Correlação da fluviometria e de alguns fatores climáticos sobre a produção pesqueira de Anchoviella lepidentostole (Fowler, 1911) (Teleostei, Engraulidae), no Rio Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo, Brasil Giamas, Maria Teresa Duarte Santos, Luiz Edésio Vermulm Jr, Harry Souza, José Nilton de Resumo em Inglês: This research was undertaken in Registro, SP, from January 1979 to December 1982, to verify the relationship between the capture (in kilo-grams) of Anchoviella lepidentostole (Fowler, 1911) and fluviometric and climatic parameters. The following results were obtained, utilizing the Pearson index of linear correlation: a) for capture and fluviometric values, r = -0.84; b) for capture and solar radiation, r = 0.63; c) for capture andpluviometric index, r = -0.83; d) for capture and mean air temperature, r = 0.30. |
Revision of the neotropical cichlid genus Gymnogeophagus Ribeiro, 1918, with descriptions of two new species (Pisces, Perciformes) Reis, R. E. Malabarba, L. R. Resumo em Inglês: The Neotropical cichlid genus Gymnogeophagus Ribeiro, 1918 is revised. The following species are considered valid and are redescribed: G. rhabdotus (Hensel, 1870), G. gymnogenys (Hensel, 1870), G. labiatus (Hensel, 1870), G. balzanii (Perugia, 1891) and G. australis (Eigenmann, 1907). In addition, two new species are described: G. lacustris, sp. n., from the coastal region of southern Brazil and G. meridionalis, sp. n., from the lower Rio Paraná and Rio Uruguay systems. Lectotypes are designated for Geophagus bucephalus Hensel, 1870 (= G. labiatus) and Geophagus scymnophilus Hensel, 1870 (= G. labiatus) and the phylogenetic relationships among the species are analyzed. An osteological description based mainly on G. meridionalis is presented. A map of species distribution and a key to the species are provided. |
Alguns dados sobre a reprodução do garibáldi, Agelaius r. ruficapillus (Icteridae, Aves) em lavouras de arroz no Rio Grande do Sul Fallavena, Maria Alice Bello Resumo em Inglês: Agelaius r. ruficapillus is gregarious, being found in large flocks in Rio Grande do Sul during most of the year; they nest in natural marshes or rice fields. This bird is accused by farmers of causing damage to rice at all stages of its growth and Belton, 1985, believes it may now be the most abundant bird in the state. Its reproductive biology in rice fields in southern Rio Grande do Sul was observed from 1981 to 1983, with more emphasis from november 1982 to march 1983. Capture and banding of 16 birds with aluminum and plastic colored bands were made; nine nests were marked with steel stakes. It was found that the male is responsible for the construction of the nest, which the female lines inside. The clutch varies from three to four eggs, three being more frequent. The female broods the eggs and leaves the nest to feed. The male stays near the nest, defending the territory. The young hatch after 13 days of brooding, and are fed arthropods by the parents. After fledging they receive grains of dehulled rice. Reproduction is synchronized with rice growth. It begins with flowering and ends at harvest time. Adult birds feed on rice during the entire growth period, taking the "milk" of green rice and eating ripe grains after dehulling them. |
Comportamento reprodutivo de Volatinia jacarina jacarina (Linnaeus, 1766) em cativeiro (Passeres, Emberizidae) Marcondes-Machado, Luiz Octavio Resumo em Inglês: Sixpairs of Volatina jacarina have been studied under captivity condition. Territorial defense was displayed by male as well as by female, through agonistic displays joined to characteristic vocalization. Several vocalizations have been identified and described. Courtship behaviour have also been observed. Male and female contributed both to the building of the nest, which is of the cup type, but the male alone was responsible for the chosen place. The average number of eggs by clutch was 2.3 (n = 2.8). Incubation have been depending on the sole female and the average incubation period was 10.6 days (n = 10). Both male and female fed the young with small arthropods and seeds. Nestlings remained in the nest for nine days (n = 9). A gular sac was present in the adults while they fed their young. Independence of the young was adquired in about one month. An internuptial plumage appeared during the non-reproductive period. |
Comportamento alimentar de aves em Cecropia (Moraceae), em mata atlântica, no Estado de São Paulo Marcondes-Machado, Luiz Octavio Oliveira, Maria Martha Argel de Resumo em Inglês: This study is based on observations of behaviour of the bird species which visit and feed on 2 species of Cecropia catkins in three localities of the Atlantic forest, SP. A total of 31 species was observed visiting Cecropia; out of these, 17 were seen feeding on the catkins. Two species of the family Psittacidae were observed as seed predators. Seed germination tests of the seeds obtained from the birds' feces eating C. adenopus catkins proved that they function as dispersal agents. |
Sobre a ocorrência de cetáceos no litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro entre 1968 e 1984 Geise, L. Borobia, M. Resumo em Inglês: In this paper some data are shown about cetaceans that occurred at the Rio de Janeiro coast from 1968 to 1984. The newspapers' archives were used, as well as personal observations. There are some new records and the greatest number of animais were seen during August. |
O gênero Holochilus (Mammalia: Cricetidae) no Rio Grande do Sul: taxonomia e distribuição Marques, Rosane Vera Resumo em Inglês: The genus Holochilus Brandt, 1835 is represented in Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, by two forms: H. brasiliensis vulpinus (Brants, 1827) e H. magnus Hershkovitz, 1955. They are myomorph rodents with semi-aquatic habits. Species of Holochilus range from Northern South America to Central Argentina. In this paper, I present an analysis of standard measurements of specimens collected in Southern Brazil and deposited in the collections of FZB, PUC and UFRGS and a distribution map with collecting localities. |