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Brief adjustments to the contribution of historical sociology to Latin-American constitutionalism


The main objective of the article is to present the historical sociology as a method capable of generating innovative approaches to the field of Latin American constitutional law. Considering the logic of long term (long durée), the article problematizes the need to overcome the constituent dynamics only as a construction of the future to reach a strategy of unveiling continuities. Based on elements of the Brazilian reality, the article presents two cases in which the potential for applying the method of historical sociology to constitutionalism in the region is indicated. First, the permanence of authoritarian legality through the performance of courts after the democratization of the region. Second, the normative constitutional and infra-constitutional formation of the public administration in Brazil. The methodology used is the analytical essay and its foundation, for indicating the concrete historical problems presented, is the opening of the method of historical sociology to the hybridization of disciplines.

Constitutional Law; Historical Sociology; Latin America

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - 7º Andar, CEP: 20.550-013, (21) 2334-0507 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil