As part of a systematic investigation of the Ipomoea species of Northeastern Brazil, a mixture of 7,4'-diO-methylkaempferol and 7,3',4'-tri-Omethylquercetin were identified in extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Ipomoea horrida.
Ipomoea horrida; Convolvulaceae; Flavonoids
Como parte de uma investigação sistemática das espécies de Ipomoea do Nordeste do Brasil, foi identificado uma mistura de 7,4' -diO-methilkaempferol e ,3',4'-tri-Omethilquercetina isoladas das partes aéreas de Ipomoea horrida.
Ipomoea horrida; Convolvulaceae; Flavonóides
Constituents of Ipomoea horrida Humber ex ducke: spectroscopic identification of the flavonoids
Jose M. Barbosa-Filho; Petrônio F. Athayde-Filho; Patrícia M. Simões da Silva; Maria de Fatima Agra; Jnanabrata Bhattacharyya
Laboratório de Tecnologia Farmacêutica, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Caixa Postal, 58051-970, Jõao Pessoa, PB, Brazil
As part of a systematic investigation of the Ipomoea species of Northeastern Brazil, a mixture of 7,4'-diO-methylkaempferol and 7,3',4'-tri-Omethylquercetin were identified in extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Ipomoea horrida.
Uniterms: Ipomoea horrida; Convolvulaceae; Flavonoids.
Como parte de uma investigação sistemática das espécies de Ipomoea do Nordeste do Brasil, foi identificado uma mistura de 7,4' -diO-methilkaempferol e ,3',4'-tri-Omethilquercetina isoladas das partes aéreas de Ipomoea horrida.
Unitermos: Ipomoea horrida; Convolvulaceae;Flavonóides.
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1. CORRÊA, M.P. Dicionário das Plantas Úteis do Brasil e das Exóticas Cultivadas. Ministério da Agricultura, IBDF, vol. I-VI, 1984.
2. MABRY, T.J., MARKHAM, K.R. The Flavonoids. London. Chapman and Hall. 1204 p., 1975.
3. BIEBER, L.W., SILVA-FILHO, A.A., LIMA, R.M.O.C., CHIAPPETA, A.A., NASCIMENTO, S.C., SOUZA, I.A., MELLO, J.F., VEITH, H.J. Anticancer and antimicrobial glycosides from Ipomoea bahiensis. Phytochemistry 25(5): 1077,1081, 1986 and references cited therein.
4. BARBOSA-FILHO, J.M., MEDEIROS, D.F., AGRA, M.F., BHATTACHARYYA, J. Spirostanes of Kallstroemia tribuloides: identification of C-25 epimers in mixture by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Phytochemistry 28(7): 1985-1986, 1989.
5. BHATTACHARYYA, J., BARROS, C.B. Triterpenoids of Cnidosculus urens. Phytochemistry 25(1): 274-276, 1986.
6. BHATTACHARYYA, J., CARVALHO, V.R. Epi-isoshinanolone from Plumbago scandens. Phytochemistry 25(3): 764-765, 1986.
7. AGRAWAL, P.K. Carbon-13 NMR of Flavonoids. Edited by P.K. Agrawal, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 564 p., 1989.
8. MITSCHER, L.A., GOLLAPUDI, S.R., DRAKE, S., OBURN, D.S. Amorphastilbol, an antimicrobial agente from Amorpha nana. Phytochemistry 24(7): 1481-1483, 1985.
9. WOLLENWEBER, E., DIETZ, V.H. Occurrence and distribution of free flavonoid aglycones in plants. Phytochemistry 20(5): 869-932, 1981.
10. VALESI, A.G. Methylated flavonols in Larrea cuneifolia. Phytochemistry 11: 2821-2826, 1972.
- 1. CORRĘA, M.P. Dicionário das Plantas Úteis do Brasil e das Exóticas Cultivadas. Ministério da Agricultura, IBDF, vol. I-VI, 1984.
- 2. MABRY, T.J., MARKHAM, K.R. The Flavonoids. London. Chapman and Hall. 1204 p., 1975.
- 3. BIEBER, L.W., SILVA-FILHO, A.A., LIMA, R.M.O.C., CHIAPPETA, A.A., NASCIMENTO, S.C., SOUZA, I.A., MELLO, J.F., VEITH, H.J. Anticancer and antimicrobial glycosides from Ipomoea bahiensis. Phytochemistry 25(5): 1077,1081, 1986 and references cited therein.
- 4. BARBOSA-FILHO, J.M., MEDEIROS, D.F., AGRA, M.F., BHATTACHARYYA, J. Spirostanes of Kallstroemia tribuloides: identification of C-25 epimers in mixture by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Phytochemistry 28(7): 1985-1986, 1989.
- 5. BHATTACHARYYA, J., BARROS, C.B. Triterpenoids of Cnidosculus urens. Phytochemistry 25(1): 274-276, 1986.
- 6. BHATTACHARYYA, J., CARVALHO, V.R. Epi-isoshinanolone from Plumbago scandens. Phytochemistry 25(3): 764-765, 1986.
- 7. AGRAWAL, P.K. Carbon-13 NMR of Flavonoids. Edited by P.K. Agrawal, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 564 p., 1989.
- 8. MITSCHER, L.A., GOLLAPUDI, S.R., DRAKE, S., OBURN, D.S. Amorphastilbol, an antimicrobial agente from Amorpha nana. Phytochemistry 24(7): 1481-1483, 1985.
- 9. WOLLENWEBER, E., DIETZ, V.H. Occurrence and distribution of free flavonoid aglycones in plants. Phytochemistry 20(5): 869-932, 1981.
- 10. VALESI, A.G. Methylated flavonols in Larrea cuneifolia. Phytochemistry 11: 2821-2826, 1972.
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
12 Jan 2010 -
Date of issue