Open-access Where do I go with my family? An ethnography on collective projects and Venezuelan migration in Manaus (Brazil)


This paper presents the “migratory project” and strategies triggered by a Venezuelan family in their trajectory in Brazil. The journey is marked by collective concerns, from the initial intention to migrate, going through the difficulties to bring loved ones together in Manaus, up to the decision to settle down. The data allow us to problematize a classic social science theme, the commitments between individuals and the group, emphasizing the enduring solidarity and a shared imaginary of mutual belonging implied in kinship relations. The theoretical discussion is guided by the framing of a “family project” articulating the local, the national and the transnational levels. At last, we reflect on the individual and collective transformations involved in the migration process.

Keywords Venezuelan migration; family; project; Manaus

Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios SRTV/N Edificio Brasília Radio Center , Conj. P - Qd. 702 - Sobrelojas 01/02, CEP 70719-900 Brasília-DF Brasil, Tel./ Fax(55 61) 3327-0669 - Brasília - DF - Brazil
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