Open-access Choice of access for underground mining for feasibility studies


This study presents a review of the methodology for choosing the type of access and exploitation methodology for underground mines, being the choice of the type of access, one of the initial stages of the conceptual projects. To this end, in addition to literature verification, technical feasibility reports of recent projects were analyzed, made available by mining companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. In this report, data were extracted referring to technical and productive characteristics of the projects, thus allowing comparison with classic methodologies for the choice of types of access and the compilation of a new flowchart, adhered to the current mining industry. The data from the projects were separated considering the mining methods with the largest number of samples, as well as the productive and mineral deposit characteristics. As a result, a chart is presented for the choice of access and mining method as a function of productive characteristics, ore body geometry and rock mass quality. Updating the limits considered for depth and daily production corresponded to a significant improvement in the response of the suggested access type and made it compatible with that presented in the feasibility projects.

keywords: mining infrastructure; underground mine access; mine access choice; mine exploitation.

Fundação Gorceix Rua Carlos Walter Marinho Campos, 56, Cep: 35400-000, Tel: (31) 3551-4730 - Ouro Preto - MG - Brazil
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