Antioxidant activity evaluation of different polarities extracts by pulp and seeds of pomegranate (Punica granatum, L.)

In etheric, alcoholic and aqueous extracts obtained from pomegranate (Punica granatum, L.) pulp and seeds their antioxidant activity was evaluated by using two systems: co-oxidation of beta-carotene/linoleic acid and 2) Rancimat®. First of all, the presence of reducing compounds was detected in the pulp (1,214 mg/100 g) and in the seeds (1,732 mg/100 g). The phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity were then evaluated in the extracts using thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The aqueous extracts from the pulp and the seeds showed the highest antioxidant activity of 87.31% and of 93.08%, respectively. The kinetic curves obtained by cooxidation of beta-carotene and linoleic acid substrates also showed the highest values in the aqueous. These results were correlated with the initial and advanced oxidation process phases under activity by primary and secondary mechanisms. All the extracts showed high antioxidant capacity when submitted to the Rancimat® test. This activity was significantly higher than that presented by the standard synthetic antioxidant butilated hidroxy anysole (BHA).

Pomegranate; Natural antioxidant; Oxidation; Rancimat®

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