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Slow Food practices in Brazil: analysis of the relations with the everyday spaces of hospitality and tourism in southern Brazil


Slow Food is an international movement that advocates the enjoyment of food associated with socially and environmentally responsible food production. Brazil has 65 Slow Food gatherings distributed in its territory. The main objective of this research is: to analyze Slow Food and its relations with the daily space of hospitality and tourism in Brazil. It is a qualitative research, using structured questionnaires with 30 questions organized from the analytical categories: place, contiguous area of hospitality, identity, solidarity action, permanence, freedom and sovereignty. The analytical framework is the southern region, totaling 13 researched convivialities. The main results are: the actions of the movement occur based on networks, friendliness and various solidarity actions, manifested by the voluntarism of the actions of its members in various projects, denoting direct relations of hospitality. There has been centralization of resources and information by Slow Food International and little support for the local scale. Relations with tourism were indirect, through actions of insertion of products in the distribution chains of members of the community, but with actions and projects based on the retrieval of knowledge, the strengthening of places, the enhancement and reaffirmation of identities in social food space.

Slow Food; Hospitalidade; Comensalidade; Turismo; Brasil

Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil