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Ruminal degradability and intestinal digestibility of raw and roasted soy beans in dairy cows


This study analyse ruminal degradation the technique of the nylon bags of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) and the intestinal digestibility of rumen undegraded protein (RUP) by the method of the three stages of raw and roasted soybeans at different temperatures with and without The in situ ruminal degradation were weighed five grams of natural matter in nylon bags incubated 2; 4;8; 16; 24 and 48 hours. Zero time was made the same procedure, except ruminal incubation. The residue of treatment formed a composite sample to determine the DM and CP. The intestinal digestibility was in situ incubation for 16 hours, using the technique of the three stages. The degradability of DM at a passage rate of 5 % / hour, for raw soybean (RS), was 71.94 % and roasted between 52.23 % and 68.78 %. After 16 hours of incubation(RUP) ranged from 32.12 to 67.72% and the intestinal digestibility of 73.21% to 86.02 %. The lowest degradation of DM and CP was in the roasted soybeans at 145ºC for one minute with steeping (STC1). The in vitro intestinal digestibility of raw grains was higher and differed from the toasted, except for the ones toasted at 115 ºC for four minutes with steeping. For STC1, was obtained the lowest protein degradation of 67.72 % RUP, which 52.33 %, more when compare to RS. The toast of soybeans at 145 ºC (STC1) contributed to a lower ruminal degradability of crude protein.

effective degradability; enzymatic digestion; rumen undegraded protein; pepsin–pancreatin

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil