Events such as the Paralympic Games leave a series of legacies in the host societies. This is also applicable to the development of associated scientific knowledge, particularly in the field of sports biomechanics.
The objective of this study is to investigate the Brazilian scientific production in the field of biomechanics in Paralympic sports during the cycle that preceded and followed the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. Additionally, the study aims to provide insights for future research endeavors.
The search was conducted on the Lattes Platform, utilizing the filters “Assunto” and “Doutores” and the keywords “Paralímpico” and “Paralympic.” In total, 723 authors were identified who published articles related to the topic. Subsequently, the curricula were accessed, and the articles were sorted and identified, resulting in 37 articles that met all inclusion criteria.
The results indicate that: a) Brazil witnessed an increase in the number of publications after London 2012; b) The majority of these productions (87%) originate from Public Institutions; c) There was a greater participation of other regions of Brazil in the production of knowledge in the area after Rio 2016; d) Individual modalities such as powerlifting and athletics were the most researched, despite Brazil's reference status in some collective modalities; e) Women remain a minority, both as participants in research and as authors of publications; f) The productions demonstrate high levels of quality; g) The most commonly used research techniques in biomechanics were kinematics and dynamometry.
The field of biomechanics in Paralympic sports has significantly benefited from the legacy generated by the Rio 2016 Paralympics. As future challenges for researchers, the following aspects stand out: maintaining the quality of productions, expanding studies to include collective modalities, increasing the participation of other federated entities in the production of knowledge in this field, promoting greater gender equity, and incorporating new research techniques in biomechanics. Level of Evidence II; Review Study.
Para-Athletes; Biomechanical Phenomena; Sports for Persons with Disabilities
Eventos como los Juegos Paralímpicos dejan una serie de legados en las sociedades anfitrionas. Esto también es aplicable al desarrollo de conocimiento científico asociado, especialmente en el campo de la biomecánica deportiva.
El objetivo de este estudio es investigar la producción científica brasileña en el campo de la biomecánica en deportes paralímpicos durante el ciclo que precedió y siguió a los Juegos Paralímpicos de Río 2016. Además, el estudio tiene como propósito brindar ideas para futuros esfuerzos de investigación.
La búsqueda se realizó en la Plataforma Lattes, utilizando los filtros “ Assunto “ y “Doutores” y las palabras clave “Paralímpico” y “Paralympic”. En total, se identificaron 723 autores que publicaron artículos relacionados con el tema. Posteriormente, se accedió a los currículos y se clasificaron e identificaron los artículos, lo que resultó en 37 artículos que cumplieron con todos los criterios de inclusión.
Los resultados indican que: a) Brasil experimentó un aumento en el número de publicaciones después de Londres 2012; b) La mayoría de estas producciones (87%) provienen de Instituciones Públicas; c) Después de Río 2016, hubo una mayor participación de otras regiones de Brasil en la producción de conocimiento en el área; d) Las modalidades individuales, como levantamiento de pesas y atletismo, fueron las más investigadas, a pesar del estatus de referencia de Brasil en algunas modalidades colectivas; e) Las mujeres siguen siendo una minoría, tanto como participantes en investigaciones como autoras de publicaciones; f) Las producciones demuestran altos niveles de calidad; g) Las técnicas de investigación más utilizadas en biomecánica fueron la cinemática y la dinamometría.
El campo de la biomecánica en deportes paralímpicos ha sido significativamente beneficiado por el legado generado por los Juegos Paralímpicos de Río 2016. Como desafíos futuros para los investigadores, se destacan los siguientes aspectos: mantener la calidad de las producciones, ampliar los estudios para incluir modalidades colectivas, aumentar la participación de otras entidades federadas en la producción del conocimiento en este campo, promover una mayor equidad de género e incorporar nuevas técnicas de investigación en biomecánica. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio de Revisión.
Paratletas; Fenómenos Biomecánicos; Deportes para Personas con Discapacidad
Eventos como os Jogos Paralímpicos deixam uma série de legados nas sociedades que as sediam. Não seria diferente quando se trata do desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico associado, em especial a biomecânica do esporte.
Investigar a produção científica brasileira produzida em biomecânica no esporte paralímpico no ciclo que antecedeu e sucedeu os Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016, além de fornecer insights para novos estudos.
Foram realizadas buscas na Plataforma Lattes, sendo habilitados os filtros “Assunto” e “Doutores”, com as palavras-chave “Paralímpico” e “Paralympic”. Ao todo, foram encontrados 723 autores que publicaram artigo(s) relacionado(s) com o tema. Após acessar os currículos, os artigos foram triados e identificados, resultando em 37 artigos que preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão.
Os resultados mostram que a) Após Londres-2012, o Brasil tem aumentado o número de publicações; b) Grande parte das produções (87%) são oriundas de Instituições Públicas, c) Após Rio-2016 houve uma maior participação de outras regiões do Brasil na produção do conhecimento na área, d) Apesar do Brasil ser referência em algumas modalidades coletivas, modalidades individuais como o powerlifting e o atletismo, são as mais pesquisadas, e) Mulheres ainda são minoria, tanto como participantes das pesquisas quanto na autoria das publicações, f) As produções atingem elevados extratos de qualidade, g) As técnicas de pesquisa em biomecânica mais utilizadas foram a cinemática e dinamometria.
A biomecânica no esporte paralímpico tem se valido do legado gerado pelas paralimpíadas Rio-2016. Como desafios futuros para os pesquisadores, destacam-se: manutenção da qualidade das produções, ampliação dos estudos para as modalidades coletivas, aumento da participação de outros entes federados na produção do conhecimento na área, promoção de uma maior equidade de gênero e incorporação de novas técnicas de pesquisa em biomecânica. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo de Revisão.
Paratletas; Fenômenos Biomecânicos; Esportes para Pessoas com Deficiência
In the Tokyo-2020 Paralympics, Brazil obtained the same number of medals as in Rio-2016 (72 medals), but surpassed the number of golds (22 medals). In the same year, Brazil made history by winning the 100th gold medal in Paralympic Games, reaching a total of 109 medals.11 Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro. A melhor campanha de todos os tempos: Brasil termina os Jogos Paralímpicos de Tóquio com recorde de ouros e feitos inéditos [Internet]. 2021 [accessed in 2021 Sep 19]. Available from: https://www.cpb.org.br/noticia/detalhe/3570/a-melhor-campanha-de-todos-os-tempos-brasil-termina-os-jogos-paralimpicos-de-toquio-com-recorde-de-ouros-e-feitos-ineditos.
The evolution of Brazilian Paralympic sport took a big leap after the creation of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) in 1995, which started the organization and planning of the sport as we know it, and since Beijing-2008 it has figured among the Top-10 Paralympic Powers. Another factor that has contributed to the evolution of Brazilian performance is the close relationship between the CPB and Universities, especially public ones, through the creation of Reference Centers, Paralympic Seminars, and International Paralympic Congresses. These strategies, in addition to being important to expand the access of parathletes to training sites, also contribute to the formation of human resources and dissemination of scientific knowledge produced on the subject. Part of this scientific knowledge produced in the context of Paralympic sport has been used to improve the training routines of these athletes, reflecting in the improvement in sports performance.22 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Kobal R, et al. Performance Changes of Elite Paralympic Judo Athletes during a Paralympic Games Cycle: A Case Study with the Brazilian National Team. J Hum Kinet. 2017;60(1):217-24.,33 Loturco I, Bishop C, Ramirez-Campillo R, Romano F, Alves M, Pereira LA, et al. Optimum power loads for elite boxers: Case study with the brazilian national olympic team. Sports (Basel). 2018;6(3):95.
According to the Brazilian Academy of Sciences,44 Academia Brasileira de Ciências. Universidades públicas respondem por mais de 95% da produção científica do Brasil [Internet]. 2019 [accessed 2021 Sep 19]. Available from: http://www.abc.org.br/2019/04/15/universidades-publicas-respondem-por-mais-de-95-da-producao-cientifica-do-brasil/.
95% of all Brazilian scientific production is developed by public institutions, which depend largely on public funding. However, resources destined to science and technology have suffered successive budget cuts that affect the evolution of scientific knowledge in all areas,55 Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Orçamento de 2020 mostra redução acima de 80% para o fomento científico [Internet]. 2020 [accessed 2021 Sep 19]. Available from: http://portal.sbpcnet.org.br/noticias/orcamento-de-2020-mostra-reducao-acima-de-80-para-o-fomento-cientifico/.
including in sport sciences. In this context, we find biomechanics of sport, an area of activity of biomechanics, which can be defined as the application of the laws of mechanics to living organisms and biological tissues.66 Donskoi D, Atsiorski MV. Biomecânica de los ejercícios físicos: manual. Moscou: Raduga; 1988. Biomechanics is part of the mandatory curriculum of the main Physical Education courses in Brazil.
Traditionally, biomechanics of sport uses research techniques that involve kinemetry, dynamometry, anthropometry, and electromyography,77 Amadio AC, Costa PHL, Sacco ICN, Serrão JC, Araujo RC, Mochizuki L, et al. Introdução à biomecânica para análise do movimento humano: descrição e aplicação dos métodos de medição. Rev Bras Fisioter. 1999;3(2):41-54. in isolation or in association way, in order to approach different forms of human movement. However, in recent years, Brazilian researchers working with sports biomechanics have included infrared thermography88 Teixeira RM, Dellagrana RA, Priego-Quesada JI, Machado JCBP, Silva JF da, Reis TMP dos, et al. Muscular strength imbalances are not associated with skin temperature asymmetries in soccer players. Life (Basel). 2020;10(7):102.,99 Silva W da, Machado ÁS, Lemos AL, Andrade CF de, Priego-Quesada JI, Carpes FP. Relationship between exercise-induced muscle soreness, pain thresholds, and skin temperature in men and women. J Therm Biol. 2021;100: 103051. and ultrasonography1010 Orssatto LB da R, Detanico D, Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Silva Junior JN da, Diefenthaeler F. Photobiomodulation therapy does not attenuate fatigue and muscle damage in judo athletes: A randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Front Physiol. 2019;10:811. as techniques to assess thermal regulation and muscle architecture, respectively, and their relationships with aspects such as strength production and muscle fatigue, among others. Knowing the importance of research in sports science to generate applied knowledge and in the qualification of professionals who will work in sport, it is imagined that Brazil, as a Paralympic power, is also generating an important volume of scientific knowledge on this theme. However, to date, no studies were found in the literature that grouped Brazilian scientific production involving biomechanics in Paralympic sport.
Therefore, in the current study we describe the Brazilian scientific production on biomechanics in Paralympic sport published in the cycles that preceded and followed the Rio-2016 Paralympic Games. We hypothesized that the Rio-2016 Paralympic Games left legacies, including in the scientific culture around parasport, especially in biomechanics, and that this has persisted, despite the difficulties facing Brazilian science in recent years.
Selection of articles
Considering that the study was restricted to Brazilian scientific production, we chose to carry out the search on the Lattes Platform. Two searches were performed on September 26, 2021, with the “Subject” and “Doctors” filters being enabled on the platform. Initially, the keyword “Paralímpico” was used, with 393 authors being found. In the second search, the keyword used was “Paralympic”, with 330 authors being found. In all, 723 authors were found with a publication related to the topic. Of note, the Lattes Platform does not allow the use of more advanced search algorithms. Next, the evaluators (YBH) and (KSGS) accessed all the curriculums, in which the articles were screened and identified.
The inclusion criteria adopted were: a) the 1st author was required to be Brazilian; b) articles needed to involve Paralympic modalities; c) a biomechanics research technique was required to have been used in the articles; d) being published in international journals; and e) being published between January 2012 and September 2021. After reading the titles of the articles, they were downloaded to the Mendeley® reference manager, where duplicate articles were removed. The summaries of all the identified articles were read in order to confirm the proximity to the topic (biomechanics and Paralympic sport). If there were doubts among the evaluators, a third evaluator (MR) was consulted. A total of 37 articles met the inclusion criteria, and their details are described in Table 1.
Chronology of the publications
The largest number of articles published involving biomechanics in Paralympic sports occurred in the year of the Rio-20161111 Gorla J, Costa e Silva ADA, Borges M, Tanhoffer RA, Godoy PS, Calegari DR, et al. Impact of wheelchair rugby on body composition of subjects with tetraplegia: A pilot study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;97(1):92-6.
12 Lemos V de A, Alves E da S, Schwingel P, Rosa JPP, Silva A da, Winckler C, et al. Analysis of the body composition of Paralympic athletes: Comparison of two methods. Eur J Sport Sci. 2016;16(8):955-64.
13 Loturco I, Nakamura FY, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Moraes-Filho J, et al. Strength-Power Performance of Visually Impaired Paralympic and Olympic Judo Athletes from the Brazilian National Team: A Comparative Study. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;31(3):743-9.
14 Loturco I, Winckler C, Lourenço TF, Veríssimo A, Kobal R, Kitamura K, et al. Effects of compression clothing on speed–power performance of elite Paralympic sprinters: a pilot study. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):1047.
15 Pereira L, Winckler C, Abad CCC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo A, Nakamura FY, et al. Power and speed differences between Brazilian Paralympic sprinters with visual impairment and their guides. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2016;33(4):311-23.
16 Santos SDS, Krishnan C, Alonso AC, Greve JMDA. Trunk Function Correlates Positively with Wheelchair Basketball Player Classification. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;96(2):101-8.-1717 Sousa APS, Ferreira HR, Filho JF. Dermatoglyphic profile and hand grip strength of the finalists athletes in the Brazilian paracanoe championship. J Exerc Physiol Online. 2016;19(1):50-6. and Tokyo-2020 Paralympics,1818 dos Santos MDM, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, dos Santos JL, da Silva de Mello A, Neiva HP, et al. Does the grip width affect the bench press performance of paralympic powerlifters?. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020;1-8.
19 Fischer G, Figueiredo P, Ardigò LP. Bioenergetics and Biomechanics of Handcycling at Submaximal Speeds in Athletes with a Spinal Cord Injury. Sports (Basel). 2020;8(2):16.
20 Fraga GS, Aidar FJ, Matos DG, Marçal AC, Santos JL, Souza RF, et al. Effects of ibuprofen intake in muscle damage, body temperature and muscle power in paralympic powerlifting athletes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):5157.
21 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.
22 Ribeiro Neto F, Dorneles JR, Luna RM, Spina MA, Gonçalves CW, Costa RRG. Performance Differences Between the Arched and Flat Bench Press in Beginner and Experienced Paralympic Powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res. 2022;36(7):1936-43.
23 Sampaio CRSF, Aidar FJ, Ferreira ARP, Dos Santos JL, Marçal AC, de Matos DG, et al. Can creatine supplementation interfere with muscle strength and fatigue in brazilian national level paralympic powerlifting?. Nutrients. 2020;12(9):2492.-2424 Weber MVR, Fernandes DZ, Vieira ER, Ferreira SA, da Silva DF, Queiroga MR. Adaptation of Anaerobic Field-Based Tests for Wheelchair Basketball Athletes. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2021;92(4):715-22. when the games were planned in Japan (the Paralympics were held in 2021 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic), both with seven publications. It is interesting to note that in the year of the London-2012 Paralympics, no scientific articles were found that addressed the topic, but, up until Tokyo-2020, in this edition of the Paralympic Games (London-2012) Brazil had the record for gold medals. Figure 1A presents the number of medals in the last three Paralympic cycles. Interestingly, the increase in the achievement of gold medals coincided with the advance in the publication of scientific articles involving biomechanics and parasports, as can be seen in Figure 1B.
Regionality of publications
Regarding the origin of the publications (Figure 1C), with the exception of those produced by the São Paulo Nucleus of High Performance in Sport (NAR)1313 Loturco I, Nakamura FY, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Moraes-Filho J, et al. Strength-Power Performance of Visually Impaired Paralympic and Olympic Judo Athletes from the Brazilian National Team: A Comparative Study. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;31(3):743-9.,1414 Loturco I, Winckler C, Lourenço TF, Veríssimo A, Kobal R, Kitamura K, et al. Effects of compression clothing on speed–power performance of elite Paralympic sprinters: a pilot study. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):1047.,2121 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.,2525 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Santos WL, Kobal R, McGuigan M. Load-Velocity Relationship in National Paralympic Powerlifters: A Case Study. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019;14(4):531-5.,1515 Pereira L, Winckler C, Abad CCC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo A, Nakamura FY, et al. Power and speed differences between Brazilian Paralympic sprinters with visual impairment and their guides. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2016;33(4):311-23.,2626 Loturco I, Winckler C, Kobal R, Cal Abad CC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo AW, et al. Performance changes and relationship between vertical jump measures and actual sprint performance in elite sprinters with visual impairment throughout a Parapan American games training season. Front Physiol. 2015;6:323. and the Sarah Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals,2121 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.,2727 Ribeiro Neto F, Loturco I, Lopes GH, Dorneles JR, Gorla JI, Costa RRG. Correlations Between Medicine Ball Throw With Wheelchair Mobility and Isokinetic Tests in Basketball Para-Athletes. J Sport Rehabil. 2022;31(1):125-9. the first author of all other publications was linked to one of the 13 (87%) Public Universities reported, totaling 28 published articles. UFS1818 dos Santos MDM, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, dos Santos JL, da Silva de Mello A, Neiva HP, et al. Does the grip width affect the bench press performance of paralympic powerlifters?. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020;1-8.,2020 Fraga GS, Aidar FJ, Matos DG, Marçal AC, Santos JL, Souza RF, et al. Effects of ibuprofen intake in muscle damage, body temperature and muscle power in paralympic powerlifting athletes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):5157.,2323 Sampaio CRSF, Aidar FJ, Ferreira ARP, Dos Santos JL, Marçal AC, de Matos DG, et al. Can creatine supplementation interfere with muscle strength and fatigue in brazilian national level paralympic powerlifting?. Nutrients. 2020;12(9):2492.,2828 Aidar FJ, Clemente FM, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Souza RF, Moreira OC, et al. Evaluation of strength and muscle activation indicators in sticking point region of national-level paralympic powerlifting athletes. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2021;6(2):43.
29 Resende M de A, Aidar FJ, Resende RBV, Reis GC, Barros L de O, de Matos DG, et al. Are strength indicators and skin temperature affected by the type of warm-up in paralympic powerlifting athletes?. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(8):923.-3030 Teles LJL, Aidar FJ, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Almeida-Neto PF, Neves EB, et al. Static and dynamic strength indicators in paralympic power-lifters with and without spinal cord injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(11):5907. and UNICAMP1111 Gorla J, Costa e Silva ADA, Borges M, Tanhoffer RA, Godoy PS, Calegari DR, et al. Impact of wheelchair rugby on body composition of subjects with tetraplegia: A pilot study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;97(1):92-6.,3131 Machado F, Correia RF, Ribeiro AN, dos Santos Neto SR dos S, Vieira IB, Gorla JI. Isokinetic Peak of Torque and Fatigue Index in Simulated Wheelchair Propulsion in Elite Wheelchair Rugby Players. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal. 2018;16:564.
32 Monezi LA, Magalhães TP, Morato MP, Mercadante LA, Furtado OLP da C, Misuta MS. Time-motion analysis of goalball players in attacks: differences of the player positions and the throwing techniques. Sports Biomech. 2019;18(5):470-81.
33 Campos LFCC, Borin JP, Nightingale T, Costa e Silva AA, Araújo PF, Gorla JI. Alterations of Cardiorespiratory and Motor Profile of Paralympic 5-a-side Football Athletes during 14-Week In-Season Training. Int J Sports Sci. 2014;4(6A):85-90.
34 Zoppi CC, dos Santos-Júnior CR, Guerreiro TS, Porto YC, Montenegro IHP de M, da Silva TFA, et al. Physiological and performance improvements during a training season in paralympic rowers. J Exerc Physiol Online. 2014;17(3):88-101.-3535 Campos LFCC, De Athayde Costa E Silva A, Teixeira Fabrício Dos Santos LG, Trevisan Costa L, Montagner PC, Borin JP, et al. Effects of training in physical fitness and body composition of the brazilian 5-a-side football team. Rev Andal Med Deport. 2013;6(3):91-5. are noteworthy for being public institutions with the highest number of articles published, with six articles from each institution. However, the largest number of publications per institution was produced by NAR, with seven articles published. Thus, the importance of Public Universities for the production of knowledge involving Paralympic sport and biomechanics is evident. It is noteworthy that in the cycle that preceded the Rio-2016 Paralympic Games, a large part of the publications came from institutions located in the Southeast region, especially in the state of São Paulo. In the cycle started after Rio-2016, we observed that institutions in the Southeast region continued to produce much of the knowledge in parasport biomechanics, but there was greater participation from the South, Northeast, North, and Midwest regions, as can be seen in Figure 1D, indicating a geographic expansion in the production of knowledge on the subject.
Modalities investigated
Among the Paralympic sports, powerlifting1818 dos Santos MDM, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, dos Santos JL, da Silva de Mello A, Neiva HP, et al. Does the grip width affect the bench press performance of paralympic powerlifters?. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020;1-8.,2222 Ribeiro Neto F, Dorneles JR, Luna RM, Spina MA, Gonçalves CW, Costa RRG. Performance Differences Between the Arched and Flat Bench Press in Beginner and Experienced Paralympic Powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res. 2022;36(7):1936-43.,2323 Sampaio CRSF, Aidar FJ, Ferreira ARP, Dos Santos JL, Marçal AC, de Matos DG, et al. Can creatine supplementation interfere with muscle strength and fatigue in brazilian national level paralympic powerlifting?. Nutrients. 2020;12(9):2492.,2525 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Santos WL, Kobal R, McGuigan M. Load-Velocity Relationship in National Paralympic Powerlifters: A Case Study. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019;14(4):531-5.,2828 Aidar FJ, Clemente FM, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Souza RF, Moreira OC, et al. Evaluation of strength and muscle activation indicators in sticking point region of national-level paralympic powerlifting athletes. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2021;6(2):43.
29 Resende M de A, Aidar FJ, Resende RBV, Reis GC, Barros L de O, de Matos DG, et al. Are strength indicators and skin temperature affected by the type of warm-up in paralympic powerlifting athletes?. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(8):923.-3030 Teles LJL, Aidar FJ, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Almeida-Neto PF, Neves EB, et al. Static and dynamic strength indicators in paralympic power-lifters with and without spinal cord injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(11):5907.,3636 Bernardina GRD, Dos Santos MDM, Resende RA, De Mello MT, Albuquerque MR, Paolucci LA, et al. Asymmetric velocity profiles in Paralympic powerlifters performing at different exercise intensities are detected by functional data analysis. J Biomech. 2021;123:110523.,3737 Borges MVDO, Sousa EC De, Rego JTP, Medeiros RMV, Spina MA, Cabral BG de AT, et al. Electromyographic analysis of bench press in paralympic athletes. Medicina Sportiva. 2014;X(4):2452-6. and athletics1212 Lemos V de A, Alves E da S, Schwingel P, Rosa JPP, Silva A da, Winckler C, et al. Analysis of the body composition of Paralympic athletes: Comparison of two methods. Eur J Sport Sci. 2016;16(8):955-64.,1414 Loturco I, Winckler C, Lourenço TF, Veríssimo A, Kobal R, Kitamura K, et al. Effects of compression clothing on speed–power performance of elite Paralympic sprinters: a pilot study. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):1047.,1515 Pereira L, Winckler C, Abad CCC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo A, Nakamura FY, et al. Power and speed differences between Brazilian Paralympic sprinters with visual impairment and their guides. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2016;33(4):311-23.,2626 Loturco I, Winckler C, Kobal R, Cal Abad CC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo AW, et al. Performance changes and relationship between vertical jump measures and actual sprint performance in elite sprinters with visual impairment throughout a Parapan American games training season. Front Physiol. 2015;6:323.,3838 Antunes D, Rossato M, Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Fischer G. Neuromuscular features in sprinters with cerebral palsy: Case studies based on paralympic classification. J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(6):716-21.
39 Silva A, Zanca G, Alves ES, De Aquino Lemos V, Gávea SA, Winckler C, et al. Isokinetic assessment and musculoskeletal complaints in paralympic athletes: A longitudinal study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;94(10):768-74.-4040 Squarcini CFR, Pires MLN, Lopes C, Benedito-Silva AA, Esteves AMU, Cornelissen-Guillaume G, et al. Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(1):157-65. generated the greatest quantity of publications in the field of sports biomechanics, both individual modalities. Among the collective sports, wheelchair basketball gave rise to most publications,1616 Santos SDS, Krishnan C, Alonso AC, Greve JMDA. Trunk Function Correlates Positively with Wheelchair Basketball Player Classification. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;96(2):101-8.,2121 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.,2424 Weber MVR, Fernandes DZ, Vieira ER, Ferreira SA, da Silva DF, Queiroga MR. Adaptation of Anaerobic Field-Based Tests for Wheelchair Basketball Athletes. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2021;92(4):715-22.,2727 Ribeiro Neto F, Loturco I, Lopes GH, Dorneles JR, Gorla JI, Costa RRG. Correlations Between Medicine Ball Throw With Wheelchair Mobility and Isokinetic Tests in Basketball Para-Athletes. J Sport Rehabil. 2022;31(1):125-9. as can be seen in Figure 1E. It is interesting to note that despite Brazil being considered the country of soccer, having won in Tokyo-2020 the 5th gold medal in a row in the 5-a-side soccer modality and having research groups consolidated in the study of biomechanics of soccer, only three studies investigated the biomechanical aspects of this modality.3333 Campos LFCC, Borin JP, Nightingale T, Costa e Silva AA, Araújo PF, Gorla JI. Alterations of Cardiorespiratory and Motor Profile of Paralympic 5-a-side Football Athletes during 14-Week In-Season Training. Int J Sports Sci. 2014;4(6A):85-90.,3535 Campos LFCC, De Athayde Costa E Silva A, Teixeira Fabrício Dos Santos LG, Trevisan Costa L, Montagner PC, Borin JP, et al. Effects of training in physical fitness and body composition of the brazilian 5-a-side football team. Rev Andal Med Deport. 2013;6(3):91-5.,4141 Oliveira GL de, Oliveira TAP de, Valentim-Silva JR, Fernandes Filho J. Dermatoglyphic Profile and Body Composition of Athletes from the Brazilian Five-a-Side National Football Team. Int J Sports Sci. 2018;8(3):78-82. These data indicate that Brazil has great potential to study the biomechanics of sport in collective Paralympic modalities, since we have trained human resources for this.
Female representation
In all, 626 parathletes were included in the 37 publications. Of these, 495 (79%) were men and only 131 (21%) were women. When compared in percentage terms with the 259 members of the Brazilian delegation who attended the Paralympic Games in Tokyo-2020, the percentage of women increased to 40% (103). Female participation is even greater when looking at the medals table, as 45% of the total medals won in Tokyo-2020 were by women. We know that female participation in sport has been encouraged and has been growing in recent years,4242 Rubio K, Veloso RC. As mulheres no esporte brasileiro: entre os campos de enfrentamento e a jornada heroica. Revista USP. 2019;(122):49-62. however, great disparity is still observed in relation to male parathletes as research participants. In this sense, our suggestion is that future research considers greater participation of female parathletes. It is noteworthy that the lack of female representation also occurred in the first authorship of the articles used in this review, being present in only 16% of the analyzed articles.
Quality of the publications
Despite the fact that Qualis CAPES is in the process of being reformulated in the period 2019-2022, we chose to assess the quality of journals through the WebQualis 2013-2016 list available on the Sucupira Platform, in force at the time of our study. Of the 37 articles published, 29 were inserted in journals of superior impact (A1, A2, B1), with 15 articles in Qualis A1,1111 Gorla J, Costa e Silva ADA, Borges M, Tanhoffer RA, Godoy PS, Calegari DR, et al. Impact of wheelchair rugby on body composition of subjects with tetraplegia: A pilot study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;97(1):92-6.
12 Lemos V de A, Alves E da S, Schwingel P, Rosa JPP, Silva A da, Winckler C, et al. Analysis of the body composition of Paralympic athletes: Comparison of two methods. Eur J Sport Sci. 2016;16(8):955-64.-1313 Loturco I, Nakamura FY, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Moraes-Filho J, et al. Strength-Power Performance of Visually Impaired Paralympic and Olympic Judo Athletes from the Brazilian National Team: A Comparative Study. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;31(3):743-9.,1616 Santos SDS, Krishnan C, Alonso AC, Greve JMDA. Trunk Function Correlates Positively with Wheelchair Basketball Player Classification. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;96(2):101-8.,1818 dos Santos MDM, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, dos Santos JL, da Silva de Mello A, Neiva HP, et al. Does the grip width affect the bench press performance of paralympic powerlifters?. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020;1-8.,2222 Ribeiro Neto F, Dorneles JR, Luna RM, Spina MA, Gonçalves CW, Costa RRG. Performance Differences Between the Arched and Flat Bench Press in Beginner and Experienced Paralympic Powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res. 2022;36(7):1936-43.,2424 Weber MVR, Fernandes DZ, Vieira ER, Ferreira SA, da Silva DF, Queiroga MR. Adaptation of Anaerobic Field-Based Tests for Wheelchair Basketball Athletes. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2021;92(4):715-22.,2525 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Santos WL, Kobal R, McGuigan M. Load-Velocity Relationship in National Paralympic Powerlifters: A Case Study. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019;14(4):531-5.,2626 Loturco I, Winckler C, Kobal R, Cal Abad CC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo AW, et al. Performance changes and relationship between vertical jump measures and actual sprint performance in elite sprinters with visual impairment throughout a Parapan American games training season. Front Physiol. 2015;6:323.,2727 Ribeiro Neto F, Loturco I, Lopes GH, Dorneles JR, Gorla JI, Costa RRG. Correlations Between Medicine Ball Throw With Wheelchair Mobility and Isokinetic Tests in Basketball Para-Athletes. J Sport Rehabil. 2022;31(1):125-9.,3636 Bernardina GRD, Dos Santos MDM, Resende RA, De Mello MT, Albuquerque MR, Paolucci LA, et al. Asymmetric velocity profiles in Paralympic powerlifters performing at different exercise intensities are detected by functional data analysis. J Biomech. 2021;123:110523.,3939 Silva A, Zanca G, Alves ES, De Aquino Lemos V, Gávea SA, Winckler C, et al. Isokinetic assessment and musculoskeletal complaints in paralympic athletes: A longitudinal study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;94(10):768-74.,4040 Squarcini CFR, Pires MLN, Lopes C, Benedito-Silva AA, Esteves AMU, Cornelissen-Guillaume G, et al. Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(1):157-65.,4343 Coswig V, Silva ADACE, Barbalho M, de Faria FR, Nogueira CD, Borges M, et al. Assessing the validity of the MyJUMP2 app for measuring different jumps in professional cerebral palsy football players: An experimental study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(1):e11099.,4444 Medeiros RMV, Alves E da S, Lemos V de A, Schwingel PA, Silva A da, Vital R, et al. Assessment of Body Composition and Sport Performance of Brazilian Paralympic Swim Team Athletes. J Sport Rehabil. 2016;25(4):364-70. six in Qualis A222 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Kobal R, et al. Performance Changes of Elite Paralympic Judo Athletes during a Paralympic Games Cycle: A Case Study with the Brazilian National Team. J Hum Kinet. 2017;60(1):217-24.,1515 Pereira L, Winckler C, Abad CCC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo A, Nakamura FY, et al. Power and speed differences between Brazilian Paralympic sprinters with visual impairment and their guides. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2016;33(4):311-23.,2121 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.,2323 Sampaio CRSF, Aidar FJ, Ferreira ARP, Dos Santos JL, Marçal AC, de Matos DG, et al. Can creatine supplementation interfere with muscle strength and fatigue in brazilian national level paralympic powerlifting?. Nutrients. 2020;12(9):2492.,3232 Monezi LA, Magalhães TP, Morato MP, Mercadante LA, Furtado OLP da C, Misuta MS. Time-motion analysis of goalball players in attacks: differences of the player positions and the throwing techniques. Sports Biomech. 2019;18(5):470-81.,4545 Simim MAM, Da Mota GR, Marocolo M, Da Silva BVC, De Mello MT, Bradley PS. The demands of amputee soccer impair muscular endurance and power indices but not match physical performance. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2018;35(1):76-92., and eight in Qualis B1.1717 Sousa APS, Ferreira HR, Filho JF. Dermatoglyphic profile and hand grip strength of the finalists athletes in the Brazilian paracanoe championship. J Exerc Physiol Online. 2016;19(1):50-6.,2020 Fraga GS, Aidar FJ, Matos DG, Marçal AC, Santos JL, Souza RF, et al. Effects of ibuprofen intake in muscle damage, body temperature and muscle power in paralympic powerlifting athletes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):5157.,3030 Teles LJL, Aidar FJ, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Almeida-Neto PF, Neves EB, et al. Static and dynamic strength indicators in paralympic power-lifters with and without spinal cord injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(11):5907.,3434 Zoppi CC, dos Santos-Júnior CR, Guerreiro TS, Porto YC, Montenegro IHP de M, da Silva TFA, et al. Physiological and performance improvements during a training season in paralympic rowers. J Exerc Physiol Online. 2014;17(3):88-101.,3535 Campos LFCC, De Athayde Costa E Silva A, Teixeira Fabrício Dos Santos LG, Trevisan Costa L, Montagner PC, Borin JP, et al. Effects of training in physical fitness and body composition of the brazilian 5-a-side football team. Rev Andal Med Deport. 2013;6(3):91-5.,3838 Antunes D, Rossato M, Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Fischer G. Neuromuscular features in sprinters with cerebral palsy: Case studies based on paralympic classification. J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(6):716-21.,4646 Feitosa WG, Correia R de A, Barbosa TM, Castro FA de S. Kinematic, coordinative and efficiency parameters of physically impaired swimmers at maximum aerobic power speed. Open Sports Sci J. 2019;12:35-43.,4747 Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Rossato M, Diefenthaeler F, Detanico D. Neuromuscular and postural control in visually and nonvisually impaired judo athletes: Case study. J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(1):60-6. It is interesting to note that, due to the heterogeneity of the sample groups, we expected a greater number of publications in the “Case Studies” format. However, we observed only 2 publications3838 Antunes D, Rossato M, Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Fischer G. Neuromuscular features in sprinters with cerebral palsy: Case studies based on paralympic classification. J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(6):716-21.,4747 Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Rossato M, Diefenthaeler F, Detanico D. Neuromuscular and postural control in visually and nonvisually impaired judo athletes: Case study. J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(1):60-6. in this format, both in Qualis B1 journals. In this sense, we believe that given the variety of disabilities, more case studies with parathletes involving individual modalities and biomechanical parameters could be published.
Research techniques in biomechanics
Figure 1F shows the most commonly used research techniques in the studies. We found 3D4646 Feitosa WG, Correia R de A, Barbosa TM, Castro FA de S. Kinematic, coordinative and efficiency parameters of physically impaired swimmers at maximum aerobic power speed. Open Sports Sci J. 2019;12:35-43. and 2D kinematics,3636 Bernardina GRD, Dos Santos MDM, Resende RA, De Mello MT, Albuquerque MR, Paolucci LA, et al. Asymmetric velocity profiles in Paralympic powerlifters performing at different exercise intensities are detected by functional data analysis. J Biomech. 2021;123:110523. in addition to photocells,1414 Loturco I, Winckler C, Lourenço TF, Veríssimo A, Kobal R, Kitamura K, et al. Effects of compression clothing on speed–power performance of elite Paralympic sprinters: a pilot study. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):1047.,1515 Pereira L, Winckler C, Abad CCC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo A, Nakamura FY, et al. Power and speed differences between Brazilian Paralympic sprinters with visual impairment and their guides. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2016;33(4):311-23.,2121 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.,3333 Campos LFCC, Borin JP, Nightingale T, Costa e Silva AA, Araújo PF, Gorla JI. Alterations of Cardiorespiratory and Motor Profile of Paralympic 5-a-side Football Athletes during 14-Week In-Season Training. Int J Sports Sci. 2014;4(6A):85-90.,3535 Campos LFCC, De Athayde Costa E Silva A, Teixeira Fabrício Dos Santos LG, Trevisan Costa L, Montagner PC, Borin JP, et al. Effects of training in physical fitness and body composition of the brazilian 5-a-side football team. Rev Andal Med Deport. 2013;6(3):91-5. contact platforms22 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Kobal R, et al. Performance Changes of Elite Paralympic Judo Athletes during a Paralympic Games Cycle: A Case Study with the Brazilian National Team. J Hum Kinet. 2017;60(1):217-24.,1313 Loturco I, Nakamura FY, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Moraes-Filho J, et al. Strength-Power Performance of Visually Impaired Paralympic and Olympic Judo Athletes from the Brazilian National Team: A Comparative Study. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;31(3):743-9.
14 Loturco I, Winckler C, Lourenço TF, Veríssimo A, Kobal R, Kitamura K, et al. Effects of compression clothing on speed–power performance of elite Paralympic sprinters: a pilot study. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):1047.-1515 Pereira L, Winckler C, Abad CCC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo A, Nakamura FY, et al. Power and speed differences between Brazilian Paralympic sprinters with visual impairment and their guides. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2016;33(4):311-23.,2626 Loturco I, Winckler C, Kobal R, Cal Abad CC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo AW, et al. Performance changes and relationship between vertical jump measures and actual sprint performance in elite sprinters with visual impairment throughout a Parapan American games training season. Front Physiol. 2015;6:323.,4343 Coswig V, Silva ADACE, Barbalho M, de Faria FR, Nogueira CD, Borges M, et al. Assessing the validity of the MyJUMP2 app for measuring different jumps in professional cerebral palsy football players: An experimental study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(1):e11099., and linear transducers.22 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Kobal R, et al. Performance Changes of Elite Paralympic Judo Athletes during a Paralympic Games Cycle: A Case Study with the Brazilian National Team. J Hum Kinet. 2017;60(1):217-24.,1313 Loturco I, Nakamura FY, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Moraes-Filho J, et al. Strength-Power Performance of Visually Impaired Paralympic and Olympic Judo Athletes from the Brazilian National Team: A Comparative Study. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;31(3):743-9.,1414 Loturco I, Winckler C, Lourenço TF, Veríssimo A, Kobal R, Kitamura K, et al. Effects of compression clothing on speed–power performance of elite Paralympic sprinters: a pilot study. SpringerPlus. 2016;5(1):1047.,2121 Loturco I, McGuigan MR, Reis VP, Santos S, Yanci J, Pereira LA, et al. Relationship between power output and speed-related performance in brazilian wheelchair basketball players. Adapt Phys Activ Q. 2020;37(4):508-17.,2525 Loturco I, Pereira LA, Winckler C, Santos WL, Kobal R, McGuigan M. Load-Velocity Relationship in National Paralympic Powerlifters: A Case Study. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019;14(4):531-5.,2626 Loturco I, Winckler C, Kobal R, Cal Abad CC, Kitamura K, Veríssimo AW, et al. Performance changes and relationship between vertical jump measures and actual sprint performance in elite sprinters with visual impairment throughout a Parapan American games training season. Front Physiol. 2015;6:323.,2828 Aidar FJ, Clemente FM, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Souza RF, Moreira OC, et al. Evaluation of strength and muscle activation indicators in sticking point region of national-level paralympic powerlifting athletes. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2021;6(2):43.
29 Resende M de A, Aidar FJ, Resende RBV, Reis GC, Barros L de O, de Matos DG, et al. Are strength indicators and skin temperature affected by the type of warm-up in paralympic powerlifting athletes?. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(8):923.-3030 Teles LJL, Aidar FJ, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Almeida-Neto PF, Neves EB, et al. Static and dynamic strength indicators in paralympic power-lifters with and without spinal cord injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(11):5907. We observed the use of dynamometry in publications involving measurements with force platforms,1313 Loturco I, Nakamura FY, Winckler C, Bragança JR, Da Fonseca RA, Moraes-Filho J, et al. Strength-Power Performance of Visually Impaired Paralympic and Olympic Judo Athletes from the Brazilian National Team: A Comparative Study. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;31(3):743-9.,3838 Antunes D, Rossato M, Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Fischer G. Neuromuscular features in sprinters with cerebral palsy: Case studies based on paralympic classification. J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(6):716-21.,4747 Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Rossato M, Diefenthaeler F, Detanico D. Neuromuscular and postural control in visually and nonvisually impaired judo athletes: Case study. J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(1):60-6. load cells,1818 dos Santos MDM, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, dos Santos JL, da Silva de Mello A, Neiva HP, et al. Does the grip width affect the bench press performance of paralympic powerlifters?. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020;1-8.,2020 Fraga GS, Aidar FJ, Matos DG, Marçal AC, Santos JL, Souza RF, et al. Effects of ibuprofen intake in muscle damage, body temperature and muscle power in paralympic powerlifting athletes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):5157.,2323 Sampaio CRSF, Aidar FJ, Ferreira ARP, Dos Santos JL, Marçal AC, de Matos DG, et al. Can creatine supplementation interfere with muscle strength and fatigue in brazilian national level paralympic powerlifting?. Nutrients. 2020;12(9):2492.,2828 Aidar FJ, Clemente FM, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Souza RF, Moreira OC, et al. Evaluation of strength and muscle activation indicators in sticking point region of national-level paralympic powerlifting athletes. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2021;6(2):43.,3030 Teles LJL, Aidar FJ, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Almeida-Neto PF, Neves EB, et al. Static and dynamic strength indicators in paralympic power-lifters with and without spinal cord injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(11):5907. and isokinetic,1616 Santos SDS, Krishnan C, Alonso AC, Greve JMDA. Trunk Function Correlates Positively with Wheelchair Basketball Player Classification. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016;96(2):101-8.,2727 Ribeiro Neto F, Loturco I, Lopes GH, Dorneles JR, Gorla JI, Costa RRG. Correlations Between Medicine Ball Throw With Wheelchair Mobility and Isokinetic Tests in Basketball Para-Athletes. J Sport Rehabil. 2022;31(1):125-9.,3131 Machado F, Correia RF, Ribeiro AN, dos Santos Neto SR dos S, Vieira IB, Gorla JI. Isokinetic Peak of Torque and Fatigue Index in Simulated Wheelchair Propulsion in Elite Wheelchair Rugby Players. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal. 2018;16:564.,3838 Antunes D, Rossato M, Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Fischer G. Neuromuscular features in sprinters with cerebral palsy: Case studies based on paralympic classification. J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(6):716-21.
39 Silva A, Zanca G, Alves ES, De Aquino Lemos V, Gávea SA, Winckler C, et al. Isokinetic assessment and musculoskeletal complaints in paralympic athletes: A longitudinal study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;94(10):768-74.-4040 Squarcini CFR, Pires MLN, Lopes C, Benedito-Silva AA, Esteves AMU, Cornelissen-Guillaume G, et al. Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(1):157-65. manual,1717 Sousa APS, Ferreira HR, Filho JF. Dermatoglyphic profile and hand grip strength of the finalists athletes in the Brazilian paracanoe championship. J Exerc Physiol Online. 2016;19(1):50-6.,2424 Weber MVR, Fernandes DZ, Vieira ER, Ferreira SA, da Silva DF, Queiroga MR. Adaptation of Anaerobic Field-Based Tests for Wheelchair Basketball Athletes. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2021;92(4):715-22.,4040 Squarcini CFR, Pires MLN, Lopes C, Benedito-Silva AA, Esteves AMU, Cornelissen-Guillaume G, et al. Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(1):157-65.,4747 Kons RL, Sakugawa RL, Rossato M, Diefenthaeler F, Detanico D. Neuromuscular and postural control in visually and nonvisually impaired judo athletes: Case study. J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(1):60-6. and lumbar dynamometers,4040 Squarcini CFR, Pires MLN, Lopes C, Benedito-Silva AA, Esteves AMU, Cornelissen-Guillaume G, et al. Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113(1):157-65. It is interesting to note that we did not find any studies that evaluated pressure distribution in parathletes.
Four studies1818 dos Santos MDM, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, dos Santos JL, da Silva de Mello A, Neiva HP, et al. Does the grip width affect the bench press performance of paralympic powerlifters?. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2020;1-8.,2828 Aidar FJ, Clemente FM, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Souza RF, Moreira OC, et al. Evaluation of strength and muscle activation indicators in sticking point region of national-level paralympic powerlifting athletes. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2021;6(2):43.,3030 Teles LJL, Aidar FJ, de Matos DG, Marçal AC, de Almeida-Neto PF, Neves EB, et al. Static and dynamic strength indicators in paralympic power-lifters with and without spinal cord injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(11):5907.,3737 Borges MVDO, Sousa EC De, Rego JTP, Medeiros RMV, Spina MA, Cabral BG de AT, et al. Electromyographic analysis of bench press in paralympic athletes. Medicina Sportiva. 2014;X(4):2452-6. reported using electromyography, all of which involved analysis of muscles of the trunk or upper limbs. Our search reported only two studies that used infrared thermography2020 Fraga GS, Aidar FJ, Matos DG, Marçal AC, Santos JL, Souza RF, et al. Effects of ibuprofen intake in muscle damage, body temperature and muscle power in paralympic powerlifting athletes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(14):5157.,2929 Resende M de A, Aidar FJ, Resende RBV, Reis GC, Barros L de O, de Matos DG, et al. Are strength indicators and skin temperature affected by the type of warm-up in paralympic powerlifting athletes?. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(8):923. and no studies reported the use of ultrasound in the context of sports biomechanics. Considering that people with spinal cord injury, depending on the level of injury, tend to present alterations in thermoregulation,4848 Song YG, Won YH, Park SH, Ko MH, Seo JH. Changes in body temperature in incomplete spinal cord injury by digital infrared thermographic imaging. Ann Rehabil Med. 2015;39(5):696-704.,4949 Griggs KE, Leicht CA, Price MJ, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. Thermoregulation during intermittent exercise in athletes with a spinal-cord injury. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2015;10(4):469-75. the use of infrared thermography could be an important analysis tool in athletes in sports such as wheelchair rugby and wheelchair basketball, in addition to, of course, athletics. On the other hand, many disabilities result in chronic alterations in muscle-tendon properties5050 Tay MRJ. Relationship Between Ultrasound Measurements of Quadriceps and Discharge Outcomes in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2021;102(10):e64. that could be identified by means of ultrasonography. In this sense, we reinforce the need to expand the use of other research techniques in biomechanics beyond the methods traditionally used.
Our study has some limitations, such as the uncertainty of having found all the publications that could be part of the inclusion criteria. This is due to the Lattes Platform's own search limitations, which make it impossible to cross-check keywords. However, the search on this platform is an easily accessible way for coaches and athletes to seek researchers and studies in the area that could be useful to them in their training routines. Thus, to the best of our knowledge, we believe that this work is the first to map Brazilian scientific production involving biomechanics in Paralympic sport in the cycle that preceded and followed the Rio-2016 Paralympic Games.
Our results enable us to conclude that: a) Scientific production involving biomechanics of Paralympic sport showed an increase in the Paralympic cycle that preceded Rio-2016, remaining high in the subsequent Paralympic cycle; b) Rio-2016 marked an expansion to other Brazilian regions of groups studying biomechanics in Paralympic sport; c) Public universities lead scientific production in the area; d) The main focus of the studies is still individual modalities; e) Women still face difficulties in being included in research (participation and authorship) involving biomechanics in parasport; f) Publications involving the subject reach high impact journals; g) Kinematics and dynamometry are the most commonly used measurement techniques in biomechanics in the publications, but new insights can be obtained with the inclusion of more measurement techniques.
This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Financial Code 001 and the Amazonas State Research Support Foundation (FAPEAM).
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48Song YG, Won YH, Park SH, Ko MH, Seo JH. Changes in body temperature in incomplete spinal cord injury by digital infrared thermographic imaging. Ann Rehabil Med. 2015;39(5):696-704.
49Griggs KE, Leicht CA, Price MJ, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. Thermoregulation during intermittent exercise in athletes with a spinal-cord injury. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2015;10(4):469-75.
50Tay MRJ. Relationship Between Ultrasound Measurements of Quadriceps and Discharge Outcomes in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2021;102(10):e64.
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