Open-access Newborn hearing health: speech therapy acting on Family Health Strategy

PURPOSE: to analyze the monitoring of the newborn and the promotion of hearing health after insertion of speech therapy at the Family Health Strategy. METHOD: this is a retrospective documentary study with quantitative approach using 88 infants who underwent OAE testing in the period from February to May 2010, we examined the monthly reports’ devolution of the Health Hearing Service of the Municipality, consolidated monthly statements and the handbooks of the Center for Family Health in Sobral-Ce. RESULTS: from the studied newborns, 35 (39.77%) failed the test, 7 (20%) were infants with risk indicator for hearing loss and 28 (80%) did not have any risk; It was found that some infants classified by risk indicator of the health Hearing Service had no risk factor according to the Family Health Center. It was also observed that increased the number of referrals to the OAE test increased 8.33%. As for the retesting, 1 (7.69%) child returned in the months from March to August 2009, compared to the months of September/2009 to February/2010 where 17 (65.38%) children had being retested after the performance of speech therapy in the CSF of Sumaré. CONCLUSION: the presence of speech therapy in primary care is essential for monitoring and tracking the early diagnosis of hearing disorders.

Health Promotion; Hearing; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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