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Carcass characteristics of Santa Ines sheep with different biotypes and slaughtering weights

Características de carcaça de ovinos da raça Santa Inês com diferentes biótipos e pesos de abate


This study evaluated the characteristics of carcass and commercial cuts of Santa Ines lambs of different biotypes (traditional and modern) slaughtered at 32 kg and 34 kg. The thirty-six Santa Ines sheep used, of which 18 traditional and 18 modern biotypes were on average 180 days old and weighed 16 kg initially. The animals were kept in individual stalls (0.80 × 1.20 m) until they reached the slaughtering weight. The experimental design was completely randomized, factorial 2×2 (two biotypes x two slaughtering weights). The traditional biotype influenced significantly (P<0.05) the carcass yields, conformation, and marbling, compared to the modern biotype. The biotype did not influence (P> 0.05) carcass morphometric measurements and commercial cuts. On the other hand, the 34-kg slaughtering weight affected most of carcass characteristics. The traditional biotype displayed higher yield, better conformation and greater amount of intramuscular fat in the carcass. The higher slaughtering weight influenced carcass characteristics and the amount of fat. Generally, the carcasses presented high muscle proportion and fat amount appropriate to the consumer.

commercial cuts; morphometry; tissue composition; yield

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil