The Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria has now its own website!
The website of the Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (RBP) (www.rbpbrasil.org.br) has been recently released, aiming to improve the communication between the journal and the reader. The site has both Portuguese and English versions, in order to enable the access by readers worldwide. It contains all information the reader and the researcher need about the journal and the links with the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) in order to reach all articles of the issues published in the internet. The site has an area for the signing up of readers who want to receive RBP's mailing.
The great advantage of the RBP's site is to publish on-line articles which are in press, much time before they are published by SciELO and in RBP's paper edition. Besides, it will be very soon possible to submit online articles for the RBP, as well as for the most modern scientific journals. Researchers will be able, therefore, to divulge their findings much faster, making RBP an increasingly efficient vehicle for the scientific communication, being attractive for researchers.
With its updated layout, which combines clarity and easy navigation to the journal's seriousness the new site of RBP will become one additional channel for the communication and contact with the readers. Access it and verify the changes!
Rodrigo A. Bressan
Euripedes C. Miguel
Marcos T. Mercadante
Luis Augusto Rohde
Jair J. Mari
Hermano Tavares
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
26 June 2006 -
Date of issue
June 2006