Logomarca do periódico: Revista Brasileira de Inovação

Open-access Revista Brasileira de Inovação

Publication of: Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Area: Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 1677-2504
ISSN online version: 2178-2822

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Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Volume: 23, Published: 2024
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Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Volume: 23, Published: 2024

Document list
Comparative analysis of the absorptive capacity of knowledge of auto parts companies in Rio Grande do Sul Neis, Andressa Rohenkohl, Júlio Eduardo

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The article analyzes auto parts companies in Rio Grande do Sul so as to understand their knowledge absorption capacities and to identify important combinations to reach Absorptive Capacity. The Absorptive Capacity is a dynamic skill, and relationships among learning, innovation and interaction may boost knowledge absorption and improve companies' innovative capabilities. Data analysis using Fuzzy Sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis revealed necessary and sufficient conditions related to the dimensions and components that shape the Absorptive Capacity. It was observed that the combinations of capabilities of the companies are sufficient to reach an average level of Absorptive Capacity.
Achieving sustainable competitive advantages: R&D, patents, and trademarks strategies in Big Pharma Predo, Renata Martins Ballini, Rosangela Sarti, Fernando

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO O presente artigo busca aprofundar o entendimento das vantagens competitivas sustentadas construídas através das estratégias de investimentos em P&D e de registros de patentes e trademarks pela Big Pharma, à luz dos três grupos de atividades principais relacionados às capacitações dinâmicas: identificar, aproveitar e transformar. A utilização deste arcabouço contribui para o entendimento das estratégias de P&D, patentes e trademarks pela Big Pharma na criação de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis e na permanência e estabilidade dessas empresas como líderes do setor. A identificação de oportunidades de P&D que despontam do setor público, a capacidade de aproveitar as oportunidades identificadas através de competências organizacionais e as estratégias constantes de transformação de recursos – como o evergreening – e a construção de marcas fortes foram identificadas como parte importante das capacitações dinâmicas dessas firmas que possibilitam a criação e manutenção de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis.

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This article seeks to deepen the understanding of sustained competitive advantages built through strategies of R&D investments, and patents and trademarks registrations by Big Pharma, within the framework of the three main activity clusters related to dynamic capabilities: sensing, seizing, and transforming. The use of this framework contributes to the comprehension of the strategies of R&D, patents, and trademarks by Big Pharma in creating sustained competitive advantages and in the endurance and stability of these companies as industry leaders. The identification of R&D opportunities emerging from the public sector, the ability to leverage identified opportunities through organizational competencies and consistent strategies for resource transformation – such as evergreening –, and brand building have been recognized as significant components of the dynamic capabilities of the firms that enable the creation and maintenance of sustained competitive advantages.
Public procurement for innovation and offset in military aeronautics: KC-390 case Sousa, Cairo Humberto da Cruz Ribeiro, Cássio Garcia Ferreira, Marcos José Barbieri

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO Este artigo visa analisar as oportunidades geradas pelos acordos de offset do programa KC-390 para a Cadeia Aeronáutica Brasileira (CAB), assim como seus limites e desafios. O KC-390 marca um ponto de virada nas encomendas da FAB, destacando-se não só pelos desafios tecnológicos superados pela Embraer, mas também pelas oportunidades tecnológicas oferecidas a outras empresas brasileiras, decorrentes dos acordos de compensação firmados com cinco fornecedores estrangeiros de sistemas e componentes embarcados. A pesquisa de campo revelou que uma parte significativa desses acordos de offset esteve vinculada à manutenção, refletindo uma estratégia da FAB de buscar autonomia no ciclo operacional da nova aeronave de transporte militar e de reduzir custos operacionais. Apesar desse direcionamento, cabe ressaltar o fato de que ao menos dois acordos – nas áreas de aviônicos e de rádio de comunicação segura – envolveram a transferência de tecnologia e o desenvolvimento de um novo produto para o país. Dessa forma, este caso ilustra a janela de oportunidade criada por encomendas dessa magnitude, através da qual as autoridades governamentais podem impulsionar o desenvolvimento industrial e tecnológico do país por meio dos acordos de offset.

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze the opportunities generated by the offset agreements of the KC-390 program for the Brazilian Aeronautical Chain (BAC), as well as its limits and challenges. The KC-390 marks a turning point in the Brazilian Air Force's orders, standing out not only for the technological challenges overcome by Embraer but also for the technological opportunities offered to other Brazilian companies, resulting from compensation agreements signed with five foreign suppliers of systems and onboard components. Field research revealed that a significant portion of these offset agreements was linked to maintenance, reflecting the Brazilian Air Force's strategy to seek autonomy in the operational cycle of the new military transport aircraft and to reduce operational costs. Despite this direction, it is worth mentioning that at least two agreements - in the areas of avionics and secure communication radio - involved technology transfer and the development of a new product for the country. Thus, this case illustrates the window of opportunity created by orders of this magnitude, through which government authorities can boost the country's industrial and technological development through offset agreements..
Information and innovations in the social network of ecological coffee producers – Ceará Braga, Francisco Laercio Pereira Campos, Kilmer Coelho Lima, Filipe Augusto Xavier Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos de Santana

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO Este trabalho constrói e analisa a estrutura da rede social de produção de café sombreado/ecológico da região do Maciço de Baturité, no Estado do Ceará. Para tanto, foram realizadas pesquisas de campo e estudo de caso com 36 produtores de café ecológico dos municípios de Mulungu, Baturité e Guaramiranga, aplicando-se o conceitual de Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS). Os principais resultados mostram que a densidade da rede da região ficou em 6,7%. Isso reforça o argumento de que as informações circulam em menor velocidade e de que há pouca interação dos atores da rede para troca de ideias, experiências, erros e acertos individuais e coletivos, fator limitante para o conhecimento de inovações implementadas por outros produtores locais. A atuação das universidades, associações de produtores, poder público e instituições de apoio são importantes para troca de informações sobre produção e comercialização do café ecológico e para estimular as inovações a serem exploradas.

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This study constructs and analyzes the structure of the social network of shaded/ecological coffee production in the region of Maciço de Baturité, in the state of Ceará. For this purpose, field research and case studies were conducted with 36 producers of ecological coffee from the municipalities of Mulungu, Baturité, and Guaramiranga, applying the conceptual framework of Social Network Analysis (SNA). The main results show that the density of the network in the region was only 6.7%. This reinforces the argument that information circulates at a slower pace and that there is little interaction among actors in the network for the exchange of ideas, experiences, individual and collective successes and mistakes, which is a limiting factor for the knowledge of innovations implemented by other local producers. The involvement of universities, producer associations, government, and support institutions is important for the exchange of information about the production and commercialization of ecological coffee and to encourage innovations to be explored.
Cuenta Satélite de I+D: una propuesta metodológica para Ecuador Andino, Miguel Acosta Andino, Byron Acosta Almeida, Anderson Argothy

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to propose a methodology for the construction of the R&D Satellite Account of Ecuador. For its development, inputs such as R&D capital expenditure, net operating surplus, other taxes less production subsidies, fixed capital consumption, and software duplication were utilized. The methodology is based on two phases i) Treatment of information; ii) construction of the satellite account, taking into account the methodological approaches for the construction of Supply-Use Tables (SUT). The research contributes to a better understanding and measurement of the investment in R&D in the country, highlighting that the Services sector is the main generator of R&D, followed by the manufacturing sector, and emphasizing its impact on gross capital formation. This contribution not only allows for the identification of key sectors driving R&D production but can also be crucial for policy formulation and decision-making in the field of innovation and economic growth in Ecuador.

Abstract in Spanish:

RESUMEN Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proponer una metodología para la construcción de la Cuenta Satélite de I+D de Ecuador. Para su construcción se utilizaron como insumo el gasto de capital en I+D, el excedente neto de operación, otros impuestos menos subsidios a la producción, el consumo de capital fijo y la duplicación con Software. La metodología se basa en dos fases i) Tratamiento de la información, y ii) construcción de la cuenta satélite; tomando en consideración las aproximaciones metodológicas de Tablas de Oferta-Utilización (TOU). La investigación contribuye al mejor entendimiento y medición de la inversión en I+D en el país, destacando que el sector de Servicios es el principal generador de I+D, seguido por el sector de manufactura, y resaltando su impacto en la formación bruta de capital. Esta contribución no solo permite identificar los sectores clave impulsando la producción de I+D, sino que también puede ser fundamental para la formulación de políticas y la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la innovación y el crecimiento económico en Ecuador.
Technology-Based Companies (EBTs) in Technology Parks in São Paulo: the relevance of Network Orchestration and Organizational Ambidexterity in Absorptive Capacities and Organizational Performance Melo, Rodrigo Santos de Farina, Milton Carlos Buarque, Brenno Câmara, Samuel Façanha

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO A pesquisa possui como objetivo analisar a relação entre os construtos orquestração, ambidestria e capacidades absortivas no desempenho de empresas de bases tecnológicas participantes de parques tecnológicos paulistas. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram aplicados 79 questionários com empresas de nove parques tecnológicos paulistas em atividade. A análise de resultados foi realizada através da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais Partial Least Squares (MEEPLS). Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram para uma relação substancial entre as capacidades de absorção e entre o desempenho organizacional, através da aplicação de estratégias tanto de inovação exploitation quanto de inovação exploration, sob o contexto da capacidade de orquestração de empresas EBTs. Assim, o artigo contribui para o desenvolvimento de um framework e para o preenchimento de uma lacuna teórica sobre os estudos que tratam de orquestração de redes e de ambidestria organizacional no desempenho de EBTs, ao propor um framework que contribui com a prática da inovação nessas empresas. O framework proposto pode ser utilizado por gestores de parques tecnológicos e por gestores de EBTs que participam de redes de cooperação.

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The research aims to analyze the relationship between the constructs orchestration, ambidexterity and absorptive capabilities in the performance of technology-based companies participating in technology parks in São Paulo. To achieve this objective, 79 questionnaires were administered to companies from nine active technology parks in São Paulo. The results analysis was carried out using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (MEEPLS). The research results pointed to a substantial relationship between absorptive capabilities and organizational performance, through the application of both innovation exploitation and innovation exploration strategies, in the context of the orchestration capacity of EBTs companies. Thus, the article contributes to the development of a framework and to filling a theoretical gap in studies that deal with network orchestration and organizational ambidexterity in the performance of EBTs, by proposing a framework that contributes to the practice of innovation in these companies. The proposed framework can be used by technology park managers and EBT managers who participate in cooperation networks.
Industrial Complexity and Knowledge Bases in Networks: barriers to economic development and opportunities of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro Vasconcellos, Bianca Louzada Xavier La Rovere, Renata Lèbre Pereira, Rafael Silva

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO A estrutura produtiva é determinante para promover o desenvolvimento econômico regional. A abordagem da Complexidade Econômica ajuda a entender o nível de sofisticação industrial, enquanto o conceito de Bases de Conhecimento informa características do conhecimento em uma região. Este trabalho visa a identificar indústrias e conhecimentos necessários para impulsionar o potencial do Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde (CEIS). A metodologia envolveu o uso de dados de emprego para construir indicadores de complexidade e do grau de relacionamento entre as indústrias. Para as Bases de Conhecimento, foram utilizados dados de ocupações. O recorte geográfico e setorial do estudo compreende a Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ) e as indústrias que compõem o CEIS. Como resultado, foram identificados dois gargalos: o primeiro é a ausência da indústria mais complexa do CEIS; o segundo é a carência de ocupações da Base de Conhecimento sintética. Isso significa que o CEIS não opera em seu pleno potencial, o que afeta o desenvolvimento econômico regional.

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The productive structure plays a crucial role to promote regional economic development. The Economic Complexity approach illustrates the level of industrial sophistication, while the concept of Knowledge Bases offers insights into the characteristics of knowledge within a region. This paper aims to identify which industries and types of knowledge are necessary for the Health Economic-Industrial Complex (CEIS) to reach its potential. Complexity indicators have been created based on employment data and the relatedness of industries was assessed using occupational employment data. The geographic and sectoral scope of our study encompasses the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region (RMRJ) and the industries that constitute the CEIS. Results point to two bottlenecks: firstly, the absence of the most complex industry within the CEIS; secondly, the lack of synthetic Knowledge Base-related occupations. This indicates that the CEIS is not operating at its full potential, thereby impacting regional economic development.
Technological intensity patterns and job polarization in Brazil's manufacturing industry Rocha, Gabriella Rodrigues Melo, Tatiana Massaroli de

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Although studies on the innovation-employment nexus are longstanding in economics, current investigations are focused on the effects of digital technologies on the labor market. This paper examines how technological intensity affects job polarization in Brazil's manufacturing industry. Utilizing the technological standardization methodology by Galindo-Rueda and Verger (2016), data were grouped using the Fisher-Jenks algorithm at the two-digit sectoral level. To measure job polarization, the Routine Task Intensity Index (RTI) by Autor and Dorn (2013) was employed. A pattern of production concentration in sectors with lower innovation relative to value added can be observed. According to the RTI, employment in the industry sectors is polarized; however, the hypothesis that higher technological intensity leads to greater job polarization was not observed in some sectors of the Brazilian manufacturing industry.
Coaliciones de producción de vacunas COVID-19. Una mirada desde Latinoamérica Sanmartin, María Cecilia Bortz, Gabriela

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, large pharmaceutical companies from developed countries joined the race for vaccine development, accentuating the disadvantageous position of developing countries in global vaccine production. This paper proposes to analyze the dynamics of the participation of Argentina and Brazil between 2020 and 2022 in the production of COVID-19 vaccines, through the concept of production coalitions, by examining the actors and the cognitive, material, and symbolic elements that sustain them. In the Argentine case, the context of the pandemic allowed a re-legitimization and empowerment of the national (bio)pharmaceutical private sector and the Government, with more fluid relations between the different actors of the coalition. In the case of Brazil, although the institutional imaginaries and cultures embedded in transversal policies of public vaccine production contribute to the empowerment of the public health sector concerning international (bio)pharmaceutical companies, the mass production of vaccines was prioritized, even with imported technologies. In addition, some public policy lessons for developing countries are mentioned in this paper, with the aim of achieving greater resilience in their participation in coalitions.

Abstract in Spanish:

RESUMEN Durante la pandemia por COVID-19, las grandes farmacéuticas de países desarrollados se sumaron a la carrera por el desarrollo de vacunas, acentuándose la posición desventajosa de los países en desarrollo en la producción global de vacunas. Este trabajo propone analizar las dinámicas de la participación de Argentina y Brasil entre 2020 y 2022 en la producción de vacunas COVID-19, a través del concepto de coaliciones de producción, mediante el análisis de los actores y elementos cognitivos, materiales y simbólicos que las sustentan. En el caso argentino, el contexto de la pandemia permitió una re-legitimación y empoderamiento del sector privado (bio)farmacéutico nacional y del Gobierno, con relaciones más fluidas entre los distintos actores de la coalición. En el caso de Brasil, si bien los imaginarios y culturas institucionales embebidos en políticas transversales de producción pública de vacunas contribuyen al empoderamiento del sector sanitario público respecto a las empresas (bio)farmaceuticas internacionales, se priorizó la producción masiva de vacunas aún con tecnologías importadas. Además, en este trabajo se mencionan algunas enseñanzas en materia de políticas públicas para países en desarrollo, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor resiliencia en su participación en las coaliciones.
Tenemos las patentes… ¿y ahora qué? Licencias, explotación y transferencia de las invenciones de Organismos Públicos argentinos Zukerfeld, Mariano Liaudat, Santiago Britto, Fabián Andrés

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT This article explores the extent to which patent applications financed by the Argentine S&T system have been licensed and commercially exploited. This fundamental topic for guiding technology transfer policies, however, has not been analyzed quantitatively. This research seeks to partially fill this gap by means of a survey, which was answered by 145 researchers responsible for PICT projects –the main instrument for financing S&T in the country– who have been inventors and/or patent applicants. Among the main results, the following stand out: i. 28% state that they have at least one licensed patent, while 12% have at least one in exploitation; ii. licensing and exploitation rates are lower when the patent is applied for in Argentina than when it is processed in foreign offices; iii. the main cause indicated for the lack of transfer is the absence of demand or linkage with adopters of the technology.

Abstract in Spanish:

RESUMEN Este artículo indaga en qué medida las solicitudes de patentes de invención, que contaron con financiamiento del sistema CyT argentino, se han licenciado y explotado comercialmente. Este tópico fundamental para orientar las políticas de transferencia de tecnología, sin embargo, no ha sido abordado cuantitativamente. Esta investigación busca subsanar parcialmente esa vacancia mediante una encuesta, la cual fue respondida por 145 investigadores responsables de proyectos PICT –principal instrumento de financiamiento a la CyT del país– que han sido inventores y/o solicitantes de patentes. Entre los principales resultados destacan: i. un 28% declara que tiene al menos licenciada una patente, mientras que un 12% tiene al menos una en explotación; ii. las tasas de licenciamiento y explotación son más bajas cuando la patente se solicita en la Argentina que cuando se tramita en oficinas del extranjero; iii. la principal causa señalada para la falta de transferencia es la ausencia de demanda o vinculación con adoptantes de la tecnología.
Configurations of entrepreneurial ecosystems: an analysis based on GEM data Inácio Júnior, Edmundo Gimenez, Fernando Antonio Prado Stefenon, Rafael

