Open-access The cooperating teacher profile in the context of teaching practice: a systematic review of the literature

This study was a systematic review of the literature, whose purpose was to map the types of studies focused on cooperating teacher. The research was conducted in electronic databases (EBSCO, and Digital Dissertations & Theses) retrospectively by the year 2000. In the present study, 24 studies were incorporated of which 22 are peer review and 2 articles are academic dissertations. In data analysis it was used the content analysis and the categories were established a priori: study focus, year of publication, place of publication, tools, objectives and main conclusions. The results showed that the establishment of interpersonal relationships, collaboration, communication and ongoing counseling were some of the features highlighted in the studies, and the key roles assigned to the Cooperating Teachers were to be a mentor, a confidant and a moderator. Issues related to specific training needed to perform the function of cooperating teacher were also a subject-matter to approach.

Cooperating Teacher; Supervision; Systematic Literature Review

Universidade Estadual de Maringá Avenida Colombo, 5790, 87020-900 Maringá - PR, Tel.: (55 44) 3011 4470 - Maringá - PR - Brazil
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