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Comparative analysis between two cervical angles with occlusion in children with and without TMD

PURPOSE: to compare two cervical angles with occlusal classifications in children between 6 and 10 years old with and without Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD), to identify if there is a prevalence of TMD according to gender, and if there is influence of occlusion on the studied angles. METHOD: it was conducted a cross sectional observational study with 91 children of both gender in Group A (without TMD) and Group B (TMD). All children were evaluated following a registration form consisted of sex, age, weight, height data and intra-oral clinical examination for occlusal classification of Angle. The diagnosis and severity of TMD were scanned by the questionnaire proposed by Fonseca. For the cervical angles evaluation (A1 and A2) it was used the photogrammetry and the Alcimagem® software. RESULTS: among the evaluated children, 52 (57.14%) presented malocclusion, 29 with TMD and 23 without TMD. 39 (42,85%) presented normal occlusion, 18 without TMD and 21 with TMD. When the angles were compared, it was found a difference between normal occlusion and malocclusion children with the angle A1 (p=0.04). CONCLUSION: this study demonstrated that the angle A1 (C7, TMJ and Mentum Vertex) was statistically significant when associated to the occlusal condition. No association was found in the evaluated population, between TMD and cervical angle. Besides, it was also observed that the prevalence of female children with TMD is significantly larger than the male. This study demonstrated that malocclusion can change only the angle A1 and the TMD does not interfere with the studied cervical angles.

Child; Dental Occlusion; Posture; Spine; Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil