Open-access Revealing the nursing worker's participation in the Brazilian Association of Nursing in the city of Cascavel

The objective of the present research is to identify the reasons for the scarce participation of nursing professionals in the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEn) and other professional associations. The data was collected from nurses in the city of Cascavel-Paranä and was analysed according to qualitative and quantitative methods. Results show that a small number of professionals take part in the events promoted by ABEn- Cascavel and that there is little interest in joining any professional association. 36,6%, of nurses interviewed showed interest in becoming members of ABEn. Thus, for these professionals ABEn should define strategies of inclusion. The data collected in this research, regarding the reasons for the participation of nurses in the association, has provided ABEN-Cascavel with information that can support its performance in the city, as well as help on the planning of new activities and policies such as the promotion of events and changes on the price of the tuition, which was pointed out as one of the main reasons for the scarce participation of nurses in the association.

nursing; professional organization; ABEn

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