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Estimativa para cálculo de ozônio total usando dados de UVB E UVA do observatório espacial do sul, Brasil

The total ozone has been obtained through ultraviolet (UV) radiation detectors as Radiometers and Spectroradiometers. It was used as an alternative method for stations which do not have expensive equipments to measure ozone such as Brewer Spectrophotometers. The aim of this work is to find mathematical models using the relation between UVB/UVA radiation ratios measured by Spectroradiometer MS 701 and Radiometers UV-B MS 212 W and UV-A MS 212 A and effective ozone measured by Brewer Spectrophotometer MKIII #167. The equipments are installed at the Southern Space Observatory, at southern Brazil. The periods selected for this analysis were the year of 2003 for Spectroradiometer and of 2005 for Radiometers, where only clean sky days were used. The mathematical models that we have derived were exponential functions with correlation coefficient of the order of 0.85 for the relation with Spectroradiometer and of order of 0.99 for the relation with Radiometers. The effective ozone data obtained by Spectroradiometer and Radiometers were fitted with these models and compared with the Brewer and TOMS total ozone. The average difference between the Spectroradiometer model results and Brewer total ozone was 0.7% and between the Spectroradiometer model and TOMS ozone data was 3.1%, while the comparison between the average difference of Radiometers' model and Brewer ozone data was 2% and between Radiometers' model and TOMS was 4.3%. It verifies the efficiency of the method used and the good approximation of the models.

ozone; ultraviolet radiation; radiometer; spectroradiometer

Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica Av. Rio Branco, 156, sala 2510, 20043-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel. / Fax: (55 21) 2533-0064 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil