Open-access Histologia e histoquímica do magno, um dos segmentos do oviduto de Numida meleagris (Linné) (Numididae, Galliformes)

Histological and histochemical of the magnum, a segment of oviduct of Numida meleagris (Linné) (Numididae, Galliformes)


Numida meleagris (Linné, 1758) is an african bird that was brought to Brazil. As the bird adapted to the climate of this new habitat and spread ali around the country, it is nowadays part of our avifauna. The present study continues topographic and morphofunctional researches on the female genital apparatus of this species, since it describes histological and histochemical aspects of magnum, a segment of oviduct. Magnum was dissected and processed according to routine and histochemical staining procedures to detect glycogen and mucous substances in the epithelial tissue and mucous glands. Besides focusing morphological aspects, the study compares the data obtained with those of other species aiming to contribute to the enlargement of the knowledge on reproductive biology of brazilian birds what may be important to make their biological control easier.

Galliformes; Numididae; female genital; oviduct; magnum

Galliformes; Numididae; female genital; oviduct; magnum

Histologia e histoquímica do magno, um dos segmentos do oviduto de Numida meleagris (Linné) (Numididae, Galliformes)

Histological and histochemical of the magnum, a segment of oviduct of Numida meleagris (Linné) (Numididae, Galliformes)

Maria das Graças Ribeiro; Maria Eloiza de Oliveira Teles; Sandra Maria das Graças Maruch

Departamento de Morfologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Avenida Antônio Carlos 6627, Caixa Postal 4045, 31250-970 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil


Numida meleagris (Linné, 1758) is an african bird that was brought to Brazil. As the bird adapted to the climate of this new habitat and spread ali around the country, it is nowadays part of our avifauna. The present study continues topographic and morphofunctional researches on the female genital apparatus of this species, since it describes histological and histochemical aspects of magnum, a segment of oviduct. Magnum was dissected and processed according to routine and histochemical staining procedures to detect glycogen and mucous substances in the epithelial tissue and mucous glands. Besides focusing morphological aspects, the study compares the data obtained with those of other species aiming to contribute to the enlargement of the knowledge on reproductive biology of brazilian birds what may be important to make their biological control easier.

Key words: Galliformes, Numididae, female genital, oviduct, magnum

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AGRADECIMENTOS. As autoras agradecem ao Prof. Ney Eny Demas Camevalli, pela confirmação da espécie em estudo; à tradutora Maria da Glória A. Ferreira; à bióloga Sandra Resende Lima, responsável pela preparação técnica do material estudado e à técnica do laboratório fotográfico Ivone Carmo de Oliveira. Agradecem, ainda, à PRPq/UFMG e à FAPEMIG, pelo auxilio financeiro.

Recebido em 13.VI.1996; aceito em 15.V.1997.

Referências bibliográficas

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    13 Jul 2009
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Aceito
    15 Maio 1997
  • Recebido
    13 Jun 1996
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