José da Rocha Carvalheiro
In this issue 9(2), Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia is continuing the Debates that took place over the past few months. There is a consideration by Gérvas & Perez-Fernandez, authors of the article on the role of general practitioners as gatekeepers of the healthcare system, answering Barbara Starfield's comments in RBE's previous issue. We are also publishing a response to the opinion article of the previous issue about "health problem" (Costa & Victora) and the answer of the authors. On the matter of avian influenza, we have printed a copy of an abstract published by the "Promed-Port" list, based on a summary of the problem until April that was published is WHO's weekly epidemiological bulletin.
In the special Editorial, Roberto Medronho is analyzing the problem of dengue within the context of urbanization.
We are publishing nine papers submitted through the regular process of continuous flow with peer review, all of them by Brazilian groups. Most (5) are from the southeast region, all of them from São Paulo. Two are from the south, both from Paraná; one from the north (Amazonas), and another one from the northeast (Ceará). As usual, there is not a paper by a single author, with an average of 3.6 authors per article. Although less significant (only 56.2 %) women still prevail among authors.
Two papers, both from São Paulo, are about vaccines. One of them analyzes the vaccination against influenza in the elderly and the other one the cold chain for the preservation of vaccines.
The other papers address a wide range of themes. Traffic accidents in Maringá, Paraná; a critical review on the prevalence of osteoporosis; hospitalizations due to respiratory problems and their possible association to the burning of sugarcane straw in São Paulo; medication prescription in a city in northern Paraná; inspection of sanitary conditions in a city in the state of São Paulo; epidemiological dental care profile of the elderly.
In the section News and Events, we are sharing with you something that fills us with pride. Elected by peers, César Gomes Victora has been accepted by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. In this manner, he is joining renowned personalities of the Brazilian science and, along with Maurício Lima Barreto, is the second Associate Editor of RBE to be part of the Brazilian epidemiology "team" at the ABC.
Enjoy your reading.
The Editor.
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
04 June 2007 -
Date of issue
June 2006