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Cassava bagasse and annatto colorific (Bixa orellana L.) in diets for slow-growing broilers from 30 to 90 days of age

Bagaço de mandioca e colorífico de urucum (Bixa orellana L.) em dietas para frangos de crescimento lento de 30 a 90 dias de idade


The performance and breast skin color of slow-growing broilers from 30 to 90 days old fed diets with different inclusions of cassava bagasse and annatto colorific were evaluated. 308 slow-growing broilers were used in a completely randomized experimental design, in a factorial scheme with an additional treatment 3 X 2 + 1, with three levels of annatto colorific as a pigmentant agent (1%, 2% and 3%), two levels of cassava bagasse (10% and 20%) and an additional treatment (control diet), totaling seven treatments, four replicates and 11 broilers per experimental unit. Feed intake and feed conversion were affected by treatments, with interaction. The weight gain and final weight were influenced by the treatments and the best results were found for the inclusion of 10% cassava bagasse and 2% annatto colorific. There was no effect of treatment and no interaction on carcass yield. The color parameters L*, a* and b* were not influenced by treatments. The inclusion of 10% cassava bagasse and 1% annatto colorific for slow-growing broilers from 30 to 90 days of age is recommended. However, the use of these ingredients proved to be economically unfeasible.

backyard poultry; by-products; nutrition; pigments

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil