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Temperature and substrate on the germination of seeds of Simira gardneriana M.R. Barbosa & Peixoto


Simira gardneriana M.R. Barbosa & Peixoto, known locally as pereiro-vermelho, is a forest species of the family Rubiaceae considered to be endemic to the Caatinga biome. This study aimed to define the type of substrate and temperature which are most suitable for the germination of seeds of the pereiro-vermelho. An experiment was carried out in a completely randomised design and a 5 x 4 factorial scheme comprising a combination of five substrates (in sand, on sand, paper towel, on paper and on vermiculite) and four temperatures (constant at 25, 30 and 35 °C, and alternating between 20 and 30 °C), with four replications, each of 25 seeds. The following variables were analysed: percentage germination, percentage of abnormal seedlings, germination speed index, and seedling length and dry weight. Temperatures of 25 and 30 °C, and the paper towel and sand substrates, are ideal conditions for the germination of seeds of the pereiro-vermelho.

Key words:
Rubiaceae; Caatinga; Seed analysis; Forest seeds

Universidade Federal do Ceará Av. Mister Hull, 2977 - Bloco 487, Campus do Pici, 60356-000 - Fortaleza - CE - Brasil, Tel.: (55 85) 3366-9702 / 3366-9732, Fax: (55 85) 3366-9417 - Fortaleza - CE - Brazil