The Burnout Syndrome is a chronic adaptive disorder that affects a wide range of professionals, especially health care, such as speech therapists. Characterized aspects among others, by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment. This study aimed to verify, in the scientific literature, the occurrence of burnout syndrome in audiologists who work in hospitals. The methodological procedures used were national and international papers in the last10 years, raised in electronic data bases indexed with the following keywords: Speech and Burnout, burnout and hospitals. Articles were identified only on the Burnout Syndrome and health professionals and noted that there is a dearth of information on the relationship Burnout Syndrome and Speech Therapy/Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. This insufficient production techniques related to the topic at hand is even greater when it is targeted to speech therapist who work in hospitals.
Burnout, Professional; Speech Therapy; Hospital Units
A Síndrome de Burnout é um transtorno adaptativo crônico que acomete uma gama variada de profissionais, principalmente os da área da saúde, como os fonoaudiólogos. Caracteriza-se, entre outros aspectos, por cansaço emocional, despersonalização e baixa realização pessoal. Esse estudo objetivou verificar, na literatura científica, a ocorrência da Síndrome de Burnout em fonoaudiólogos que atuam no âmbito hospitalar. Os recursos metodológicos utilizados foram artigos nacionais e internacionais dos últimos 10 anos, levantados nas bases de dados eletrônicos indexadas, com as seguintes palavras chave: Fonoaudiologia e Burnout; esgotamento profissional e unidades hospitalares. Foram identificados apenas artigos sobre a Síndrome de Burnout e profissionais da saúde e notou-se que há uma escassez de informações sobre a relação Síndrome de Burnout e Fonoaudiologia. Essa insuficiência de produções técnicas relacionadas ao tema em pauta é ainda maior quando é direcionada aos fonoaudiólogos que atuam em hospitais.
Esgotamento Profissional; Fonoaudiologia; Unidades Hospitalares
The work has a fundamental role in human life, being relevant to forming identity and social integration. Thus, prospects concerning professional activity and its implementation are one of the factors of happinessinvolved in quality of life.
Continuous incremental changes in work have exercised an important influence on
workers health11 . Trindade LL, Lautert L. Síndrome de Burnout entre os trabalhadores
da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Rev Esc Enferm [periódico na internet]. 2010 Jun
[acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 44(2): [aproximadamente 6 p.]. Disponível em:
. Professionals
working in hospitals, such as speech therapists, are often faced with inadequate
conditions, for example, double shifts, difficulty indealing with two jobs,
extra tasks and low pay. These factors favor the development of Burnout Syndrome
(BS) and other diseases related to work, such as depression11 . Trindade LL, Lautert L. Síndrome de Burnout entre os trabalhadores
da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Rev Esc Enferm [periódico na internet]. 2010 Jun
[acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 44(2): [aproximadamente 6 p.]. Disponível em:
Burnout Syndrome (BS) is recognized as anoccupational hazardin professions that
involve health care, education and human services, being a consequence of
prolonged stress levels at work and involving emotional exhaustion, disaffection
of personal relations and a decreased feeling of personal accomplishment22 . Trigo TR, Teng CT, Hallak JEC. Síndrome de burnout
ou estafa profissional e os transtornos psiquiátricos. Rev Psiq Clin.
2007 Jan. [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 34(5): [aproximadamente 11 p.]. Disponível em:
.Burnout usually takes years to
develop, being more common in older workers with more years of experience and
higheramong newer professionals during their first years of work, because
personal maturation, protection mechanisms and the selection of professionals of
robust health with realistic goals and conservationof working strength occurs
with increasing age33 . Kirsten N, Marie-Louise HL, Per GF .Burnoute in health-care
professionals during reorganizations and downsizing. A cohortstudy in nurses.
BMC Nursing. 2010 Jun [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 9(8): [aproximadamente 7 p.].
Disponível em:
The imbalance in health of the speech therapist can lead to absenteeism,
generating the need for health related assistance and the need, on the part of
the institution or companyto reposition and transfer employees. The quality of
services rendered and production level can be affected22 . Trigo TR, Teng CT, Hallak JEC. Síndrome de burnout
ou estafa profissional e os transtornos psiquiátricos. Rev Psiq Clin.
2007 Jan. [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 34(5): [aproximadamente 11 p.]. Disponível em:
. Regarding diagnosis, there are four
theoretical conceptions relating to the possible etiology of the syndrome:
clinical, sociopsychological, organizational and socio-historical. The most used
in current studies is the sociopsychological concept. Here, the individual
characteristics associated with the environment and the work would favor the
emergence of a multidimensional factors syndrome: emotional exhaustion,
emotional detachment (depersonalization), and low occupational achievement22 . Trigo TR, Teng CT, Hallak JEC. Síndrome de burnout
ou estafa profissional e os transtornos psiquiátricos. Rev Psiq Clin.
2007 Jan. [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 34(5): [aproximadamente 11 p.]. Disponível em:
The research toolmost used to measure Burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory
(MBI).This is a tool of self-assessment of 22 items which measures three factors
(exhaustion, depersonalization and personal fulfillment) of the above
aforementioned syndrome. The exhaustion scale measures the frequency of when the
professional feels overloadedemotionally by his work environment. The second
measures the scale of depersonalization. A scale of personal fulfillment
evaluates with what frequency the person interviewed experiences positive
feelings of success and achievement at work44 . Wood BD, Killion, JB. Burnout Among Healthcare Professionals.
Radiol Manage. 2007 Dez. [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 29(6): [aproximadamente 7 p.].
Disponível em: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18283973
Some measures can be taken in order to avoid BS, such as: engagingin activities
that bring enjoyment and relieve stress; taking at leastthirty minutes every day
to relax; avoidingtaking on new patients if the hours of attendanceare already
full55 . Cursoux P, Lehucher-Michel MP, Marchetti H, Chaumet G,
Delliaux S. Burnoutsyndrome: a “true” cardiovascular riskfactor. Presse Med.
2012 [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 41(11): [aproximadamente 7 p.]. Disponível em:
Due to the difficulty of finding studies addressing the relationship of Burnout Syndrome to Speech Therapy and consequently to Hospital Speech Therapy, this research aims to contribute to the profession by presenting theoretical material that brings relevant informationto the academic, professional and scientific world from a literature review on the subject. The objective of the study is, therefore, to verify in the scientific literature, the occurrence of burnout syndrome amongspeech therapists working in hospitals.
The search of the literature was done from the databasePUBMED, BIREME and SCIELO (2002-2012). Due to the dearth of relevantliterature we chose it for comprehensiveness covering ten years of publications inthis broad period that already had ashortage of literature dealing with Burnout Syndrome among health professionals, and even more so withinSpeech Therapy.
For the study were useddescriptors (DESCs)–keywords to recovery of the scientificcollection: “Burnout Syndrome”, “Burn out Syndrome”, “Speech Therapy” and “occupational stress”.
The search was performed following inclusion and exclusion criteria. How inclusion criteria were selected were as follows; original articles, published articles in Portuguese and English, which would discuss Syndrome Burnout, occupational stress and their relationship with Speech Therapy. Also were included a summary from the Library of Congress, three books (two e-books and one printed book) and a Masters dissertation; emphasizing that all research material was takenfromsearches of academics sites. Case studies were excluded because no article was found dealing specifically with Speech Therapy, as well as articles that did not address Burnout Syndrome in a hospital setting.
45 articles were found using the aforementioneddescriptors. Using the criteria of inclusion and of exclusion,25 were selected; 20 articles were excluded because theywere repetitive (referring to problems related to other professionals such as doctors and nurses) and did not have information about Burnout Syndrome. The contents of the selected articles will be presented below, in three sections: Burnout Syndrome (definition of the syndrome), Burnout and Occupational Stress (differentiation between both illnessescaused by stress), Burnout relating tohospital speech therapists (discussion of the reality of speech therapist work in hospitals and the indication of need for studies in the area).
Burnout Syndrome
Burnout Syndrome (hereinafter BS or simply Burnout) was discovered by
American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberg in the 1970’s, when he published
an article on psychology66 . Franco GP, Barros ALBL, Nogueira-Martins SSZ. Burnout em
residentes de Enfermagem. Rev Esc Enferm USP [periódico na internet]. 2011
[acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 45(1): [aproximadamente 7 p.] . Disponível em:
In English “to burn out” (burn completely); this syndrome is also known as
professional exhaustion77 . Angelini RAVM. Burnout: a doença da alma na educação e sua
prevenção. Rev Psicopedag. 2011 [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 28(87):
[aproximadamente 11 p.]. Disponível em:
BS is a condition characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization
and reduction of professional realization88 . Barbosa FT, Leão BA, Tavares GM, dos Santos JG. Burnout Syndrome
and weekly workload of on-call physicians: cross-sectional study. São Paulo Med
J. 2012 [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 130(5): [aproximadamente 7 p.]. Disponível em:
. The first refers to feelings of emotional
exhaustion and emptiness99 . Brasil. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos
para os serviços de saúde. Brasília: MS; 2001. Disponível em:
Depersonalization is a unique feature of BS, occurring when the professional
takes a negative attitude especially with the patient, accompanied by
anxiety, irritability and lack of motivation1010 . Meneghin F, Paz AA, Lautert L. Fatores ocupacionais associados aos
componentes da Síndrome de Burnout em trabalhadores de enfermagem. Texto
contexto-enferm. 2011 [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 20(2): [aproximadamente 7 p.].
Disponível em:
. The decrease in job satisfaction is linked to
feelings of reduced competence and success at work99 . Brasil. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos
para os serviços de saúde. Brasília: MS; 2001. Disponível em:
The definitions ofBS can also be grouped in four points of view: i) clinical
(exhaustion derived from excessive work, in which the professional ceases to
careeven about this own needs); ii) socio-psychological (the professional
can no longer give attention to patients); iii) organizational (arising from
repetitivework, stressful and frustrating); and iv) socio-historical (when
social conditions do not allowfreedomto help others) 1111 . Cobêro C, Moreira WG, Fernandes LA. Impacto da Síndrome de Burnout
na qualidade de vida no trabalho dos colaboradores de um Centro Público de
Saúde. In: IX SEGet – Simpósio de Excelência em Gestão e Tecnologia; 2012 Out
24-26; Resende, Rio de Janeiro. Disponível em:
BS can be caused by internal and external factors. Interns refer to high
levels of ambition, perfectionism, a strong need for recognition, the
constant need to help others, suppression of their own needs; hard work,
overestimation of self-leading tooverload. External factors relate to the
great demand for work, problems of leadership and collaboration;
contradictory instructions; pressure from time and superiors; bad work
environment;lack of opportunities; difficulties in communication among
employees and employers; hierarchy problems, lack of positive feedback,
clarity about rules and freedom to make decisions1212 . Kaschka WP, Korcak D, Broich K. Burnout: a fashionablediagnosis.
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2001 [acesso em 2013 Fev 18]; 108(46): [aproximadamente 6 p.]
. Disponível em: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22163259
The development of BS stems from a gradual process of decline in mood and
motivation1313 . Jodas DA, Haddad MCL. Síndrome de Burnout em trabalhadores de
enfermagem de um pronto socorro de Hospital Universitário. Act Paul Enferm. 2009
[acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 22(2): [aproximadamente 6 p.]. Disponível em:
accompanied by symptoms, psychosomatic disorders (migraine, insomnia,
gastritis, diarrhea, hypertension and palpitations), behavioral
(absenteeism, isolation, mood swings and violence) and emotional
(impatience, anxiety, feelings of helplessness, loneliness and alienation,
desire to leave employment, reduction of work performance and low
self-esteem)1414 . Nogueira TS. Síndrome de Burnout em fisioterapeutas hospitalares
[monografia na Internet]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2007 [aceso
em 2013 Fev 28]. Disponível em:
The progress of this syndrome may also occur in four degrees: the first
refers to lack of enthusiasm and willingness to go to work, along with back
pain. Usually when you ask the professional what he has, the answer is “I do
not feel well, and do not know what I have.” In the second degree, the
Interpersonal relationship decreases, increasing the defects, the desire for
change of employment and feelings of persecution. In the third degree, work
capabilitydecreases, the psychosomatic symptoms emerge and the ingestion of
alcohol increases, in cases when the person uses alcohol. In last degree,
there may be suicide attempts, alcoholism, drug addiction and more serious
diseases like cancer and cardiovascular accidents99 . Brasil. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos
para os serviços de saúde. Brasília: MS; 2001. Disponível em:
.Burnout can still have as consequences:
isolation, divorce, and increasein the number of absences at work (as a
means of relief), change of sector within the work site, low productivity
and occupational accidents1515 . Benevides-Pereira AM. Burnout: quando o trabalho ameaça o
bem-estar do trabalho. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo; 2002..
BS can be evaluated by means of a questionnaire, the MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory),being the most used, which is informative, containing 22 items relating to emotional disorders, depersonalization and professional achievement.There have been no reports of proven toolson the market for the evaluation of institutional burnout. In general, incidences proven by testing the individual health of the professional to verify the occurrence of the syndrome1515 . Benevides-Pereira AM. Burnout: quando o trabalho ameaça o bem-estar do trabalho. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo; 2002..
The treatment of BS covers psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment and
psychosocial intervention. In pharmacologythere are antidepressants and / or
anti- anxiety drugs available, according to the severity of symptoms. With
psychosocial interventions, the physician has the duty to ascertain absence
from work in order to begin treatment99 . Brasil. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos
para os serviços de saúde. Brasília: MS; 2001. Disponível em:
According to a document from the Ministry of health99 . Brasil. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos
para os serviços de saúde. Brasília: MS; 2001. Disponível em:
a program is needed to prevent BS through
changes in work organization, reducing labor intensity and competitiveness,
as well as collective goals in seeking the wellbeing of each
profissional99 . Brasil. Doenças relacionadas ao trabalho: manual de procedimentos
para os serviços de saúde. Brasília: MS; 2001. Disponível em:
Burnout and Occupational Stress
The workers are subject to working conditions that can cause suffering,
emotional tension, dissatisfaction, irritation, insomnia, early aging,
cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue, stress and Burnout Syndrome1616 . Andrade PS, Cardoso TAO. Prazer e dor na docência: revisão
bibliográfica sobre a Síndrome de Burnout. Saúde Soc. 2012 [acesso em 2013 Mar
1]; 21(1): [aproximadamente 10 p.]. Disponível em:
, besides diabetes and
sleep disorders1717 . Schmidt DRC, Dantas RAS, Marziale MHP. Estresse ocupacional entre
profissionais de enfermagem do bloco cirúrgico. Texto contexto-enferm. 2009
[acesso em 2013 Mar 1]; 18(2): [aproximadamente 7 p.]. Disponível em:
Although they are both caused by work, Burnout and occupational stress are
different. Burnout is the consequence of a prolonged process of attempts to
deal with certain stressful situation1818 . Abreu KL, Stoll I, Ramos LS, Baumgardt RA, Kristensen CH. Estresse
Ocupacional e Síndrome de Burnout no exercício profissional da psicologia.
Psicol Cienc Prof. 2002 [acesso em 2013 Mar 1]; 22(2): [aproximadamente 5 p.].
Disponível em:
, involving attitudes and negative
conductrelated to patients, organization and work. Stress relates to a
declineand interference with personal life of the individual and is not
necessarily work related1919 . Ballone GJ. Síndrome de Burnout [internet]. [atualizada em 2009
Out 2; acesso em 2013 Mar 1]. Disponível em:
Stress can be seen as a determinant of burnout, but is not equivalent,
because this does not derive only from stress itself (which may be
inevitable in professional healthcare). Thus, BS is not an event but a
process and, despite sharing two characteristics (emotional exhaustion and
decline in personal accomplishment). Burnout and occupational stress diverge
with the factor of despersonalization1818 . Abreu KL, Stoll I, Ramos LS, Baumgardt RA, Kristensen CH. Estresse
Ocupacional e Síndrome de Burnout no exercício profissional da psicologia.
Psicol Cienc Prof. 2002 [acesso em 2013 Mar 1]; 22(2): [aproximadamente 5 p.].
Disponível em:
Nowadays, stress is considered one of the major health problems. In a
hospital environment, due to excessive work hours that cause tiredness, loss
of concentration, reduction in workefficiency and physical and emotional
wear, this problem becomes more evident2020 . Versa GGS, Murassaki ACY, Inoue KC, de Melo A, Faller JW, Matsuda
LM. Estresse ocupacional: avaliação de enfermeiros intensivistas que atuam no
período noturno. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2012 [acesso em 2013 Mar 1]; 33(2):
[aproximadamente 7 p.]. Disponível em:
. Studies indicate that health area workers
have the highest rates of use of psychoactive substances and suicide than
other professionals, besides elevated indexes of depression and anxiety
linked to work stress2121 . Departament of Helth and Human Services. Exposure to stress:
occupational hazards in hospitals.Washington: DHHS (NIOSH); 2008. Disponível em:
Occupational stress can be understood as a process in which the individual
perceives the demands of work as stressful, being overloadedwith work one of
main contributorsto stress. This can be in quantitative (when the number of
tasks surpasses the availability of the professional) and qualitative (when
the work makes demands that are beyond hiscompetence) 2222 . Balassiano M, Tavares E, Pimenta RC. Estresse ocupacional na
administração pública brasileira: quais os fatores impactantes?.RevAdm Pública.
2011 [acesso em 2013 Mar 2]; 45(3): [aproximadamente 23 p.]. Disponível em:
Common stressors in individuals working in health are long hours and shift
work, ambiguity of roles, and exposure to infectious and dangerous
substances 2121 . Departament of Helth and Human Services. Exposure to stress:
occupational hazards in hospitals.Washington: DHHS (NIOSH); 2008. Disponível em:
. In addition
to interpersonal problems with those who provide direct care to patients’
concerns and institutional demands1010 . Meneghin F, Paz AA, Lautert L. Fatores ocupacionais associados aos
componentes da Síndrome de Burnout em trabalhadores de enfermagem. Texto
contexto-enferm. 2011 [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 20(2): [aproximadamente 7 p.].
Disponível em:
When occupational stress begins to settle in, the individual comes to
perceive his work environment as threatening and harmful, damaging in this
wayhis personal and professional fulfillment,his physical or mental health,
as well as his interaction with work itself1616 . Andrade PS, Cardoso TAO. Prazer e dor na docência: revisão
bibliográfica sobre a Síndrome de Burnout. Saúde Soc. 2012 [acesso em 2013 Mar
1]; 21(1): [aproximadamente 10 p.]. Disponível em:
Some authors say that stress has three phases. In the first the individual is
more considerate, productive and motivated, identifying the danger. In the
second phase he exhibits greater vulnerability to risk agents, almost
exhausted, oscillating between emotional balance and imbalance with a
predisposition to develop physical infirmities (gastritis, arterial
hypertension). The third phase is exhaustion and the end of resistance,
preludes to the appearance of illness1616 . Andrade PS, Cardoso TAO. Prazer e dor na docência: revisão
bibliográfica sobre a Síndrome de Burnout. Saúde Soc. 2012 [acesso em 2013 Mar
1]; 21(1): [aproximadamente 10 p.]. Disponível em:
. Also occurring in this final phase, damage to
the thought process of the individual in which his primary goal becomes to
survive and get rid of everything that causes suffering, giving rise to
chronic stress2323 . Carvalho L, Malagris LEN. Avaliação do nível de stress em
profissionais de saúde. Est de Psicol Campinas. 2007 [acesso em 2013 Mar 2];
23(4): [aproximadamente 7 p.] . Disponível em:
The genesis of Burnout results from this chronic stress, directly affecting
task performance, interpersonal relationships, productivity and quality of
work life2424 . França FM, Ferrari R, Ferrari DC, Alves ED. Burnout e os aspectos
laborais na equipe de enfermagem de dois hospitais de médio porte. Rev
Latino-AmEnferm. 2012 [acesso em 2013 Mar 2]; 20(5): [aproximadamente 9 p.].
Disponível em:
. Thus, the
individual is weakened due to energy invested against stressors, which can
lead to work deficiencies, and especially in relation to others, the latter
being the main factor in the diagnosis of Burnout2323 . Carvalho L, Malagris LEN. Avaliação do nível de stress em
profissionais de saúde. Est de Psicol Campinas. 2007 [acesso em 2013 Mar 2];
23(4): [aproximadamente 7 p.] . Disponível em:
.BS implies desensitization to the people
with whom one works, including patients, while occupational stress is a
varieddepletion that, generally, interferes with the personal life and work
of the individual1818 . Abreu KL, Stoll I, Ramos LS, Baumgardt RA, Kristensen CH. Estresse
Ocupacional e Síndrome de Burnout no exercício profissional da psicologia.
Psicol Cienc Prof. 2002 [acesso em 2013 Mar 1]; 22(2): [aproximadamente 5 p.].
Disponível em:
Burnout and HospitalSpeech Therapists
Hospital Speech Therapyis a new area and that works with patients of all age
groups (with newborns as well as the elderly),taking intensive action, pre
and post - surgical,offering inclusive technical backing and practicingas
part of a multidisciplinary team where it operates. This professional can
work in outpatient clinics, Intensive Care Units (ICU),Intermediate Care
Units (IMCU) neonatal, adult general,infirmary and having as his principal
objectives evaluation, establishment of prognosis, participation in the
decision regarding the type of diet, guidelines pre and post- surgical,
besides the type of probe to be used when it becomes necessary2525 . Pittoni MEM. Fonoaudiologia Hospitalar: uma realidade necessária
[monografia na Internet]. Londrina: CEFAC, Curso de Especialização em
Motricidade Oral Hospitalar; 2001 [acesso em 2013 Marc 2]. Disponível em:
This area of speech therapy requires professional knowledge of other medical
specialties and rehabilitation, such as neonatology, pediatrics,
otolaryngology, neurology, pneumonology, gastroenterology, cardiology,
geriatrics, radiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nutrition,
nursingand pharmacology, among others2525 . Pittoni MEM. Fonoaudiologia Hospitalar: uma realidade necessária
[monografia na Internet]. Londrina: CEFAC, Curso de Especialização em
Motricidade Oral Hospitalar; 2001 [acesso em 2013 Marc 2]. Disponível em:
Speech Therapy, being a profession that cares for others, finds itself
subject to longworking hours (often working two or three shifts), excess
tasks, lack of autonomy,aphysical environment unsuitableto thejob and low
pay.These factors undermine the professional, leading him to render services
mechanically, without the time to expand his knowledge, skills and
abilities1010 . Meneghin F, Paz AA, Lautert L. Fatores ocupacionais associados aos
componentes da Síndrome de Burnout em trabalhadores de enfermagem. Texto
contexto-enferm. 2011 [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 20(2): [aproximadamente 7 p.].
