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The Institutionalization Process of the Formal Structures of Tourism Research (FSTR) in Brazil

El Proceso de Institucionalización de las Estructuras Formales de Investigación en Turismo (EFIT) en Brasil


This paper analyzes the institutionalization process-habitualization, objectivation and sedimentation (Berger & Luckmann, 1966)-of the Formal Structures of Tourism Research (FSTR) in Brazil, guided by the institutional theoretical lenses, in its sociological perspective. This is a descriptive and explanatory survey research. Empirically, secondary data was collected from all the 234 existing FSTR since 1964 and active in 2016 in the CNPq (Science and Technology Council) directory of research groups, elected as the most representative type of FSTR in the previous survey (Pimentel, 2016). Statistical analyses were done by SPSS software and content analysis was used for qualitative data. Three main periods were identified regarding the FSTR institutionalization process in Brazil: the first one (1964-2001), Habitualization, higher education courses were created for the training in tourism, the subject of "tourism" spread in academic circles and its insertion as a line of research was observed. The second one, Objectivation (2002-2009), the subject was consolidated through the creation of specific groups of research, in a huge expansion. The third one (2010 to present), the sedimentation of the FSTR occur, the contingent of tourism graduates, with masters and doctoral degrees, inserted in Higher Education Institutions as teacher-researchers, and new generations of researchers are beginning to form. However, the full institutionalization process requires the intergenerational transmission of the objective structures, as well as the symbolic references of knowledge generation.

Formal Structures of Tourism Research/FSTR; Institutional Theory; Institutionalization Process; Higher Education Institution/HEI; Brazil

Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil