Open-access Evaluation of supersweet corn seed vigor using an automated computer imaging system

The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of an automated system for seedling evaluation (SVIS®) to assess supersweet corn seed vigor compared to information from accepted vigor tests. Five seed lots, each of the SWB 551 and SWB 585 hybrids, were subjected to germination, accelerated aging (traditional and saturated salt) and field seedling emergence tests. The Seed Vigor Imaging System (SVIS®) parameters comprised mean seedling growth, uniformity and a vigor index, computed in scanned images of three-day old seedlings from the germination test. The results for both hybrids provided by SVIS® were comparable to those from the traditional accelerated aging test, thus demonstrating an efficient vigor evaluation of supersweet corn seeds.

Zea mays L.; physiological potential; seed analysis

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