Disponível em:
President Dilma Rousseff vetoed the entire House bill No. 119/2010, which
deals with the establishment of the working day to a maximum of 30 hours a
week for speech pathologists (sp).This is the fight of sp seeking equal
rights among professionals in the area of health and, consequently,
improvement in the quality of patient carethat comes with reduction in the
hourly work load. Many speech therapist have anhourly load exceeding that of
other professionals (such as physiotherapists), thus being more exposed to
occupational hazards, including Burnout1414 . Nogueira TS. Síndrome de Burnout em fisioterapeutas hospitalares
[monografia na Internet]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2007 [aceso
em 2013 Fev 28]. Disponível em:
It is known that if Speech Therapytreatment in the hospital environment is
daily and, many times, prolonged it propitiates greater proximity with the
patient and his family. These professionals are more vulnerable to
occupational stress and BS, due to the responsibility to the patient and /
or his family,which consumes them emotionally,as well as personal problems,
lack of support staff, low pay, excessive work demands,organizational
difficulties, constant psychological demands,living daily with disease,
suffering and death1010 . Meneghin F, Paz AA, Lautert L. Fatores ocupacionais associados aos
componentes da Síndrome de Burnout em trabalhadores de enfermagem. Texto
contexto-enferm. 2011 [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 20(2): [aproximadamente 7 p.].
Disponível em:
Besides these factors, there is difficulty with promotions, risk exposure,
difficult and problematic patients, reduced participation in organizational
decisions, lack of suitable places for work breaks and competition problems
in the work environment1515 . Benevides-Pereira AM. Burnout: quando o trabalho ameaça o
bem-estar do trabalho. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo; 2002..
The hospital environment has a complex structure built around the
patient,undervaluing the working conditions of health professionals, who
stay exposed for long periods in situations requiring high emotional
involvement 1414 . Nogueira TS. Síndrome de Burnout em fisioterapeutas hospitalares
[monografia na Internet]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2007 [aceso
em 2013 Fev 28]. Disponível em:
The literature consulted contributed to a deepening understanding regardingBS and Occupational Stress. It was noted that most of the articles referred to the health problems of nurses and doctors,andsince there were no articles that relatedwith Speech Therapy,it was necessary to adaptthe existing literature.
In the above sense, health professionals, including speech therapists, because of their work activities, need to be aware of their physical and mental health, because they depend on these factors to keep up the quality of care.
With this study, it is necessary to conduct more research concentrating onBS and Speech Therapy, but it also should extend (beyond Nursing and Medicine) to studies on multidisciplinary team working in hospitals.
1Trindade LL, Lautert L. Síndrome de Burnout entre os trabalhadores da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Rev Esc Enferm [periódico na internet]. 2010 Jun [acesso em 2013 Fev 28]; 44(2): [aproximadamente 6 p.]. Disponível em: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0080-62342010000200005
» http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0080-62342010000200005 -
2Trigo TR, Teng CT, Hallak JEC. Síndrome de burnout ou estafa profissional e os transtornos psiquiátricos. Rev Psiq Clin. 2007 Jan. [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 34(5): [aproximadamente 11 p.]. Disponível em: http://www.hcnet.usp.br/ipq/revista/vol34/n5/223.html
» http://www.hcnet.usp.br/ipq/revista/vol34/n5/223.html -
3Kirsten N, Marie-Louise HL, Per GF .Burnoute in health-care professionals during reorganizations and downsizing. A cohortstudy in nurses. BMC Nursing. 2010 Jun [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 9(8): [aproximadamente 7 p.]. Disponível em: http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6955-9-8.pdf
» http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6955-9-8.pdf -
4Wood BD, Killion, JB. Burnout Among Healthcare Professionals. Radiol Manage. 2007 Dez. [acesso em 2013 Jul2]; 29(6): [aproximadamente 7 p.]. Disponível em: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18283973
» http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18283973 -
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