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Variation of Sunrise Position as a Function of Latitude

We begin this article discussing about the conception that, in general, people brings up, that the Sun rise always at the cardinal east and set in the west. Here we present a review of the area that shows a bit of confusion amount the students. We show concept related to the celestial sphere and its daily movements also the apparent movement of the Sun to the observers of the various latitudes searching to clarify the contents, prerequisite to clarity this matter. After that we present an expression that allow us to calculate the position of the rise of the Sun towards the year according to the latitude of the observer and we apply it to various cases. Finally, are presented models and others didactic resources that allow us to approach those contents in the classroom.

apparent movement of the Sun; sunrise and sunset, didactic models

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil