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Use of additives in pre-housing and pre-start phases of rising on corporal and grastrintestinal tract weight of broiler chicks


The objective of this work was to verify the use of prebiotic or antibiotic in pre-housing and pre-start diets as a way to assess the impact of that nutrition on the corporal weight loss during path from hatchery tofarm, as well as the weight of digestive organs of chicks. Seven hundred and twenty day-old broiler chicks, Cobb 500, were distributed in four treatments in a completely randomized design (diet without additives in the pre – housing and pre – start phases; diet with prebiotic in the pre- housing and pre-start phases; diet with antibiotic in the pre-housing and pre – start phases; Fasting in the pre-housing and diet without additives in the pre-start phase). In the hatchery, the chicks were weighed and were provided to pre-housing diets in the transportation crates. In the experimental house, the birds were weighed again to calculate the weight loss during the course hatchery-farm, and soon after the birds were housed, dividing them into 6 replicates of 30 birds per treatment. The housing density was 10 birds/m2 With 1 and 7 days-old –, a bird per plot was harvested by cervical dislocation for dissection and weighing gastrointestinal organs. The use of prebiotic or antibiotic in pre-housing and pre-starter diets does not contribute in reducing weight loss during the course harchery-farm, as well as their use does not promote greater weight of gastrointestinal organs.

Avilamicin; β-glucans; mananoligossacarídes; neonatal nutrition; gastrointestinal tract

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil