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Black Man and Man is Black: masculinities and black feminism in debate


For this article, at first, we situate the emergence of concepts Blackness, Black Experience and intersectionalities in the context of the history of black feminist thought in the United States. Then, considering that bell hooks and Patricia Collins elaborated analyzes and theoretical reflections on black men and masculinities from an intersectional perspective, we seek score with other authors in Brazil and abroad, how mobilized ideas and perspectives of analyzes that are binding or not in connection with the theoretical positions of both authors. Finally, our interest is to become evident in need of discussion of stereotypes that can contribute to the construction of other senses, other narratives, other versions on the chosen debate.

Key words:
Blackness; Black Experience; Diaspora; Black Masculinities; Black Feminism

Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas e Centro de Comunicação e Expressão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário - Trindade, 88040-970 Florianópolis SC - Brasil, Tel. (55 48) 3331-8211, Fax: (55 48) 3331-9751 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil