The Simaroubaceae family includes 32 genera and more than 170 species of trees and brushes of pantropical distribution. The main distribution hot spots are located at tropical areas of America, extending to Africa, Madagascar and regions of Australia bathed by the Pacific. This family is characterized by the presence of quassinoids, secondary metabolites responsible of a wide spectrum of biological activities such as antitumor, antimalarial, antiviral, insecticide, feeding deterrent, amebicide, antiparasitic and herbicidal. Although the chemical and pharmacological potential of Simaroubaceae family as well as its participation in official compendia; such as British, German, French and Brazilian pharmacopoeias, and patent registration, many of its species have not been studied yet. In order to direct further investigation to approach detailed botanical, chemical and pharmacological aspects of the Simaroubaceae, the present work reviews the information regarding the main genera of the family up to 2013.
Chemical constituents ; Simaba; Simarouba; Simaroubaceae; Quassia
The Simaroubaceae family includes 32 genera and more than 170 species of trees and brushes of pantropical distribution. It is characterized by its content of bitter substances, mostly responsible for its pharmaceutical properties (Fernando and Quinn, 1992Fernando, E.S., Quinn, C.J., 1992. Pericarp anatomy and systematics of the simaroubaceae sensu lato. Aust. J. Bot. 40,263-289.; Muhammad et al., 2004Muhammad, I., Bedir, E., Khan, S.I., Tekwani, B.L., Khan, I.A., Takamatsu, S., Pelletier, J., Walker, L.A., 2004. A newantimalarial quassinoid from Simaba orinocensis. J. Nat. Prod. 62,772-777.). The principal geographical distribution center is located at tropical America, extending to the west to Africa, Madagascar, Asia (Malaysia) and regions of Australia bathed by the Pacific (Simão et al., 1991Simão, S.M., Barreiros, E.L., Silva, M.F.G.F., Gottlieb, O.R., 1991. Chemogeographical evolution of quassinoids in Simaroubaceae. Phytochemistry 30,853-865.; Saraiva et al., 2002Saraiva, R.C.G., Barreto, A.S., Siani, A.C., Ferreira, J.L.P., Araújo, R.B., Nunomura, S.M., Pohlit, A.M., 2002. Anatomia foliar e caulinar de Picrolemma sprucei Hook (Simaroubaceae). Acta Amaz. 33,213-220.;). In Brazil, this family is represented by the genera Quassia and Picrolemma, in the Amazon, Castela and Picrasma, to the South; and Simaba, Simarouba and Picrolema, which are present troughout the country (Arriaga et al., 2002Arriaga, A.M.C., Mesquita, A.C., Pouliquen, Y.B.M., Lima, R.A., Cavalcante, S.H., Carvalho, M.G., Siqueira, J.A., Alegrio, L.V., Braz-Filho, R., 2002. Chemical constituents of Simarouba versicolor. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 74,415-424.; Almeida et al., 2007Almeida, M.M.B., Arriaga, A.M.C., Santos, A.K.L., Lemos, T.L.G., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I.J.C., 2007. Ocorrência e atividade biológica de quassinoides da última década. Quim. Nova 30,935-951.) (Fig. 1). Due to the chemical diversity previously described for many species of Simaroubaceae family, it is worth noting that it can be characterized as a promising source of bioactive molecules with remarkable research potential. An example of this is that since 1961, when the first quassinoide structure was elucidated, the growing interest on various species of Simaroubaceae family resulted in the isolation and identification of the more than 200 currently-known quassinoids (Curcino Vieira and Braz-Filho, 2006Curcino Vieira, I.J., Braz-Filho, R., 2006. Quassinoids: structural diversity, biological activity and synthetic studies. Stud. Nat. Prod. Chem. 33,433-492.). Nevertheless, many of its species have not been studied or remain unexplored. In this context, in order to base and direct future studies, the present work is a review of literature from 1846 until 2013, and contemplates botanical, chemical and pharmacological aspects of the family's main species.
Materials and methods
Information regarding the botanical descriptions, the isolated and identified chemical constituents, and the pharmacological activities of isolated compounds or crude extracts of the main species of Simaroubaceae family, were retrieved from books and original articles found in several databases (Medline, SciFinder, Periodicos Capes, Science Direct, Scopus and Web of Science) in the period from 1846 to 2013, was performed. The used keywords included Simaroubaceae, Simarouba, Simaba, Quassia and other genera belonging to the family. Once the references were obtained, those considered relevant were selected.
Extensive bibliography regarding the botanical aspects of the Simarubaceae family composition was found. The subfamilies' affinities have been thoroughly discussed, and five of its six subfamilies; Surianoideae, Kirkioideae, Irvingioideae, Picrammioideae and Alvaradoideae, have been removed from the family. Thus, in this context, only the Simarouboideae subfamily, comprised of 22 genera, would be part of the Simaroubaceae family (Simão et al., 1991Simão, S.M., Barreiros, E.L., Silva, M.F.G.F., Gottlieb, O.R., 1991. Chemogeographical evolution of quassinoids in Simaroubaceae. Phytochemistry 30,853-865.; Muhammad et al., 2004Muhammad, I., Bedir, E., Khan, S.I., Tekwani, B.L., Khan, I.A., Takamatsu, S., Pelletier, J., Walker, L.A., 2004. A newantimalarial quassinoid from Simaba orinocensis. J. Nat. Prod. 62,772-777.).
The Simarubaceae family is botanically related to the Rutaceae, Meliaceae and Burseraceae families, though, in this group, it is more related to the first one in terms of chemical composition, wood anatomy, lack of resin ducts in the bark and in the free stamens. It differs from the others by its absence of secretory cavities containing aromatic oils in leaves and floral parts (Fernando and Quinn, 1992Fernando, E.S., Quinn, C.J., 1992. Pericarp anatomy and systematics of the simaroubaceae sensu lato. Aust. J. Bot. 40,263-289.) and by the presence of quassinoids, exclusive of Simaroubaceae (Thomas, 1990Thomas, W.W., 1990. The american genera of Simaroubaceae and their distribution. Acta Bot. Bras. 4,11-18.).
Planchon (1846)Planchon, J.E., 1846. Revue de la famille des simaroubees. London Journal of Botany 5, 560-584, apud Chemical Abstracts ST:318353. was the first one to propose an intrafamily classification, based on the ovary nature (free or connate), number of ovules, type of embryo, length of filament and number of stamen and petals. In this context, the family was divided in four tribes: Simaroubeae, Harrisonieae, Ailantheae and Spathelieae. Later on, Bentham and Hooker (1862)Bentham, G., Hooker, J., 1862. Simaroubeae. In v. 1, Bentham, G., Hooker, J. (org.) Genera Plantarum: ad exemplaria imprimis in Herberiis Kewensibus servata definita. London: A. Black, p. 106-116. proposed a classification based on division of the ovary that yielded the tribes Simaroubeae and Picramnieae. Years later, Engler (1874)Engler, A., 1874. Sirmarubaceae. In: Martius, C.F.P. (org.) Flora brasiliensis. p. 197-248. recognized three tribes: Surianeae, Eusimaroubeae and Picramnieae, taking into account the nature of the carpels and styles, as well as the number of ovules. The last classification of Engler (1931)Engler, A., 1931. Simarubaceae. In: Engler, A. and Prantl, K. (org.) Die naturlichen planzenfamilien. Engelmann: Leipzig, p. 359-405., the most used, was based on the number and nature of the carpels and styles, number and position of ovules, presence or absence of scales at the filaments' base and composition of the leaf. This classificiation included nine tribes in six subfamilies.
Due to the heterogeneous nature of Simaroubaceae family from the Engler classification (1931)Engler, A., 1931. Simarubaceae. In: Engler, A. and Prantl, K. (org.) Die naturlichen planzenfamilien. Engelmann: Leipzig, p. 359-405., shown in wood anatomy (Webber, 1936Webber, I.E., 1936. Systematic anatomy of the wood of the Simaroubaceae. Am. J. Bot. 23,577-587.; Heimsch, 1942Heimsch, C., 1942. Comparative anatomy of the secondary xylem in the gruinales and terebinthales of wettstein with reference to taxonomic grouping. De Lilloa 8,83-198.) and pericarp (Fernando and Quinn, 1992Fernando, E.S., Quinn, C.J., 1992. Pericarp anatomy and systematics of the simaroubaceae sensu lato. Aust. J. Bot. 40,263-289.), pollen morphology (Erdtman, 1952Erdtman, G., 1952. Polen morphology and plant taxonomy. Waltham: Chronica botanica., 1986Erdtman, G. 1986. Polen morphology and plant taxonomy: Angiosperms. Leiden: E. J. Brill.; Moncada and Machado, 1987Moncada, M., Machado, S., 1987. Los granos de polen de simaroubaceae. Acta Bot. Cubana 45,1-7.) and phytochemistry (Hilditch and Williams, 1964Hilditch, T.P., Williams, P.M., 1964. The chemical constitution of natural fats. London: Chapman and Hall.; Simão et al., 1991Simão, S.M., Barreiros, E.L., Silva, M.F.G.F., Gottlieb, O.R., 1991. Chemogeographical evolution of quassinoids in Simaroubaceae. Phytochemistry 30,853-865.); later authors reduced the family even more. Takhtajan (1987)Takhtajan, A., 1987. Systema Magnoliophytorum. Leninopoli: MCML XXXVII., Cronquist (1988)Cronquist, A., 1988. The evolution and classification of flowering plants. New York: Botanical Gardens. and Thorne (1992)Thorne, R.F., 1992. An updated phylogenetic classification of the flowering plants. Aliso 13,365-389. excluded one or more subfamilies. The studies of Fernando and collaborators (1995)Fernando, E.S., Gadek, P.A., Quinn, C.J., 1995. Simaroubaceae: an artificial construct: evidence from rbcl sequence variation. Am. J. Bot. 82,92-103. on rbcL sequence variation clearly showed that Simaroubaceae is polyphyletic, which based the recognition of the families Surianaceae sensu Cronquist, Kirkiaceae and Irvingiaceae, previously segregated to Simaroubaceae.
The genera Picramnia and Alvaradoa, despite occasionally reported as constituents of the Simaroubaceae family (Balderrama et al., 2001Balderrama, L., Braca, A., Garcia, E., Melgarejo, M., Pizza, C., De Tomasi, N., 2001. Triterpenes and anthraquinones from Picramnia selowii Planchon in Hook (Simaroubaceae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 29,331-333.; Rodríguez-Gamboa et al., 2001Rodríguez-Gamboa, T., Fernandes, J.B., Filho, E.R., Silva, M.F.G.F., Vieira, P.C., Barrios-Ch, M., Castro-Castillo, O., Victor, S.R., Pagnocca, F.C., Bueno, O.C., Hebling, M.J.A., 2001. Triterpene benzoates from the bark of Picramnia teapensis (Simaroubaceae). J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 12,386-390.; Cortadi et al., 2010Cortadi, A., Adriolo, L., Campagna, M.N., Martinez, M.L., Di Sapio, O., Broussalis, A., Gattuso, M,, Gattuso, S., 2010. Estudio farmacobotánico de hojas, cortezas y leños de Simaroubaceae Sensu Latu de arentina. Parte I. Alvaradoa subovta Cronquist, Picramnia parvfoliaEngl., Picramnia selowii Planch. Y Castela coccineaGriseb. Bol. Latinoam. Caribe 9,38-55.), were excluded from it and put into the Picramniaceae family by Fernando and collaborators (1995)Fernando, E.S., Gadek, P.A., Quinn, C.J., 1995. Simaroubaceae: an artificial construct: evidence from rbcl sequence variation. Am. J. Bot. 82,92-103.. This translocation is supported by the fact that Picramnia and Alvaradoa are phytochemically characterized by a vast presence of anthraquinones and anthracenic derivates in comparison to quassinoids, the taxonomic markers of the Simaroubaceae family (Diaz et al., 2004Diaz, F., Chai, H.B., Mi, Q., Su, B.N., Vigo, J.S., Graham, J.G., Cabieses, F., Farnsworth, N.R., Cordell, G.A., Pezzuto, J.M., Swanson, S.M., Kinghorn, A.D., 2004. Anthrone and oxanthrone C-glycosides from Picramnia latifolia collected in Peru. J. Nat. Prod. 67,352-356.).
The species from this family have alternate compound or complete leafs, not punctuate, with or without thorns. Its flowers are, generally, placed together in axial inflorescences, showing free or fused sepals, free petals, stamens in double of the number of the petals, filaments usually with appendix. The ovary is superior, above a short gynophore or above a four or five carpels disk, generally free at the base and fused by the style with one (in the case of Quassia) or two ovules per carpel. Its fruit is a drupe, generally separated in drupelets (Noldin, 2005Noldin, V.F., 2005. Estudo fitoquímico das folhas e rizomas de Simaba ferruginea St. Hill. e avaliação da atividade antiúlcera e antinociceptiva dos extratos e compostos isolados. Itajai, 91p. Disstertação de Mestrado, Programa de Mestrado Acadêmico em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade do Vale do Itajai.).
Chemical constituents
Since 1930, the Simaroubaceae family has been the subject of many studies regarding its chemical constitution, and numerous compounds have been isolated and their structure has been elucidated; among these, quassinoids, alkaloids, triterpenes, steroids, coumarins, anthraquinones, flavonoids and other metabolites (Barbosa et al., 2011Barbosa, L., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I., 2011. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Simaba (Simaroubaceae). Chem. Biodivers. 8,2163-2178.) (Chart 1). Quassinoids can be considered a taxonomic marker of the Simaroubaceae family since it is the most abundant group of natural substances and their synthe almost exclusive (Saraiva et al., 2006Saraiva, R.C.G., Pinto, A.C., Nunomura, S.M., Pohlit, A.M., 2006. Triterpenos e alcaloide tipo cantinona dos galhos de Simaba polyphylla (Cavalcante) W. W. Thomas (Simaroubaceae). Quim. Nova 29,264-268.; Almeida et al., 2007Almeida, M.M.B., Arriaga, A.M.C., Santos, A.K.L., Lemos, T.L.G., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I.J.C., 2007. Ocorrência e atividade biológica de quassinoides da última década. Quim. Nova 30,935-951.).
Many genera from the Simaroubaceae family have been reported to express quassinoids (Chart 1). These consist of triterpene degradation products, derived from the euphol/ tirucalol series, highly oxygenated and structurally complex. Regarding the basic structure, they can be structurally classified into five groups: C-18 (1), C-19 (2), C-20 (3), C-22 (4) and C-25 (5a,b), though some do not fit any given configuration, such as (+)-polyandrol, eurylactones A and B, ailanquassins A and B, 6-dehydroxylongilactone and others. Most of the isolated quassinoids have a twenty carbon skeleton (Curcino Vieira and Braz-Filho, 2006Curcino Vieira, I.J., Braz-Filho, R., 2006. Quassinoids: structural diversity, biological activity and synthetic studies. Stud. Nat. Prod. Chem. 33,433-492.; Guo et al., 2009Guo, Z., Vangapandu, S., Sindelar, R.W., Walker, L.A., Sindelar, R.D., 2009. Biologically active quassinoids and their chemistry: potential leads for drug design. Frontier. Med. Chem. 4,285-308.).
The chemical compounds of this nature were, initially, known as "quassin", after a physician named Quassi used the bark of Simaroubaceae plants to treat fever. The first isolated and identified quassinoids were quassin (6) and neoquassin (7), from Quassia amara; the isolation was done in by Clark (1937)Clark, E.P., 1937. Quassin I. The preparation and purification of quassin and neoquassin, with information concerning their molecular formulas. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 59,927-931. in the 1930's. Furthermore, the structural elucidation was successful until the beginning of the 1960's, when Valenta and collaborators (1961)Valenta, Z., Papadopoulos, S., Podesva, C., 1961. Quassin and neoquassin. Tetrahedron 15,100-110.were able to apply novel techniques, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Since then, the interest in diverse species of Simaroubaceae family has increased, which has resulted in the isolation and identification of the more than 200 quassinoids currently known (Curcino Vieira and Braz-Filho, 2006Curcino Vieira, I.J., Braz-Filho, R., 2006. Quassinoids: structural diversity, biological activity and synthetic studies. Stud. Nat. Prod. Chem. 33,433-492.).
In a recent review, Barbosa and collaborators (2011)Barbosa, L., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I., 2011. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Simaba (Simaroubaceae). Chem. Biodivers. 8,2163-2178. described 39 quassinoids isolated from nine species of the genus Simaba. Kundu and Laskar (2010)Kundu, P., Laskar, S., 2010. A brief resume on the genus Ailanthus: chemical and pharmacological aspects. Phytochem. Rev. 9,379-412. reported 91 terpenoids in eight species of the genus Ailanthus, which predominantly included quassinoids.
Among the alkaloids isolated from the different genera of the Simaroubaceae family (Chart 1), the canthines deserve special attention. They constitute a class of β-carboline alkaloids first described at the end of the 1930's. Canthin-6-ones have been reported to have a large array of activities, such as antiviral, cytotoxic, antiparasitic, antibacterial, high pro-inflammatory cytokines reducer, among others (Showalter, 2013Showalter, H.D.H., 2013. Progress in the synthesis of canthine alkaloids and ring-truncated congeners. J. Nat. Prod. 76,455-467.).
Barbosa and collaborators (2011)Barbosa, L., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I., 2011. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Simaba (Simaroubaceae). Chem. Biodivers. 8,2163-2178. described eighteen alkaloids isolated from nine species of the genus Simaba. Kundu and Laskar (2010)Kundu, P., Laskar, S., 2010. A brief resume on the genus Ailanthus: chemical and pharmacological aspects. Phytochem. Rev. 9,379-412. described 25 alkaloids previously isolated from four species of the genus Ailanthus: A. malabarica, A. excelsa, A. altissima and A. giraldii.
Twenty triterpenes have been reported in six different species of the genus Simaba (Barbosa et al., 2011Barbosa, L., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I., 2011. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Simaba (Simaroubaceae). Chem. Biodivers. 8,2163-2178.). Kundu and Laskar (2010)Kundu, P., Laskar, S., 2010. A brief resume on the genus Ailanthus: chemical and pharmacological aspects. Phytochem. Rev. 9,379-412.reported 91 terpenoids, quassinoids included. This class of secondary metabolites has been largely reported in the literature for numerous genera of Simaroubaceae, like Quassia, Brucea, Picramnia Castela, Simarouba and Ailanthus (Chart 1).
Eight steroids were isolated from four species of the genus Simabaand their structure was elucidated (Barbosa et al., 2011Barbosa, L., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I., 2011. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Simaba (Simaroubaceae). Chem. Biodivers. 8,2163-2178.). The isolation of 27 steroids from four species of Ailanthus was performed by Kundu and Laskar (2010)Kundu, P., Laskar, S., 2010. A brief resume on the genus Ailanthus: chemical and pharmacological aspects. Phytochem. Rev. 9,379-412.. These compounds were found in species of the genera Castela, Picrolemma and Simarouba (Chart 1).
Other Constituents
Twenty three metabolites from different classes were isolated from six species of the genus Simaba (Barbosa et al., 2011Barbosa, L., Braz-Filho, R., Vieira, I., 2011. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Simaba (Simaroubaceae). Chem. Biodivers. 8,2163-2178.).
Kundu and Laskar (2010)Kundu, P., Laskar, S., 2010. A brief resume on the genus Ailanthus: chemical and pharmacological aspects. Phytochem. Rev. 9,379-412. highlighted the presence of nineteen flavonoids in five species of Ailanthus, among other metabolites, like chromones, fatty acids, volatile compounds, proteins and others. Polyphenols, anthraquinones, coumarins, flavonoids, lignans, limonoids, quinines, fatty acids, phenylpropanoids and vitamins have been reported for the different species of the Simaroubaceae family (Chart 1), although many species have not been chemically studied yet.
Biological activities
Species from the Simaroubaceae family, known for their medicinal properties, are used traditionally for the treatment of malaria, and also as anthelminthic, antitumor, antiinflammatory, antiviral, anorectic, tonic, insecticide and amebicide (Simão et al., 1991Simão, S.M., Barreiros, E.L., Silva, M.F.G.F., Gottlieb, O.R., 1991. Chemogeographical evolution of quassinoids in Simaroubaceae. Phytochemistry 30,853-865.; Arriaga et al., 2002Arriaga, A.M.C., Mesquita, A.C., Pouliquen, Y.B.M., Lima, R.A., Cavalcante, S.H., Carvalho, M.G., Siqueira, J.A., Alegrio, L.V., Braz-Filho, R., 2002. Chemical constituents of Simarouba versicolor. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 74,415-424.; Muhammad et al., 2004Muhammad, I., Bedir, E., Khan, S.I., Tekwani, B.L., Khan, I.A., Takamatsu, S., Pelletier, J., Walker, L.A., 2004. A newantimalarial quassinoid from Simaba orinocensis. J. Nat. Prod. 62,772-777.; Saraiva et al., 2006Saraiva, R.C.G., Pinto, A.C., Nunomura, S.M., Pohlit, A.M., 2006. Triterpenos e alcaloide tipo cantinona dos galhos de Simaba polyphylla (Cavalcante) W. W. Thomas (Simaroubaceae). Quim. Nova 29,264-268.; Silva et al., 2010Silva, M.A.B., Melo, L.V.L., Ribeiro, R.V., Souza, J.P.M., Lima, J.C.S., Martins, D.T.O., Silva, R.M., 2010. Levantamento etnobotânico de plantas utilizadas como anti-hiperlipidêmicas e anorexígenas pela população de nova Xavantina-MT, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. 20,549-562.). There are reports of the use of Brucea antidysenterica in Africa, Brucea javanicaand Ailanthus altissima in China, Simaba guianensis, Quassia amara and Simarouba versicolor in Brazil, Castela texana in Mexico (Muhammad et al., 2004Muhammad, I., Bedir, E., Khan, S.I., Tekwani, B.L., Khan, I.A., Takamatsu, S., Pelletier, J., Walker, L.A., 2004. A newantimalarial quassinoid from Simaba orinocensis. J. Nat. Prod. 62,772-777.; Mendes and Carlini, 2007Mendes, F.R., Carlini, E.A., 2007. Brazilian plants as possible adaptogens: an ethnopharmacological survay of books edited in Brazil. J. Ethnopharmacol. 109,493-500.; Silva et al., 2010Silva, M.A.B., Melo, L.V.L., Ribeiro, R.V., Souza, J.P.M., Lima, J.C.S., Martins, D.T.O., Silva, R.M., 2010. Levantamento etnobotânico de plantas utilizadas como anti-hiperlipidêmicas e anorexígenas pela população de nova Xavantina-MT, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. 20,549-562.) and Quassia amara in French Guyana (Cachet et al., 2009Cachet, N., Valentin, A., Jullian, V., Stien, D., Houël, E., Gornitzka, H., Fillaux, J., Chevalley, S., Hoakwe, F., Bertani, S., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., 2009. Antimalarial activity of simalikalactone E, a new quassinoid of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). Antimicrob. Agents Ch. 53,4393-4398.).
The vast range of biological activities of the different species of Simaroubaceae are given, mainly, due to the quassinoids, for which were attributed antitumor, antimalarial, antiviral, anorectic, insecticide, amebicide, antiparasitic and herbicide activities (Bhattacharjee et al., 2008Bhattacharjee, S., Gupta, G., Bhattacharya, P., Mukherjee, A., Mujumbar, S., Pal, A., Majumdar, S., 2008. Quassin alters the immunological patterns of murine macrophages through generation of nitric oxide to exert antileishmanial activity. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 63,317-324.).
Cytotoxic activity
Cytotoxicity, commonly found within the Simaroubaceae family, is primarily attributed to quassinoids. Canthinone alkaloids and terpenoids can also elicit this kind of activity (Rivero-Cruz et al., 2005Rivero-Cruz, J.F., Lezutekong, R., Lobo-Echeverri, T., Ito, A., Mi, Q., Chai, H.B., Soejarto, D.D., Cordell, G.A., Pezzuto, J.M., Swanson, S.M., Morelli, I., Kinghorn, A.D., 2005. Cytotoxic constituents of the twigs of Simarouba glauca collected from a plot in southern Florida. Phytoter. Res. 19,136-140.). In this context, Shields et al. (2009)Shields, M., Niazi, U., Badal, S., Yee, T., Sutcliffe, M.J., Delgoda, R., 2009. Inhibition of CYP1A1 by quassinoids found in Picrasma excelsa. Planta Med. 75,137-141. found that quassin and neoquassin inhibited the CYP1A1 isoenzyme, an isoform of the P450 cytochrome enzyme known for its carcinogenic activity, consequently assuming an important role as a chemoprotector (Shields et al., 2009Shields, M., Niazi, U., Badal, S., Yee, T., Sutcliffe, M.J., Delgoda, R., 2009. Inhibition of CYP1A1 by quassinoids found in Picrasma excelsa. Planta Med. 75,137-141.). Simalikalactone D has also demonstrated a promising cytotoxic activity against mammary human adenocarcinoma cells (Houël et al., 2009Houël, E., Bertani, S., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., Jullian, V., Valentin, A., Chevalley, S., Stien, D., 2009. Quassinoid constituents of Quassia amara I. Leaf herbal tea. Impact on its antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity.J. Ethnopharmacol. 126,114-118.).
Rivero-Cruz and collaborators (2005)Rivero-Cruz, J.F., Lezutekong, R., Lobo-Echeverri, T., Ito, A., Mi, Q., Chai, H.B., Soejarto, D.D., Cordell, G.A., Pezzuto, J.M., Swanson, S.M., Morelli, I., Kinghorn, A.D., 2005. Cytotoxic constituents of the twigs of Simarouba glauca collected from a plot in southern Florida. Phytoter. Res. 19,136-140.confirmed the cytotoxic activity of four canthin-6-one derived alkaloids, isolated from Simarouba glauca, against human colon cancer, human oral epidermoid cancer, human hormone-dependent prostate cancer and human lung cancer cells. Moreover, against the latter, a squalene-type triterpenoid was also active. Furthermore, Jiang and Zhou (2008)Jiang, X.M., Zhou, Y., 2008. Canthin-6-one alkaloids from Picrasma quassioides and their cytotoxic activity. J. Asian. Nat. Prod. Res. 10,1009-1012.demonstrated the activity of four alkaloids, also derived from canthin-6-one, isolated from Picrasma quassioides, against nasopharynx carcinoma cells.
Antitumor activity
Many species of the Simaroubaceae family display prominent antitumor activity, and the main genera are: Ailanthus, Brucea, Simarouba, Quassia, Picrolemma, Simaba and Picrasma (Chart 1). The major metabolites related to the antitumoral activity of several species include quassinoids and alkaloids (Rivero-Cruz et al., 2005Rivero-Cruz, J.F., Lezutekong, R., Lobo-Echeverri, T., Ito, A., Mi, Q., Chai, H.B., Soejarto, D.D., Cordell, G.A., Pezzuto, J.M., Swanson, S.M., Morelli, I., Kinghorn, A.D., 2005. Cytotoxic constituents of the twigs of Simarouba glauca collected from a plot in southern Florida. Phytoter. Res. 19,136-140.).
Among the most potent quassinoids with such antitumor activity, bruceantin, bruceantinol, glacarubinone and simalikalctone D (Guo et al., 2009Guo, Z., Vangapandu, S., Sindelar, R.W., Walker, L.A., Sindelar, R.D., 2009. Biologically active quassinoids and their chemistry: potential leads for drug design. Frontier. Med. Chem. 4,285-308.) deserve special attention. Bruceantin is the main compound studied due to its noted antileukemic activity, which has enabled its use in clinical tests at the United States National Cancer Institute (Polonsky et al., 1978Polonsky, J., Varon, Z., Jacquemin, H., Pettit, G.R., 1978. The isolation and structure of 13,18-dehydroglaucarubinone a new antineoplastic quassinoid from Simarouba amara. Experientia 34,1122-1123.; Bedikian et al., 1979Bedikian, A.Y., Valdivieseo, M., Bodey, G.P., Murphy, W.K., Freireich, E.J., 1979. Initial clinical studies with bruceantin. Cancer Treat. Rep. 63,1843-1847.). Chaparrinone and chaparrin as well as isobrucein B, sergeolide and quassimarin, isolated from species of Picrolemma, Simaba and Quassia, also displayed good antileukemic activity (Kupchan and Streelman, 1976Kupchan, S.M., Streelman, D.R., 1976. Quassimarin, a new antileukemic quassinoid from Quassia amara. J. Org. Chem. 41,3481-3482.; Moretti et al., 1982Moretti, C., Polonsky, J., Vuilhorgne, M., Prange, T., 1982. Isolation and structure of sergeolide, a potent cytotoxic quassinoid from Picrolemma pseudocoffea. Tetrahedron Lett. 23,647-650.; Moretti, 1986Moretti, C., Bhatnagar, S., Beloeil, J.C., Polonsky, J., 1986. Two new quassinoids from Simaba multiflora fruits. J. Nat. Prod. 49,440-444.).
Ailantinone and glaucarubinone displayed effects against human pharynx epidermoid carcinoma (Wright et al., 1993Wright, C.W., Anderson, M.M., Allen, D., Phillipson, J.D., Kirby, G.C., Warhurst, D.C., Chang, H.R., 1993. Quassinoids exhibit greater selectivity against Plasmodium falciparum than aginst Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis or Toxoplasma gondii in vitro. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 40,244-246.). Glaucarubinone has also been reported to show activity against solid and multiresilient mammary tumors in rats (Valeriote et al., 1998Valeriote, F.A., Corbett, T.H., Grieco, P.A., Moher, E.D., Collins, J.L., Fleck, T.J., 1998. Anticancer activity of glaucarubinone analogues. Oncol. Res. 10,201-208.). AECHL-1, a quassinoid isolated from Ailanthus excelsa, inhibited the growth of melanoma, prostate cancer, carcinoma and mammary adenocarcinoma cell lines. This last molecule has been proved to be more potent than paclitaxel and cisplatine, drugs commonly used in therapeutic (Lavhale et al., 2009Lavhale, M.S., Kumar, S., Mishra, S.H., Sitasawad, S.L., 2009. A novel triterpenoid isolated from the root bark of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb (tree of heaven), AECHL-1 as a potential anti-cancer agent. Plos One4, e5365. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005365.
). Quassimarin, isolated from Quassia amara, showed activity against lymphocytic leukemia in rats, and carcinoma nasopharynx cells in human (Kupchan and Streelman, 1976Kupchan, S.M., Streelman, D.R., 1976. Quassimarin, a new antileukemic quassinoid from Quassia amara. J. Org. Chem. 41,3481-3482.).
Although the antitumor activity of these compounds has been previously determined,most are too toxic for clinical use. However, the search for new natural sources of more potent and less toxic quassinoids, and the structural modification of previously known compounds to lower their toxicity, constitute interesting alternatives for the development of anticancer drugs (Guo et al., 2009Guo, Z., Vangapandu, S., Sindelar, R.W., Walker, L.A., Sindelar, R.D., 2009. Biologically active quassinoids and their chemistry: potential leads for drug design. Frontier. Med. Chem. 4,285-308.).
Antimalarial activity
Many studies with plants from the Simaroubaceae family have shown promising results against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum cultures, quassinoids being the primary responsible for such activity (Murgu, 1998Murgu, M., 1998. Estudo de metodologias analíticas para quassinoides: espectrometria de massas e cromatografia. São Carlos, 131p. Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Pós-graduação em Química, Universidade Federal de São Carlos.). Cachet and collaborators (2009)Cachet, N., Valentin, A., Jullian, V., Stien, D., Houël, E., Gornitzka, H., Fillaux, J., Chevalley, S., Hoakwe, F., Bertani, S., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., 2009. Antimalarial activity of simalikalactone E, a new quassinoid of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). Antimicrob. Agents Ch. 53,4393-4398. demonstrated the antimalarial activity from simalikalactone E. Simalikalactone D also showed great in vivo and in vitro activity (Bertani et al., 2006Bertani, S., Houël, E., Stien, D., Chevolot, L., Jullian, V., Garavito, G., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., 2006. Simalikalactone D is responsible for the antimalarial properties of an amazonian traditional remedy made with Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). J. Ethnopharmacol. 108,155-157.; Houël et al., 2009Houël, E., Bertani, S., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., Jullian, V., Valentin, A., Chevalley, S., Stien, D., 2009. Quassinoid constituents of Quassia amara I. Leaf herbal tea. Impact on its antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity.J. Ethnopharmacol. 126,114-118.) and its synergic effect with atovaquone, a classic antimalarial, was later confirmed (Bertani et al., 2012Bertani, S., Houël, E., Stien, D., Chevolot, L., Jullian, V., Garavito, G., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., 2012. New findings on simalikalactone D, an antimalarial compound from Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). Exp. Parasitol. 130,341-347.). Other quassinoids that showed significant antimalarial activity include: ailanthone, 6α-tigloyloxychaparrinone (Okunade et al., 2003Okunade, A.L., Bikoff, E.L., Casper, S.J., Oskman, A., Goldberg, D.E., Lewis, W.H., 2003. Antiplasmodial activity of extracts and quassinoids isolated from seedlings of Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaeae). Phytother. Res. 17,675-670.), pasakbumines B and C, eurycomanone (Kuo et al., 2004Kuo, P.C., Damu, A.G., Lee, K.H., Wu, T.S., 2004. Cytotoxic and antimalarial constituents from the roots of Eurycoma longifolia. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 12,537-544.; Chan et al., 2004Chan, K.L., Choo, C.Y., Abdullah, N.R., Ismail, Z., 2004. Antiplasmodial studies of Eurycoma longifolia Jack using lactate dehydrogenase assay of Plasmodium falciparum. J. Ethnopharmacol. 92,223-227.), simalikalactone D (Houël et al., 2009Houël, E., Bertani, S., Bourdy, G., Deharo, E., Jullian, V., Valentin, A., Chevalley, S., Stien, D., 2009. Quassinoid constituents of Quassia amara I. Leaf herbal tea. Impact on its antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity.J. Ethnopharmacol. 126,114-118.), orinocinolid (Muhammad et al., 2004Muhammad, I., Bedir, E., Khan, S.I., Tekwani, B.L., Khan, I.A., Takamatsu, S., Pelletier, J., Walker, L.A., 2004. A newantimalarial quassinoid from Simaba orinocensis. J. Nat. Prod. 62,772-777.), isobrucein B and neosergeolide (Andrade-Neto et al., 2007Andrade-Neto, V.F., Pohlit, A.M., Pinto, A.C., Silva, E.C., Nogueira, K.L., Melo, M.R., Henrique, M.C., Amorim, R.C., Silva, L.F., Costa, M.R., Nunomura, R.C., Nunomura, S.M., Alecrim, W.D., Alecrim, M.D., Chaves, F.C., Vieira, P.F., 2007. In vitro inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum by substances isolatade from Amazonian antimalarial plants. Mem. I. Oswaldo Cruz 102.359-365.; Silva et al., 2009aSilva, E.C.C., Cavalcanti, B.C., Amorim, R.C.N., Lucena, J.F., Quadros, D.S., Tadi, W.P., Montenegro, R.C., Costa-Lotufo, L.V., Pessoa, C., Moraes, M.O., Nunomura, R.C.S., Nunomura, S.M., Melo, M.R.S., Andrade-Neto, V.F., Silva, L.F.R., Vieira, P.P.R., Pohlit, A.M., 2009a. Biological activity of neosergeolide and isobrucein B (and two semi-synthetic derivatives) isolated from the Amazonian medicinal plant Picrolemma sprucei (Simaroubaceae). Mem. I. Oswaldo Cruz 104,48-56.). The characteristic structural conformation of quassinoids has a direct relation to their activity, as an α,β-insaturated ketone in the A ring, an epoxymethylene bond in the C ring and esteric functional groups at C-15, essential in the antimalarial activity (Kaur et al., 2009Kaur, K., Jain, M., Kaur, T., Jain, R., 2009. Antimalarials from nature. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 17,3229-3256.).
The action mechanisms associated include protein synthesis inhibition however it would be different from those observen in tumor cells, given that quassinoids have shown a higher selectivity for Plasmodium falciparum in comparison to KB cells (Anderson et al., 1991Anderson, M.M., O'Neill, M.J., Phillipson, J.D., Warhurst, D.C., 1991. In vitro cytotoxicity of a series of quassinoids from Brucea javanica fruits against KB cells. Planta Med. 57,62-64.). Compounds with a higher antimalarial activity include: simalikalactone D, glaucarubinone, soularubinone (Polonsky, 1985Polonsky, J., 1985. Quassinoid bitter principles II. Forstch. Chem. Org. Naturst. 41,221-264.), holacanthone, 2'-acetylglaucarubinone and ailanthinone (O'Neill et al., 1988O'Neill, M.J., Bray, D.H., Boardman, P., Wright, C.W., Phillipson, J.D., Warhurst, D.C., Gupta, M.P., Correya. M., Solis, P., 1988. Plants as sources of antimalarial drugs, Part 6: activities of Simarouba amara fruits. J. Ethnopharmacol. 22,183-190.), most of them found in Simarouba amara.
Feeding deterrent and insecticide activity
Many quassinoids have been deemed the responsible agents for alterations in feeding behaviour and growth regulation of insects (Govindachari et al., 2001Govindachari, T.R., Krishna, K.G.N,, Gopalakrishnan, G., Suresh, G., Wesley, S.D., Seelatha, T., 2011. Insect antifeedant and growth regulating activities of quassinoids from Samadera indica. Fitoterapia 72,568-571.). Previous studies have demonstrated the insecticide activity of these compounds in Tetranychus urticae, Myzus persicae, Meloidogyne incognita (Latif et al., 2000Latif, Z.L., Craven, L., Hartley, T.G., Kemp, B.R., Potter, J., Rice, M.J., Waigh, R.D., Waterman, P.G., 2000. An insecticidal quassinoid from the new australian species Quassia sp. aff. bidwillii. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 28,183-184.) and Rhodnius milesi (Coelho, 2006Coelho, A.A.M., 2006. Análise inseticida de extratos de plantas do bioma cerrado sobre triatomíneos e larvas de Aedes aegypti. Brasilia, 138p. Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pósgraduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade de Brasilia.). Quassin, as well as simalikalactone D, bruceantine, glaucarubinone and isobrucein, has been proven to be an effective aphid antifeedant agent against the Mexican bean beetle (Epilachna varivestis), the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostela) and the south caterpillar (Daido et al., 1995Daido, M., Fukamiya, N., Okano, M., 1995. Picrasinol D, a new quassinoid from the stem wood of Picrasma ailanthoides. J. Nat. Prod. 58,605-608.).
Isobrucein B and neosergeolide, quassinoids found in Picolemma sprucei, display larvicidal properties against Aedes aegypti larvae (Silva et al., 2009aSilva, E.C.C., Cavalcanti, B.C., Amorim, R.C.N., Lucena, J.F., Quadros, D.S., Tadi, W.P., Montenegro, R.C., Costa-Lotufo, L.V., Pessoa, C., Moraes, M.O., Nunomura, R.C.S., Nunomura, S.M., Melo, M.R.S., Andrade-Neto, V.F., Silva, L.F.R., Vieira, P.P.R., Pohlit, A.M., 2009a. Biological activity of neosergeolide and isobrucein B (and two semi-synthetic derivatives) isolated from the Amazonian medicinal plant Picrolemma sprucei (Simaroubaceae). Mem. I. Oswaldo Cruz 104,48-56.). Chaparramarin, found in Castela tortuosa, has growth inhibitory activity against Heliothis virescens (Kubo et al., 1992Kubo, I., Murae, Y., Chaudhuri, S.K., 1992. Structure of chaparramarin, a quassinoid from Castela tortuosa. Phytochemistry 31,3262-3264.). Extracts of Quassia amara elicited feeding deterrant activity against Bemisia tabaci (Flores et al., 2008Flores, G., Hilje, L., Mora, G.A., Carballo, M., 2008. Antifeedant activity of botanical crude extracts and their fractions on Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) adults: III. Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 56,2131-2146.) and Hypsipyla grandella(Mancebo et al., 2000Mancebo, F., Hilje, L., Mora, G.A., Salazar, R., 2000. Antifeedant activity of Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae) extracts on Hypsipyla grandella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Larvae. Crop. Prot. 19,301-305.).
Other biological activities
At high concentrations some quassinoids show in vitro antiviral activity. Simalikalactone D is active against Rous sarcoma oncogenic virus (Pierré et al., 1980Pierré, A., Robert-Géro, M., Tempête, C., Polonsky, J., 1980. Structural requirements of quassinoids for the inhibition of cell transformations. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co. 93,675-680.), Herpes simplex type 1 virus, Vesicular stomatitis virus, Poliomyelitisand Semliki forest virus (Apers et al., 2002Apers, S., Cimanga, K., Vanden Berghe, D., Van Meenen, E., Longanga, A.O., Foriers, A., Vlietinck, A., Pieters, L., 2002. Antiviral activity of Simalikalactone D, a quassinoid from Quassia africana. Planta Med. 68,20-24.), while shinjulactone is active against HIV virus (Okano et al., 1996Okano, M., Fukamiya, N., Tagahara, H., Cosentino, M., Lee, T.T.Y., Morris-Natschke,, Lee, K.H., 1996. Anti-hiv activity of quassinoids. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 6,701-706.). Previous reports also found these compounds elicit anti-inflammatory activity (Guo et al., 2009Guo, Z., Vangapandu, S., Sindelar, R.W., Walker, L.A., Sindelar, R.D., 2009. Biologically active quassinoids and their chemistry: potential leads for drug design. Frontier. Med. Chem. 4,285-308.; Hall et al., 1983Hall, I.H., Liou, Y.F., Lee, K.H., Chaney, S.G., Willingham, W.J., 1983. Antitumor agents LIX: effects of quassinoids on protein synthesis of a number of murine tumors and normal cells. J. Pharm. Sci. 72,626-630.). In addition,Beyond them brusatol, as well as samaderins X and B, can be highlighted (Kitagawa et al., 1996Kitagawa, I., Mahmud, T., Yokota, K., Nakagawa, S., Mayumi, T., Kobayashi, M., Shibuya, H., 1996. Indonesian medicinal plants. XVII. Characterization of quassinoids from the steams of Quassia indica. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 44,2009-2014.). Among the antiviral active alkaloids, those isolated from Picrasma quassioidesare important, since they were active against tobbaco mosaic virus (Chen et al., 2009Chen, J., Yan, X.H., Dong, J.H., Sang, P., Fang, X., Di, Y.T., Zhang, Z.K., Hao, X.J., 2009. Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) inhibitors from Picrasma quassioides Benn. J. Agr. Food Chem. 57,6590-6595.). Regarding the amebicide activity of quassinoids (Wright et al., 1988Wright, C.W., O'Neill, M.J., Phillipson, J.D., Warhurst, D.C., 1988. Use of microdilution to assess in vitro antiamoebic activities of Brucea javanica fruits, Simarouba amara stem, and a number of quassinoids. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 32,1725-1729.), bruceantin was considered the most potent (Gillin et al., 1982Gillin, F.D., Reiner, D.S., Suffness, M., 1982. Bruceantin, a potent amoebicide from the plant Brucea antidysenterica. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 22,342-345.).
The herbicidal activity of these compounds was verified in a study that revealed that excelsin was a growth regulator of Chenopodium album and Amaranthuns retroflexus in soy (Guo et al., 2009Guo, Z., Vangapandu, S., Sindelar, R.W., Walker, L.A., Sindelar, R.D., 2009. Biologically active quassinoids and their chemistry: potential leads for drug design. Frontier. Med. Chem. 4,285-308.). Furthermore, Tada and collaborators (1991)Tada, H., Yasuda, F., Otani, K., Doteuchi, M., Ishhara, Y., Shiro, M., 1991. New antiulcer quassinoids from Eurycroma longifolia. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 26,345-349. reported antiulcerogenic activity for pasakbumins A, B, C and D.
Besides the reported activities of quassinoids and canthinone alkaloids, many pharmacological studies have documented the different activities of many extracts and isolated compounds from Simaroubaceae's species (Chart 1). The anti-inflammatory activity of a seterterpene lactone, two neolignans and a flavonol of Picrasma quassioides was proven (Jiao et al., 2011Jiao, W.H., Gao, H., Zhao, F., He, F., Zhou, G.X., Yao, X.S., 2011. A new neolignan and a new sesterterpenoid from the stems of Picrasma quassioides Bennet. Chem. Biodiversity 8,1163-1169.). Species of the genus Ailanthus display antiasthmatic and antiallergenic activities (Kumar et al., 2011Kumar, D., Bhat, Z.A., Singh, P., Khatanglakar, V., Bhujbal, S.S., 2011. Antiasthmatic and antiallergic potential of methanolic extract of leaves of Ailanthus excelsa. Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. 21,139-145.); hypotensive activity, mediated by Angiotensin Conversion Enzyme (ACE) inhibition by flavonoids (Loizzo et al., 2007Loizzo, M.R., Said, A., Tundis, R., Rashed, K., Statti, G.A., Hufner, A., Menichi, F., 2007. Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) by flavonoids isolated from Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb) (Simaroubaceae). Phytother. Res. 21,32-36.); and, in the genus Castela, plant growth inhibitory activity (Lin et al., 1995Lin, L.J., Peiser, G., Ying, B.P., Mathias, K., Karasina, F., Wang, Z., Itatani, J., Green, L., Hwang, Y.R., 1995. Identification of plant growth inhibitor principles in Ailanthus altissima and Castela tortuosa. J. Agr. Food Chem. 43,1708-1711.). Species from Brucea genus have been shown to have antiprotozoal activity, against two Trypanosoma species (T. cruzi and T.brucei) and Leishmania infantum (Ehata et al., 2012Ehata, M.T., Phuati, A.M., Lumpu, S.N., Munduku, C.K., Phongi, D.B., Lutete, G.T., Kabangu, O.K., Kanyanga, R.C., Matheeussen, A., Cos, P., Apers, S., Pieters, L., Maes, L., Vlietnick, A.J., 2012. In vitro antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activity of the aqueous extract, the 80% methanol extract and its fractions from the seeds of Brucea sumatrana Roxb. (Simaroubaceae) growing in Democratic Republic of Congo. Chin. Med. 3,65-71.), and quassinoids have been attributed to hypoglycemic activity (Noorshahida et al., 2009Noorshahida, A., Wong, T.W., Choo, C.Y., 2009. Hypoglycemic effect of quassinoids from Brucea javanica (l.) Merr (Simaroubaceae) seeds. J. Ethnopharmacol. 124,586-591.).
Eurycoma longifolia, stimulated the increase in spermatogenesis and fertility in rats (Low et al., 2013Low, B.S., Das, P.K., Chan, K.L., 2013. Standardized quassinoidrich Eurycoma longifolia extract improved spermatogenesis and fertility in male rats via the hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axis. J. Ethnopharmacol. 145,706-714.). On the other hand, Quassia amara showed antifertilizing properties (Toma et al., 2002Toma, W., Gracioso, J.S., Andrade, F.D.P., Hiruma-Lima, C.A., Vilegas, W., Souza Brito, A.R.M., 2002. Antiulcerogenic activity of four extracts obtained from the bark wood of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae). Biol. Pharm. Bull. 25,1151-1155.; Raji and Bolarinwa, 1997Raji, Y., Bolarinwa, A.F., 1997. Antifertility activity of Quassia amara in male rats: in vivo study. Life Sci. 61,1067-1074.), along with antiulcerogenic activity in acute ulcer-induced models (García-Barrantes and Badilla, 2011García-Barrantes, P.M., Badilla, B., 2011. Anti-ulcerogenic properties of Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae) standardized extracts in rodent models. J. Ethnopharmacol. 134,904-910.); antidiabetic activity, with significant reduction of associated dyslipidemia (Hussain et al., 2011Hussain, G.M., Singh, P.N., Singh, R.K., Kumar, V., 2011. Antidiabetic activity of standardized extraxt of Quassia amara in nicotinamide-streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Phytoter. Res. 25,1806-1812.); and analgesic and antiedematogenic activity, probably associated to sedating and muscular relaxing or psychomimetic activities (Toma et al., 2003Toma, W., Gracioso, J.S., Hiruma-Lima, C.A., Andrade, F.D.P., Vilegas, W., Souza Brito, A.R.M., 2003. Evaluation of the analgesic and antiedematogenic activities of Quassia amara bark extract. J. Ethnopharmacol. 85,19-23.). Picrolemma sprucei exhibits anthelmintic activity against Haemonchus contortus, a ruminant's parasite (Nunomura et al., 2006Nunomura, R.C.S., Silva, E.C.C., Oliveira, D.F., Garcia, A.M., Boeloni, J.N., Nunomura, S.M., Pohlit, A.M., 2006. In vitro studies of the anthelmintic activity of Picrolemma sprucei Hook. F. (Simaroubaceae). Acta Amaz. 36,327-330.). Simaba ferruginea showed antiulcerogenic activity by gastroprotection (Almeida et al., 2011Almeida, E.S.S., Filho, V.C., Niero, R., Clasen, B.K., Balogun, S.O., Martins, D.T.O., 2011. Pharmacological mechanisms underlying the anti-ulcer activity of methanol extract and canthin-6-one of Simaba ferruginea A. St-Hil.in animal models. J. Ethnopharmacol. 134,630-636.).
The aqueous extract of Simarouba amara promoted the differentiation of human skin keratinocytes and increased the production of involucrin, cholesterol and ceramides as well thus it may be used for dry skin as it also improves water retention by the stratum corneum (Bonté et al., 1996Bonté, F., Barré, P., Pinguet, P., Dusser, I., Dumas, M., Meybeck, A., 1996. Simarouba amara extract increases human skin keratinocyte differentiation. J. Etnopharmacol. 53,5-74.; Casetti et al, 2011Casetti, F., Wölfle, U., Gehring, W., Schempp, C.M., 2011. Dermocosmetics for dry skin: A new role for botanical extracts. Skin Pharmacol. Physiol. 24,289-293.). Due to these findings, a patent was registered in 1997 for cosmetic or pharmaceutical use for the skin (Bonté et al., 1997Bonté, F., Meybeck, A., Dumas, M., October, 14, 1997. Use of Simarouba amara extract for reducing patchy skin pigmentation. United States Patent, number 5,676,948.).
Discussion and Conclusion
This paper is a review of the botanical, chemical and pharmacological characteristics of the major genera and species of Simaroubaceae family. This family is of great importance and relevance in the ethnopharmacological framework since many of its species are widely used in the folk medicine practice of many countries, and are part of the official compendia. Many genera of this family are employed in the treatment of malaria, cancer, worms, viruses, gastritis, ulcer, inflammation, diarrhea and diabetes, in addition to their insecticide, healing and tonic activities. In addition to the ethnopharmacological uses, plants from the Simaroubaceae family can be highlighted for their chemical diversity, since the presence of quassinoids, alkaloids, terpenes, steroids, flavonoids, anthraquinones, coumarins, saponins, monoand sesquiterpenes, among others, have been determined. This chemical diversity and the pharmacological activities of the isolated compounds; such as cytotoxicity, antimalarial, insecticidal, antitumor, hypoglycemic, antiulcer activities, among others, characterize the species of this particular family. They are potential sources for the isolation and structural elucidation of new of novel bioactive compounds that could provide information for the development of herbal medicines, phytopharmaceuticals and phyto cosmetics.
Therefore, the compilation of knowledge regarding the triad botany-chemistry-pharmacology of Simaroubaceae family can significantly contribute to the direction, base and development of new and promising research and preventing the knowledge stagnation of recent years.
The autors are thankful to CNPq for the financial support, and to Tarcisio Leão, for the pictures of Simarouba amara.
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