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Vocal habits in two groups of aged

PURPOSE: to compare the differences as for the presence of inadequate habits, forms of prevention and vocal symptoms, more frequent, in two groups of the third age. METHODS: a questionnaire was applied with questions of the closed type, previously elaborated in the 45 aged of both genders, being that only one group received vocal orientation during the previous year the research by a speech therapist professional. It is a study of the descriptive, observational, transversal. RESULTS: of accordance with the results, group 2 that received orientation vocal, has minor frequency of inadequate habits when compared with group 1. As for the forms of prevention of riots in the voice, the majority of group 1, does not take any care. In group 2, it is already evidenced, among others prevention forms, the reference regarding accomplishment of vocal training. With regard to the presence of symptoms, group 1 showed greater frequency as for the fatigue when speaking (50%), pain in throat (50%), sensation of strange body (67%), than group 2. CONCLUSION: we note that thee has been differences as for inadequate habits, forms of prevention and symptoms in the two groups, being that group 2 (that received orientation as for to the cares related to voice) has minor indices as for to the inadequate habits and vocal symptoms, that is, in accordance with the results, orientation on vocal health in groups of third age is efficient.

Aged; Speech; Aging Heath; Language and Hearing Sciences; Habits

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil