The diet of some leaf-nosed frugivorous bats - Artibeus Leach, 1821, Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sturnira lilium (e. Geoffroy, 1810) - was studied for nine consecutive months through faecal analysis of individuais captured with mist-nets in a small forest remnant of Paraná state, Brazil. The analysis revealed that Artibeus spp. exhibited preference for fruits of Ficus spp. and Carollia perspicillata for those of Piper spp., which is in accordance with the results of previous studies. But contrary to what was expected, fruit of Solanum spp. were not found for the diet of Sturnira lilium in spite of their high availabilily (16 species) in the study area and their known relationship with this bat genus. The species of consumed fruit belonged to several plant life forms (trees, bushes, and lianas) and occurred in several habitais. This result emphasizes the importance of keeping habitat diversity, especially in small isolated reserves. Most consumed fruits were green, in agreement with the chiropterochoric syndrome, but ali seeds were small due to limitations of the sampling method. Fruit species abundance in the study area did not seem to have influenced their consumption, but intra-specific fruit availability did so, since most fruits were consumed within their intra-annual peak of availability.
Chiroptera; Phyllostomidae; frugivory; seed dispersai; Brazil
Chiroptera; Phyllostomidae; frugivory; seed dispersai; Brazil
A dieta dos morcegos frugívoros (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) de um pequeno remanescente de Floresta Estacionai Semidecidual do sul do Brasil
The diet of fruit-eating bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) in a small Semideciduous Seasonal Forest remnant in south Brazil
Sandra Bos Mikich
Rua Padre Anchieta 1995, ap. 704, 80730-000 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. E-mail:
The diet of some leaf-nosed frugivorous bats - Artibeus Leach, 1821, Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sturnira lilium (e. Geoffroy, 1810) - was studied for nine consecutive months through faecal analysis of individuais captured with mist-nets in a small forest remnant of Paraná state, Brazil. The analysis revealed that Artibeus spp. exhibited preference for fruits of Ficus spp. and Carollia perspicillata for those of Piper spp., which is in accordance with the results of previous studies. But contrary to what was expected, fruit of Solanum spp. were not found for the diet of Sturnira lilium in spite of their high availabilily (16 species) in the study area and their known relationship with this bat genus. The species of consumed fruit belonged to several plant life forms (trees, bushes, and lianas) and occurred in several habitais. This result emphasizes the importance of keeping habitat diversity, especially in small isolated reserves. Most consumed fruits were green, in agreement with the chiropterochoric syndrome, but ali seeds were small due to limitations of the sampling method. Fruit species abundance in the study area did not seem to have influenced their consumption, but intra-specific fruit availability did so, since most fruits were consumed within their intra-annual peak of availability.
Key words: Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae, frugivory, seed dispersai, Brazil
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AGRADECIMENTOS. A Emygdio Monteiro-Filho, Michel Miretzki, Vinalto Graf, Wesley R. Silva, James J. Roper, Miguel Â. Marini, Fernando de C. Passos e a um revisor anônimo, por críticas e sugestões ao manuscrito. A Juliana Quadros e Suzy Wangler pela captura dos morcegos. A Sandro Menezes Silva, responsável pela identificação do material botânico. A Michel Miretzki pela identificação de vários animais e empréstimo de literatura especializada. A Gledson Vigiano Bianconi pela busca da autoria dos nomes científicos de várias espécies. Ao Instituto Ambiental do Paraná pela permissão de realizar o estudo no PEVR e a Mauro M. Britto que viabilizou vários projetos junto a esta instituição. Aos funcionários do PEVR que auxiliaram em todas as etapas do projeto. Ao curso de Pós-graduação em Zoologia e a meu orientador, Prof. Vinalto Graf. As várias instituições que financiaram meus projetos no PEVR e região entre 1990 e 1997, período no qual coligi os dados aqui apresentados: CNPq (bolsa de doutorado); CAPES (bolsa de mestrado); Instituto Ambiental do Paraná; Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza; Mc Arthur Foundation; Wildlife Conservation Society; International Council for Bird Preservation - U.S. and Pan American Sections; World Nature Association; Manomet Bird Observatory - Birder's Exchange Program and Kathleen Anderson Award; Wilson Ornithological Society.
Recebido em 10.VIII.2001; aceito em 02.III.2002.
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