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Introduction and developing alternative communication in Syndrome of Angelman: case study

BACKGROUND: Syndrome of Angelman (SA) and alternative communication. PURPOSE: with the objective to describe the process for introducing and developing the use of an Alternative Communication System(SAC) in the SA, we used a case study, carried through in the Clinic of Speech Therapy of Faculdade Estácio de Sá of Santa Catarina. E., diagnosed with SA, 17year old, without verbal language. Collection of data carried through with 8 stretches of therapies recorded during the first half of 2007 and notations in the field daily record. RESULTS: the program of communication chosen was the Picture Communication Symbols System (PCS). For electing the symbols, we used interest centers of the patient. The process for inserting symbols happened in a slow and gradual manner. The therapist carried through the presentation of the concrete object, after that, she correlated the symbol with the object. Both were placed on top of the table correlating them several times. For introducing the patient to the use of the system, the therapist took the hand of the patient and placed it on the symbol and simultaneously delivered the object. With the passing of the sessions, new symbols were introduced. E. revealed being "lost" denying the presented categories, directing its choice for the symbols that already were familiar. Of the 15 worked symbols, 5 symbols acquired functionality. CONCLUSION: SAC becomes a feasible communication mode for SA. The process of introducing and developing SAC use was made up by: presentation, correlation and introduction of the patient to the use of the system. We stress out that this is a slow work that demands participation of the family.

Angelman Syndrome; Communication; Language

ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil