Logomarca do periódico: Revista Brasileira de Zoologia

Open-access Revista Brasileira de Zoologia

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia
Área: Ciências Biológicas Versão impressa ISSN: 0101-8175 Novo título: Zoologia (Curitiba)


Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, Volume: 11, Número: 2, Publicado: 1994

Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, Volume: 11, Número: 2, Publicado: 1994

Document list

Atratividade de diferentes iscas e sua relação com as fases de desenvolvimento ovariano em calliphoridae e sarcophagidae (insecta, diptera) d'Almeida, José Mario Lima, Silvana Ferreira

Resumo em Inglês:

Attrativeness of differents baits (fish, faeces and banana) upon ovarian development fases of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae was evaluated. The insects were captured in Distrito Federal (urban area) and Rio de Janeiro city (beach, zoological garden, urban area and Tijuca forest). The most frequent species captured were: Calliphoridae - Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) 78,9% and Chtysomya puloria (Wiedemann, 1818) 5,4% - and Sarcophagidae - Sarcophagula Wulp, 1887 2,3% and Peckya chrysostoma (Wiedemann. 1830) 2,2%. Fish was more attractive to females of Calliphoridae flies in intense ovarian vitelogenesis, although banana atracted more flies with mature eggs. Faeces and fish were more atractive for Sarcophagidae in the beggining of vitelogenesis.

Contribuição à biologia de serpentes da Bahia, Brasil: I. vivíparas Lira-da-Silva, Rejane Maria Casais-e-Silva, Luciana Lyra Queiroz, Ilka Biondi de Nunes, Tânia Brazil

Resumo em Inglês:

Great part of lhe avaiable data about snakes reprodution refers to species coming from subtropical and temperate regions. In Brazil, the data is rather rare and can be found in various works where information is restricted. Results from studies developed with five viviparous snakes - Crotalus durissus cascavella (Wagler, 1824). Bothrops erythromelas(Amaral, 1923), B. leucurus (Wagler, 1824), Helicops leopardinus (Schlegel, 1873) and Thamnodynastes strigilis (Thiinberg, 1787) - which come from the Northeast of Brazil (Bahia) are described. Data about pregnancy and birth, number, sex ratio, length and weight of neonates is given and discussed.

Seis novas larvas do gênero Micrathyria Kirby e notas sobre a distribuição no Brasil (Odonata, Libellulidae) Assis, Cristiane Vieira de Costa, Janira Martins

Resumo em Inglês:

Six new Micrathyria Kirby, 1889 larvae from Brazil are described and compared to those described by SANTOS (1968, 1972, 1978) and NEEDHAM (1943). The distribution of the species is studied based on material deposited in colection of Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MN-UFRJ).

Uma nova espécie de Bithoracochaeta Stein (Diptera, Muscidae, Coenosiinae) Couri, Márcia Souto Motta, Henrique César Gonçalves da

Resumo em Inglês:

Bithoracochaeta maricaensis, sp.n. from Barra de Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is descrihed and illuslrated.

Aspectos morfológicos de ciliados de rúmen (Entodiniomorphida, Ophryoscolecidae) revelados pelas técnicas do Protargol e da reação de Feulgen D'Agosto, Marta Santa-Rosa, Milden Rodrigues de

Resumo em Inglês:

The resulls of the protargol's technique and Feulgen's reactions on ciliates of the genus Entodinium Stetn. 1859, Diplodinium Schuberg. 1888. Eodinium Kofoid & MacLennan. 1932, Eudiplodinium Dogiel. 1927 and Ostracodinium Dogiel. 1927 are presented. The ciliates were obtained from samples of bovine's ruminal content.

Insetos capturados com armadilha Malaise na Ilha do Mel, Baía de Paranaguá, Paraná, Brasil: I. composição de ordens Dutra, Renato R.C. Marinoni, Renato C.

Resumo em Inglês:

Two Malaise traps (TOWNES 1972 model) were installed on an island (the "Ilha do Mel") in the Bay of Paranaguá, from September, 1988 to August, 1989. at two sites denominated "Fortaleza" and "Praia Grande", for collection of insects. Apart from collection of insects (Fortaleza: 62.924 individuals; Praia Grande: 38.868 individuais), graphical analysis were limited to those Orders wich occurred concomitantly at the two collection points in ali months: Collembola. Hemiptera. Homoptera. Coleoptera. Lepidoptera. Diptera and Hymenoptera. It was concluded that the Malaise trap is selective for Diptera. Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. and proved to be efficient in measuring abundance, in obtaining information regarding the seasonal variation of insects, and in comparing the entomofauna of different geographical localities.

Insetos capturados com armadilha Malaise na Ilha do Mel, Baía de Paranaguá, Paraná, Brasil: II. Tabanidae (Diptera) Dutra, Renato R. C. Marinoni, Renato C.

Resumo em Inglês:

Two Malaise traps (TOWNES' 1972 model) were installed on an island (lhe "Ilha do Mel") in lhe Bay of Paranaguá, from September, 1988 to August. 1989. at two sites denominated "Fortaleza" and "Praia Grande", for colleetion of insects. At "Fortaleza". 1,715 individuais of Tabanidae were captured, representing 3.20% of all Diptera captured in this site, while at "Praia Grande" 1,420 individuais of the same family were captured, representing 5,06% of ali Diptera captured there. In "Fortaleza", Tabanidae is represented for 10 species, while in "Praia Grande" it is represented for nine species. Dichelacera alcicomis (Wiedemann. 1828) was the most abundant species at two sites, representing 87,52% and 66,69 % of all Tabanidae captured at "Fortaleza" and "Praia Grande", respectively. The grealest number of individuais occurred in November, the month with the lowest relative humidity associated to small pluviometric precipitation, just after a month with high relative humidity associated to a high pluviometric precipilation.

Uma espécie e uma subespécie novas de Trigoinini do Oeste da Amazônia (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) Moure, Jesus Santiago

Asaphobelis Physonychus Simon: descrição da fêmea e novas contribuiçíes para o conhecimento do macho (Araneae, Salticidae) Lise, Arno Antônio Braul Júnior, Augusto

Resumo em Inglês:

The female of Asaphobelis physonychus Simon, 1902 is described for the firstl time. Some new comments about the male are provided and the palpus is illustrated.

Descrição de Radiodiscus vazi, sp.n. de São Paulo, Brasil, com proposição de recombinação de duas outras espécies sob este gênero e R. bolachaensis, nom.n. e sinonimizacão de uma espécie de Radioconus (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Charopidae) Fonseca, Álvaro Luis Müller da Thomé, José Willibaldo

Resumo em Inglês:

Radiodiscus vazi. sp.n. is described. Synonymizations of Zichogyra cleliae Weyrauch, 1965 under Radiodiscus pilsbryi Scott, 1957 and Radiodiscus patagonicus (Suter, 1900), comb.n. - non Radiodiscus patagonicus Pilsbry, 1911 - and Radiodiscus iheringi (Ancey, 1S99), comb.n. - non Radiodiscus jheringi (Thiele, 1927) - are proposed with Radiodiscus bolachaensis. nom.n.

Tylanthidium, gen.n. de Anthidiinae da América do Sul (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) e nota taxonômica Urban, Danúncia

Resumo em Inglês:

Tylanthidium, gen.n. is proposed to a new species from the north brazilian state of Amazonas - Tylanlhidium tuberigaster, sp.n. - characterized by the absence of arolia and of interalveolar carinas, the peculiar scutellum almost triangular and by the genal preoccipital carinae; the males with the apical border of the mandibles deeple sinuate and the distai tergum densely hairy bellow. Michanthidium nom.n. is given to Gnathanlhidium Urban,. 1992 (non Gnathanthidium Pasteels, 1969).

Observações sobre a biologia de Apiomerus Lanipes (Fabricius) (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) Amaral Filho, Benedicto Ferreira do Gióia, Ismael Waib, Claudia Maria Mendeleck, Elaine Cônsoli, Fernando Luis

Resumo em Inglês:

The aim of lhe presenl work is to descrihe the biological cycle of the Apiomenis lanipes (Fabricius, 1803) (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) on lahoralory conditions. Adults of Drosophila sp. (Diptera, Drosophilidae) and Ceralitis capitula (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera. Tephritidae) was offered for hug feeding (nymphs and adults). The developmenlal of the entire cycle (egg to adult) was 288.26 days and 294.85 days for males and females, respectively. The duration of egg stage and nymphal stage was 23.5 days and 269.02 days, respectively.

Melipona (Michmelia) capixaba, uma nova espécie de Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) do Sudeste do Brasil Moure, Jesus S. Camargo, João M.F.

Resumo em Inglês:

This species from the Mata Atlântica resembles Melipona lateralis Erichson, 1848 and M. seminigra Friese, 1903 from the Amazonian Region. It can be easily distinguished from the first and its nearest relalive, M. scutellarís Latreille, 1811 by having a more shining mesoscutum and from the second by the yellow facial markings.

Rhynosteus, gen.n. e notas sobre Hoplostelis Dominique (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Megachilidae) Moure, Jesus S. Urban, Danúncia

Resumo em Inglês:

Rhynosielis, gen.n. is proposed as new genus for Anthidium multiplicaium Smith, 1879. It has in commom wilh Hoplostelis a strong basal tooth on upper border of mandibles. Main differences with Hoplostelis are: mandibular shape, configuration of mandibular teeth on apical border, a rounded tubercule on upper clypear third, mesoscutum posteriorly bigibbous, scutellum transverse-bigibbous, preepisternal carina laminate and almost complete, basal portion of propodeum without foveae and a median carina on last three terga.

Duas novas larvas de Lestes Leach e dados morfológicos sobre Lestes pictus Hagen (Odonata, Zygoptera, Lestidae) Costa, Junira Martins Carneiro, Sônia Margareth V.

Resumo em Inglês:

The larvae of Lestes bipupillalus Calvert, 1909 and Lestes tricolor Erichson. 184S are described and illustrated based on specimens collecled in têmporary habitais near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Additional information are given on the morfology of the larva of Lestes pictus Hagen, 1862 and a key for the identification of the brazilian speeies of Lestes whose larvae are known. is presented.

Dirocoremia, subgen.n. de Coremia Audinet-Serville (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Compsocerini) Marques, Marinêz Isaac

Resumo em Inglês:

Coremia (Dirocoremia), subgen.n.. is proposed for Coremia ingae, sp.n.. from Paraná. Brazil (type species) Coremia bruchi Gounelle, 1905 and Coremia simpiicipes Gounelle, 1911.

Dinâmica da nutrição de Metynnis cf. roosevelti Eigenmann (Characidae, Myleinae), da Lagoa Redonda, Nízia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil Gurgel, Hélio de Castro Bezerra Barbieri, Geraldo Martins, Marcos de Afonso

Resumo em Inglês:

The time of full stomach repletion and fat condition was determined through an analysis of the average stomach repletion index, condition faclor and relative frequency of repletion for different periods of the year. Condition factor was influenced by weight gain in the stomaches, main from April to June.

Análise qualitativa da alimentação e o coeficiente intestinal de Metynnis cf. roosevelti Eigenmann (Characidae, Myleinae), da Lagoa Redonda, Nízia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil Gurgel, Hélio de Castro Bezerra Almeida, Raimunda Gonçalves de Barbieri, Geraldo

Resumo em Inglês:

This species showed feeding activily ali year long. Although zooplancton, protozooplancton and other organisms have been found in the stomaches, this species can be considered, broadly speaking, herbivorous since a great amount of seaweed was found in its diet. Fulness of the stomachs was not associated with sex difference. Full stomachs were found throughout the period. Variations according to the estimated periods were not found.

Um caso de albinismo em Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus (Artiodactyla, Tayassuidae) na Serra do Mar, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná Veiga, L. A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Described herein is a case of alhinism in lhe Peccary Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus. 1758 (Artiodaclyla. Tayassuidae). which was observed in Colônia Castelhanos. São José dos Pinhais. Paraná, in lhe Southern Bra/il. The specimen was caplured when very young. The normal peccary (Tayassu tajacu) is a dark-gray animal wilh a while hand across the ehest from shoulder Io shoulder. This animal have while skin. hlued eyes bul has pigmented feet.

Merocoremia monnei. gen.n., sp.n. de Compsocerini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) Marques, Marinêz Isaac

Resumo em Inglês:

Are describcd a new genus, and a new species, including characteres of the wing venation, moulh pieces, proendosternite, metendosternite and ovipositor. This species has a restrict geographical distribution in Espírito Santo and Bahia - Brazil.

Bottom-nets as a new method for quantitatively sampling tadpole populations (Amphibia, Anura) Gascon, Claude

Resumo em Inglês:

A new technique to reliably estimate true tadpole abundance in small ephemeral forest ponds based on a sample taken from a bottom net is presented. The bottom net is placed in the pond before it fills with water. At given intervals the bottom net is lifted through the water column and all tadpoles can be counted. Based on a series of calibrations, the technique showed significant correlations between estimated abundance of Osteocephalus taurinus Steindachner, 1862, Colostelhus marchesianus Melin, 1941, Phyllomedusa tomoptema Cope, 1868, and aeshnid larvae, and true abundances based on total counts.

Anelídeos Poliquetos da costa Brasileira: 5. Pisionidae, Chrysopetalidae, Amphinomidae e Euphrosinidae Amaral, A. Cecília Z. Nonato, Edmundo F.

Resumo em Inglês:

This isthe fifth fascicle of the series and deals with the polychaete families Psionidae, Chrysoptelidae, Aniphinomidae e Euphrosinidae whieh are represented in the Brazilian coast respectively hy 1,5, 9 and 2 species. The speciniens of ali the species examined are deposited in the Collection of the Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo.

A new Ectaga Walsingham (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) from southern South America Becker, Vitor O.

Resumo em Inglês:

Ectaga garcia, sp.n., related to E. promeces Walsingham, 1912 is described. Larvae were reared on Lantana camara, L. griesebachiana and L. montevidensis (Verbenaceae) in Argentina and Brazil.
Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil
E-mail: sbz@bio.ufpr.br
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