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) are receiving greater attention both in the academic world and in the field of government action. Recently, many studies have used a configuration perspective in the analysis of EEs. However, many of these studies have not specifically addressed whether different EE configurations can produce similar outputs; that is, they do not properly explore the concept of equifinality. Our main purpose was to fill this theoretical and empirical gap by exploring and demonstrating the patterns of performance of EEs (e.g., configurations) along a bundle of entrepreneurial outcome indicators. Using the Entrepreneurship Framework Conditions (EFCs) indicators provided by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) from 60 countries and applying exploratory factor analysis and cluster analysis, we identified and developed five distinctive EE configurations. Later, by applying analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare these EE configurations across the entrepreneurial outcome indicators, we were able to show distinctive (dis)similarities with respect to the outcome indicators investigated. The results contribute to the understanding that there is not only one type of successful EE. In other words, the equifinality of EEs was empirically evidenced by our analysis. This is a significant theoretical contribution to the field, emphasizing the need for a broader view of how EEs may be configured and denying the relevance of searching for an ideal EE.
Regional inequalities, dependency, and knowledge base: Notes on the enduring challenges to Brazilian development Fernandes, Ana Cristina Mesquita, Fernando

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Using the knowledge base theory, which classifies knowledge into analytical, synthetic, and symbolic types, this paper aims to analyze Brazil's spatial pattern of knowledge distribution in two periods, corresponding to a growth and a downturn phase. The methodology relies on occupational data segmented by knowledge types. Results show that the core region still creates a conducive environment for symbolic, synthetic, and analytical knowledge types, although the regional gap is reducing. Such a spatial pattern can only be understood as an intrinsic outcome of interconnections between Brazil's regional formation process and its position in the global economy. This paper contributes to the discussion on regional disparities by interpreting the results drawing on aspects of the evolutionary economic geography (EEG), the Latin American dependency theory, and the geographical political economy (GPE), together with the hypothesis of uneven and combined development.
The role of state innovation policies in the innovation index of Brazilian states Lago, Nicole Cecchele Bender, Rafaela Luisa Pletsch, Maria Eduarda Medeiros Kohlrausch, Laura Fernanda Costa, Bianca Tiburski Vaz Reichert, Fernanda Maciel

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO Este estudo examina a relação entre as políticas estaduais de inovação no Brasil e o índice de inovação dos estados sob a perspectiva dos sistemas regionais de inovação. A pesquisa é classificada como qualitativa exploratória e abrange políticas de inovação estabelecidas por meio de leis e decretos estaduais editados até 2017 e no período entre 2018 (ano em que o primeiro índice foi divulgado) e 2021, a fim de entender como as políticas promulgados nesse período potencialmente contribuíram para os índices de inovação dos cinco estados mais inovadores em 2021. Assim, as disposições legislativas sobre inovação dos 27 estados brasileiros foram classificadas e examinadas sob as dimensões estrutural, financiamento e interação. Como resultados, quatro achados que podem ajudar a explicar o avanço ou a manutenção da posição desses estados no ranking de inovação foram apresentados. O estudo oferece contribuições teóricas e práticas sobre políticas de inovação no contexto dos estados brasileiros.

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT From the perspective of regional innovation systems, this study examines the relationship between state innovation policies in Brazil and the states' innovation index. The research is classified as exploratory qualitative and covers innovation policies established through laws and state decrees edited until 2017 and in the period between 2018 (the year in which the first index was published) and 2021 to understand how the policies enacted in this period potentially contributed to the innovation indexes of the five most innovative states in 2021. Thus, the legislative provisions on the innovation of the 27 Brazilian states were classified and examined under the structural, financing, and interaction dimensions. As a result, four findings that can help explain the advancement or maintenance of the position of these states in the innovation ranking were developed. The study offers theoretical and practical contributions to innovation policies in the context of Brazilian states.
New insights into the diffusion of I4.0 in the Brazilian Steel Industry: speed of adoption, effects on innovation systems, and financial results Paula, Germano Mendes de Martins, Mozart Santos Botelho, Marisa dos Reis Azevedo

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This article seeks to enrich the literature on innovation and the transformation of productive structures by exploring Industry 4.0 technologies and their applications and implications for the Brazilian steel industry. Through a comparative analysis of surveys conducted with the same companies in 2018 and 2021, the study tracks the evolution of I4.0 technology diffusion within Brazilian steel firms. The findings reveal that while the rate of diffusion of technological clusters in this sector has been relatively slow and has had limited impacts on the steel innovation system, the financial outcomes have been notably positive. Consequently, these innovations serve as effective tools for enhancing the existing productive structure in terms of availability and financial returns rather than revolutionizing it.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua: Carlos Gomes, 250. Bairro Cidade Universitária, Cep: 13083-855 , Campinas - SP / Brasil , Tel: +55 (19) 3521-5176 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
E-mail: rbi@unicamp.br
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