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The use of appropriability mechanisms in collaborative innovation projects in information technology business services


This article discusses how firms build the appropriation of innovation in business services in which suppliers and customers need to collaborate for the development of innovation. The work involved the study of multiple cases of supplier-customer dyads in the development of innovative projects intensive in the use of information technology. The study identifies that the choice of appropriation mechanisms is established in a dynamic process, maintaining a relationship with the project's progress and with the degree of exposure of the involved knowledge flow. The findings also suggest that the mechanisms for the appropriation of innovation are presented in a combined way between those of a formal and informal nature, maintaining a relationship with the evolution of the collaborative project, and that they are used for two general purposes: prevention of imitation and support of innovative capabilities.

Innovation; Appropriability; Business services; Collaboration

Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua: Carlos Gomes, 250. Bairro Cidade Universitária, Cep: 13083-855 , Campinas - SP / Brasil , Tel: +55 (19) 3521-5176 - Campinas - SP - Brazil