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Gastrointestinal nematodes and "Cryptosporidium" sp. in ostriches and factors associated with infection in the Regional Pole of Paraguaçú, State of Bahia

The parasites are responsible for economic losses in the ostrich, by reducing the production and productivity. To determine the frequency and the factors associated with transmission of gastrointestinal nematodes and Cryptosporidium sp. in ostriches, 342 faecal samples were collected from 188 adults and 154 young ostriches raised in seven herds in the Regional Pole of Paraguaçu. Samples were evaluated for fecal eggs count, nematodes third-stage larvae and Cryptosporidium sp oocysts frequency. The data related to animals and their environments have been obtained by visiting the properties and interviews with producers. The association between parasite burden and the variables of management of the animals was analyzed by chi-square and "Odds ratio", with an interval of 95%. In all flocks were found infected birds. In 88.3% of stool samples were detected eggs of gastrointestinal nematodes, and 18.8% Cryptosporidium sp oocysts. Libyostrongylus dentatus (98%), L.douglassii (2%) and Codiostomum sp (2%) larvae were identified in faecal cultures. Environmental and management factors were associated with risk enteric parasites in ostrich farms. It was found that the ostriches kept in paddocks of irregular topography, in the absence of other animals or receiving water coming from wells or cisterns had lower chances of infection by nematodes. As for the Cryptosporidium genus, the creation in flat areas, with the presence of other animals in the paddocks and the supply of river water increases the chances (2.7 times) of infection.

birds; coccidian; parasites; ratites; Strongylida; Struthio camelus

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil