Open-access Body techniques in a Group of Pregnant Women: the experience of the subjects

The objective this study was evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the body thechniques in a group of pregnant women according to the experience of the subjects. They were all interviewed before the end of the group developed in a University Hospital. The descriptive categories of the experience were: the body thecniques reliefed the pregnancy discomforts, had encouraged the participation in the sessions and had been evaluated positively; the use of body techniques in a group of pregnant women promoted selfcare of the members; body techiniques intensified the link among the couples and gave conditions for the integration of the members; there are limitations in use of the body thechniques in a group of pregnant women and in its applicability at home. The positive evaluation of the use of body thecniques in a group of pregnant women justifies its recommendation.

Nursing; Pregnancy; Complementary therapies; Human body

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