Open-access Commercialization of medicinal plants in the context of the productive chain in Minas Gerais

The National Politic Integrative and complementary Practices in Health System (SUS) contributed to the increased use and knowledge of Brazilian medicinal plants, which encourages and supports the growing of family farmers and their integration in efficient markets. The Program for the Development of Medicinal Plants prioritizes actions in the entire production chain from cultivation to distribution. Knowledge of demand and adequate quality standards allows distributors and consumers to make decisions on the acquisition and supply of medicinal products. However, there is a lack of information and technologies in this supply chain, which discourages its full development, consistent with the potential for income generation and health promotion presents. The objective of this study was to identify and analyze current patterns of production and marketing of medicinal plants in the Central Market of Belo Horizonte. We conducted semi-structured interviews with nine of the 23 stores trades of medicinal plants from the Central Market. Results showed the precarious nature of this sector in obtaining medicinal plants, mainly by lack of knowledge and information in the purchase and sale of products by consumers and sellers, respectively.

comercialization; medicinal plants; productive chain; market

Sociedade Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais Sociedade Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Departamento de Farmácia, Bloco T22, Avenida Colombo, 5790, 87020-900 - Maringá - PR, Tel: +55-44-3011-4627 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil
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