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Flower therapy in domestic cats (Felis catus, Linnaeus, 1758) with feline respiratory disease complex: clinical and hematological study

Flower therapy is currently considered an alternative medical practice used in several clinical situations, providing another way to prevent and cure many diseases of physical and emotional nature. This study aimed to investigate the effect of essences of the Brazilian Compound Flower System of Joel Aleixo in one same group of domestic cats showing suggestive clinical signs of Feline Respiratory Disease (FRD), treated in different moments (M0, M1, M2, M3). Twenty domestic cats, males and females, of mixed breed, with average age 5.63 ± 3.02, raised in the UFRPE's cattery, were used. The animals were orally treated with flower essences in two steps. Firstly with Total Desintus and Total Helminthus flower for 14 days and in the second step with Antibius and Regius for 28 days. The obtained results related to clinical aspects were a decrease in nasal and ocular discharge, and lung stertors; disappearance of clinical signal such as altered stool, ulcers in the oral cavity, bristling and hypertrophy of lymph nodes. Regarding hematological aspects, there was interference in the variables related to the blood (hemoglobin, MCV, MCHC, leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes). It can be concluded that flower therapy was effective in cats with signs suggestive of FRD raised under the same management conditions.

flower essences; feline viral complex; cattery; clinical analyses

Sociedade Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais Sociedade Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Departamento de Farmácia, Bloco T22, Avenida Colombo, 5790, 87020-900 - Maringá - PR, Tel: +55-44-3011-4627 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil