Open-access From soul care to body care: a new comprehension of the history of nursing

This study relates to the birth and the development of the Company of the Sisters of Charity of São Vicente de Paulo in France since 1633. This study has as its objective historically rebuild the process of creation of the Company of the Sisters of São Vicente de Paulo and the role of Luiza de Marillac and Father Vicente de Paulo in this process, and discuss the importance of this Company for the proposal of a pre-professional nursing care, imposing the bases of what would be called later the nursing techniques. It is a study of social and historical nature, to which I will use Michel Foucault preconceived ideas, regarding the analysis and discussion of the documents under the light of the genealogical analysis. This study focuses mainly the aspects that concern to implementation of a nursing practice towards the care of the sick body, and to the catechisation of the poor and the sick people. It focuses also the importance of Luiza de Marillac as a nurse, master and guide to the other Sisters.

Nursing; History; Luiza de Marillac; Nursing care

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