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Bioeconomic performance from goat kids differents genetics groups finished in feedlot

The objective of this study was to evaluate performance and gross profit margin of goat kids finished in feedlot. Thirty kids non-castrated were used, being 10 ½ Anglo Nubian × ½ undefined breed, 10 ½ Boer × ½ undefined breed and 10 undefined breed, fed with diet containing 15.5% of crude protein and 2.58Mcal/kg dry matter. The Boer × undefined breed kids showed greater dry matter intake, live weight percentual, in relation to undefined breed kids, obtained the Anglo Nubian × undefined breed kids similar results to the others genetics groups. The water intake, the feed conversion and the corporal score no influenced by genetics groups. However, there was significant effect of the genetics groups on the total weight gain and daily weight gain that were greater for the Boer × undefined breed kids when compared with undefined breed. The Anglo Nubian × undefined breed kids and undefined breed obtained greater corporal score at the beginning of the experiment when compared with Boer × undefined breed. The use of the Boer breed in the crossbred improves the performance of undefined breed kids. The Boer × undefined breed kids showed greater gross profit margin than the Anglo × undefined breed kids finished in feedlot.

Anglo Nubian; Boer; economic analysis; goats; weight gain

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil