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Integral scrapings from cassava root for pullets from 1 to 42 days old

This research was developed to evaluate the effect of inclusion the levels of integral scraping of cassava roots on performance and carcass characteristic of pullets of Ross strain, in the period from 1 to 42 days. The experimental design was a randomized block with five treatments and four replications, being the experimental unit represented by twenty birds, housed in each box. The treatments consisted of diets containing different levels of inclusion of integral scraping of cassava root (0; 5; 10; 15 and 20%), formulated to attend the nutritional requirements according to each phase of the birds, using four feeding programs. The inclusion of scrapings of cassava root in diets did not affect the weight gain and feasibility of housing of pullets in the period from 1 to 42 days. However, feed intake and feed conversion were affected with inclusion levels scraping cassava root. The scrapings of cassava root can be used in diets of pullets, in the period from 1 to 42 days in levels up to 6.77%, without compromising carcass characteristics and main cuts and edible organs.

carcass; nutrition; performance; weight gain

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil