Editorial "It is not just about numbers". Psychosocial perspectives on migrants and refugees Marinucci, Roberto |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" Psychotherapeutic rituals and intercultural mediation. From representation to enaction Raga Gimeno, Francisco Abstract in Spanish: Resumen En el Senegal poscolonial se desarrolló, bajo la dirección de Herni Collomb, una de las experiencias pioneras en el campo de la etnopsiquiatría. Esta iniciativa muestra las limitaciones derivadas de abordar el diálogo intercultural desde una perspectiva basada en un conocimiento teórico unilateral. Las propuestas etnopsicoterapéuticas contemporáneas, como las puestas en práctica por Tobie Nathan para el tratamiento de pacientes de origen inmigrante, apuntan a la necesidad de que los procesos de hibridación cultural se articulen en torno a las acciones rituales terapéuticas, prestando especial atención a su realidad corporal y emocional. Algunas de las limitaciones prácticas de estas propuestas pueden ser abordadas a partir del desarrollo de iniciativas de mediación intercultural comunitaria.Abstract in English: Abstract In post-colonial Senegal, under the direction of Herni Collomb, one of the pioneering experiences in the field of ethnopsychiatry was developed. This initiative shows the limitations arising from dealing with intercultural dialogue from a perspective based on a one-sided theoretical knowledge. Contemporary ethno-psychotherapeutic proposals, such as those developed by Tobie Nathan for the treatment of patients of immigrant origin, point to the need for cultural hybridization processes to be articulated around therapeutic ritual actions, paying special attention to their bodily and emotional reality. Some of the practical limitations of these proposals can be addressed through the development of community intercultural mediation initiatives. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" Acculturation process, ethnic identity and migrant minors Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio Abstract in Spanish: Resumen Este artículo interroga la compleja interacción del proceso de aculturación y la construcción de la identidad étnica en menores con antecedentes migratorios. Después de describir la centralidad del concepto de "etnicidad", se presenta una tipología de cuatro identidades "posibles", a partir del modelo cuádruple de estrategias de aculturación de John Berry. Características, tendencias y riesgos se describen para la posible identidad identificada.Abstract in English: Abstract This article examines the complex interaction of the acculturation process and the building of the ethnic identity in minors with a migratory background. After describing the centrality of the concept of “etnicity”, it is presented a typology of four “possible” identities, as from the John Berry four-fold model of acculturation strategies. Features, trends and risks are outlined for the identified possible identity. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" Migrant minds, adolescent minds. Advancing on the margin: from the unthinkable trauma to the words of pain De Micco, Virginia Abstract in Italian: Riassunto Vengono esaminati i nodi traumatici connessi alla migrazione e allo sradicamento soprattutto nelle situazioni adolescenziali. In particolare vengono analizzate le memorie traumatiche e le trasformazioni dei vissuti corporei nei transiti migratori. Infine una particolare attenzione è dedicata alle complesse dinamiche relazionali che si stabiliscono nei centri di accoglienza dove spesso gli operatori si ritrovano a ‘raccogliere’ nelle loro menti gli elementi traumatici insostenibili che i migranti portano con sé.Abstract in English: Abstract The article examines traumatic nodes related to migration and rootlessness, especially in adolescent situations. In particular the traumatic memories and the transformations of body experiences in the migratory transits are analyzed. Finally, particular attention is given to the complex relational dynamics that are established in accommodation centers where operators are often “collecting” in their minds unsustainable traumatic elements that immigrants bring with them. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" The effectiveness and impact of an intervention program on migration and health with Mexican undergraduate students Rivera-Heredia, María Elena Martínez-Ruiz, Diana Tamara Cervantes-Pacheco, Ericka Ivonne Obregón-Velasco, Nydia Abstract in Portuguese: Resumo A migração tem impacto psicológico naqueles que migram e em suas famílias deixadas para trás. Avaliamos um programa de intervenção para fortalecer recursos individuais, sociais e familiares em 120 estudantes de graduação mexicanos com migração em suas famílias. O estudo foi um desenho quase experimental. Os dados foram coletados antes, durante e ao final da intervenção e um ano depois. A sintomatologia depressiva, escalas individuais, sociais e de recursos familiares foram avaliadas. Os participantes aumentaram seus recursos individuais, sociais e familiares e diminuíram sua sintomatologia depressiva mais do que o grupo controle. Concluímos que intervenções dentro de um espaço de discussão aberta educacional e reflexiva ajudarão a abordar problemas psicossociais em membros de famílias imigrantes deixados para trás.Abstract in English: Abstract Migration has psychological impact on those that migrate, and on their families left behind. We evaluate an intervention program to strengthen individual, social, and family resources in 120 Mexican undergraduate students with migration in their families. The study was a quasi-experimental design. Data was gathered before, during, at the end, of the intervention and a year after. Depressive symptomatology, individual, social and family resources scales were evaluated. Participants increased their individual, social, and family resources, and decreased their depressive symptomatology more than the control group. We concluded that interventions within an educational and reflective open discussion space will help to address psychosocial problems in immigrant families member left behind. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" Psychological care as a tool of integration: clinical and social practices in a Reference Center for Assistance to Immigrants in Santa Catarina Machado, Gustavo da Silva Barros, Allyne Fernandes Oliveira Martins Borges, Lucienne Abstract in Portuguese: Resumo As migrações representam modificações nos territórios geográfico e subjetivo que precisam de acolhida e suporte para manutenção do fio de condução entre o sujeito que migra e sua própria história. Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre a construção de um Serviço de Psicologia dentro de um Centro de Referência de Atendimento a Imigrantes, em Santa Catarina, na cidade de Florianópolis, e a utilização da escuta psicológica como ferramenta na qualificação da acolhida e integração de imigrantes e refugiados nesta região.Abstract in English: Abstract Migrations represent changes in the geographic and subjective territories that need to be received and supported, looking for the maintenance of the conduction between the migrating subject and their own history. This article shows reflections on the construction of a Psychology Service within a Reference Center for Assistance to Immigrants, in Santa Catarina, in the city of Florianópolis, and the use of psychological care as a tool in qualifying the reception and integration of immigrants and refugees in this region. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" Perspective of psychotherapeutic care for people in a refugee situation Lara, Antonia Abstract in Spanish: Resumen El presente artículo tiene como objetivo dar cuenta de una perspectiva de abordaje en la atención psicoterapéutica a refugiados latinoamericanos, construida mediante la sistematización de la experiencia clínica del área de migración, interculturalidad y refugio (AMIR), desde un Centro Universitario. Así, se plantean los ejes centrales de la perspectiva propuesta y se discuten con las tradiciones psicológicas que tienden a la psicopatologización de la experiencia migratoria. Para luego profundizar, a la luz de un caso clínico, acerca de las problemáticas en la instalación de la transferencia en aquellas personas en situación de refugio.Abstract in English: Abstract The present article aims to give an account of a perspective of approach in psychotherapeutic care to Latin American refugees, build through the systematization of clinical experience in the area of migration, interculturality and refuge (AMIR), from a university Center. Thus, the central axes of the perspective are presented and discussed with the psychological traditions that tend to psychopathologize the migratory experience. To then deepen, in light of a clinical case, in the problems in the installation of the transference with people in a refugee situation. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" Or asylum against oppression: the case of Chilean exiles who settled in the city of Malmö (Sweden) Berrios-Riquelme, José Piñones Rivera, Carlos Vidal Figueroa, Carla Abstract in Spanish: Resumen La dictadura militar que vivió Chile entre los años 1973 y 1990 persiguió punitivamente a sus detractores, motivo por el que miles de personas tuvieron que abandonar el país para proteger su integridad. Entre los distintos destinos escogidos por la diáspora, Suecia fue una sociedad hospitalaria por el contexto social y político imperante. El presente artículo describe cómo un grupo de refugiados chilenos vivió su exilio en la ciudad de Malmö. El principal hallazgo es que la identidad de estas personas tuvo una reconstrucción colectiva como inmigrantes políticos luego de que la dictadura militar llegara a su fin. En la discusión se considera la literatura existente sobre chilenos exiliados en Europa y se realizan sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.Abstract in English: Abstract The military dictatorship lived in Chile between 1973 and 1990 punitively chased its detractors, reason why thousands of people had to abandon the country to protect their integrity. Between the different destinations selected by the diáspora, Sweden was a hospitable society because of the social and political prevailing context. The following article describes how a group of Chilean refugees lived their exile at the city of Malmö. The main finding is that the identity of these people had a collective reconstruction as political immigrants after the military dictatorship had come to an end. At the discussion, existing literature about Chilean exiled in Europe is regarded and suggestions are made for future research. |
Dossiê: "Olhares psicossociais sobre migrantes e refugiados" The paradigm of the military intervention in issues of forced migration: an interdisciplinary view between Politics and Psychology Eneterio, Hiller Silva Eneterio, Núbia Gonçalves da Paixão Silva, Arlete Mendes da Abstract in Portuguese: Resumo Diante um diálogo interdisciplinar entre a Política e a Psicologia, esse artigo intenta discutir a relação entre a ação dos militares, nas respostas humanitárias às migrações forçadas, e a suscetibilidade da saúde psíquica do indivíduo deslocado. A metodologia consistiu de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental, instrumentalizada pela proposta de Japiassu. Os resultados indicam que o modo como se estrutura a atuação participativa das forças armadas na especificidade de cada contexto, acrescido da percepção individual positiva ou negativa, acerca das entidades como mediadoras de proteção, irá determinar como se dará a suscetibilidade da saúde psíquica do deslocado e a possibilidade de proporcionar o alívio às condições geradoras de trauma.Abstract in English: Abstract Faced with an interdisciplinary dialogue between politics and psychology, this article aims to discuss the relationship between military action in humanitarian responses to forced migration and the maintenance of the psychic health of the migrant. The methodology consisted of bibliographic review and documentary research, instrumented by the proposal of Japiassu. The results indicate that the way in which the participatory action of the armed forces is structured in the specificity of each context plus the positive or negative individual perception about the entities as mediators of protection, will determine how the susceptibility of the psychic health of the displaced person will occur and the possibility of providing the relief to the conditions generating trauma. |
Artigos Solidarity and Fraternity. A new ethical-political key for migrations Penchaszadeh, Ana Paula Sferco, Senda Inés Abstract in Spanish: Resumen Este artículo se propone analizar desde una perspectiva filosófica y política los debates actuales en torno a la figura del “delito de solidaridad” en Francia, tomando como punto de partida el caso de Cédric Hérrou, procesado y condenado en distintas instancias por haber brindado ayuda a migrantes “sin papeles”. Se hará hincapié en la decisión del Consejo Constitucional francés que, en julio de 2018 y en nombre del principio de Fraternidad, dejó sin efecto la figura del “delito de solidaridad” en los casos donde la ayuda brindada se diera por razones humanitarias puras y dentro del territorio francés. Consideramos que este caso tiene un valor ejemplar a la hora de pensar los dilemas teóricos, así como la potencia ético-política, de las migraciones en los órdenes democráticos actuales.Abstract in English: Abstract This article aims to analyze from a philosophical and political perspective the current debates around the figure of the "crime of solidarity" in France, taking as a starting point the case of Cédric Hérrou, prosecuted and convicted in various instances for having provided aid to migrants sans papiers. Emphasis will be placed on the decision of the French Constitutional Council which, in July 2018 and in the name of the Fraternity principle, rendered null and void the figure of the "crime of solidarity" in cases where the aid provided was given for purely humanitarian reasons and within of the French territory. We consider that this case has an exemplary value when thinking about theoretical dilemmas, as well as the ethical-political power of migrations in the current democratic orders. |
Artigos The recognition of Italian citizenship as fact, value and process: the passport as a symbol of italianity Costa, Jamile Dos Santos Pereira Zanini, Maria Catarina Chitolina Abstract in Portuguese: Resumo Este artigo é resultado de pesquisa etnográfica que temos desenvolvido entre/com ítalo-brasileiros em Santa Maria e cidades da Quarta Colônia de Imigração Italiana/RS, Brasil. Nosso objetivo é analisar as dinâmicas envolvidas no processo de reconhecimento legal da cidadania italiana, bem como o valor atribuído ao passaporte italiano. Observamos que o passaporte, para além de um documento (objeto), cristaliza valores afetivos e simbólicos que o tornam mais relevante que o tempo de espera pela cidadania e o custo econômico que esse processo demanda.Abstract in English: Abstract This paper is the result of an ethnographic research that has been developed between/with Italian Brazilian in Santa Maria and in the towns of the Fourth Colony of Italian immigration (RS - Brazil). Our objective is to analyze the dynamics involved in the process of recognition of Italian citizenship, as well as the value attributed to the Italian passport. We observed that the passport, besides a document (object), crystallizes affective and symbolic values that make it more relevant than the waiting time for the citizenship and the economic cost that this process demands. |
Artigos Reproduction of gender inequalities within migratory and labor contexts. The case of male and female migrants in the horticultural labor market of Salta (Argentina) Ataide, Soraya Abstract in Spanish: Resumen El siguiente artículo presenta los hallazgos de una investigación, que tuvo como objetivo indagar en la reproducción de las desigualdades de género presentes en un contexto migratorio y laboral. Particularmente en migrantes de origen boliviano, unidos por relaciones de pareja quienes en destino (la provincia de Salta, en el Noroeste argentino) se articularon como trabajadores en la producción hortícola. Con dicho objetivo optamos por un enfoque metodológico cualitativo y siguiendo una estrategia etnográfica.Abstract in English: Abstract This work introduces the findings of a research that was aimed at inquiring into reproduction of gender inequalities within a specific migratory and labor context. Particularly, the research focused on Bolivian migrant couples who became male and female horticultural workers once in destination (in the Province of Salta, in the northwest of Argentina). According to this research objective, a qualitative methodology was carried out and an ethnographic strategy was used. |
Relatos e Reflexões Pastoral Care of Migrants of the Campo Grande Archdiocese - MS. Challenges, achievements and perspectives Rosa, Rosane Costa |
Resenhas, Teses e Dissertações Tornando reais os direitos dos imigrantes: organizações não lucrativas e a política de integração em São Francisco Martuscelli, Patrícia Nabuco |
Resenhas, Teses e Dissertações Migration and transnationalism. Missing the land Martín Carbajal, María de la Luz |