Open-access Physiological potential of soybean seed lots

Several procedures can be used to evaluate the physiological potential of soybean seeds, but it is fundamental that reliable procedures are associated with the field performance of the seed lots. This research aimed to evaluate the physiological potential of soybean seed lots with quick tests, as well as vigor assessment, seedling field emergence and the computer image analysis system (SVIS®), to identify the most efficient procedure for classifying soybean seed lots. The physiological potential of five seed lots of 'BRS Valiosa RR ' and 'CD 208' was evaluated for two periods (before and after cold room storage) by the germination test (paper and sand), rapid evaluation tests (water imbibition and pH exudates), vigor tests (accelerated aging and electrical conductivity), seedling field emergence and the computer image analysis system (SVIS®). Germination (sand substrate), electrical conductivity and water imbibition tests were effective in separating the seed lots of both cultivars, but only the water imbibition test allowed classification in both evaluation periods. The water imbibition test is therefore considered as promising for evaluating physiological potential during seed production and storage.

Glycine max; water imbibition; pH exudates; vigor; SVIS®

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