Open-access Family reassignments and synonymy of some taxa of Neotropical Microlepidoptera


Fourteen genera and 23 species were misplaced and are assigned to their proper families, 11 genera and 10 species are synonymized, one genus and one species are ressurected from synonymy, and 18 species are new combinations.

Gelechioidea; Sesiidae; Yponomeutoidea; Neotropical; taxonomy

Family reassignments and synonymy of some taxa of Neotropical Microlepidoptera

Vitor O. Becker

Research Associate, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Brasilia, Caixa Postal 04525, 70919-970 Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brasil


Fourteen genera and 23 species were misplaced and are assigned to their proper families, 11 genera and 10 species are synonymized, one genus and one species are ressurected from synonymy, and 18 species are new combinations.

Key words: Gelechioidea, Sesiidae, Yponomeutoidea, Neotropical, taxonomy.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The author is most gratefull, to the following coleagues for permission to study material under their care: Don R. Davis and Ron W. Hodges (USNM), O. V. Ferreira (FOC), Fritz Kasy (NM), James Liebherr (CU), Gérard Luquet (MNHN), Christopher O'Toole (UMO), Klaus Sattler (BMNH); to Kevin Tuck (BMNH) for providing colour slides of some type-specimens, to Frederick W. Stehr (Michigan State University) for reading the manuscript, to Jean-François Landry (Agriculture Canada, Ottawa) for providing some bibliography, to Antônio L. L. Gomes and Carlos A. Braga (EMBRAPA-CPAC, Planaltina, DF, Brazil) for collecting and spreading part of the material, and, especially, to Wellington Cavalcanti (EMBRAPA-CPAC), for producing part of the line drawings.

Recebido em 20.VIII.1998; aceito em 29.XI.1999.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 June 2009
  • Date of issue


  • Accepted
    29 Nov 1999
  • Received
    20 Aug 1998
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