Fasciolosis is a food borne zoonosis, caused by the digenetic trematode Fasciola. Freshwater lymnaeid snails are the intermediate host of the trematodes. Chlorophyllin, a semi-synthetic derivative of chlorophyll and its formulations obtained from freeze dried cow urine (FCU) had their toxicity tested against redia and cercaria larvae of F. gigantica. The larvicidal activity of chlorophyllin and its formulations were found to depend on both, time and concentration used against the larvae. Toxicity of chlorophyllin + FCU (1:1 ratio) in sunlight against redia larva (8 h LC50: 0.03 mg/mL) was more pronounced than using just chlorophyllin (8 h LC50: 0.06 mg/mL). Toxicity of chlorophyllin + FCU in sunlight against redia (8 h LC50: 0.03 mg/mL) was higher than against cercaria (8 h LC50: 0.06 mg/mL). The larvicidal activity of chlorophyllin in sunlight (redia/cercaria larvae: 8 h LC50: 0.06 mg/mL) was more pronounced than under laboratory conditions (redia: 8 h LC50: 22.21 mg/mL/, cercaria 8 h LC50: 96.21 mg/mL). Toxicity of FCU against both larvae was lower than that of chlorophyllin and chlorophyllin + FCU. Chlorophyllin and its formulations + FCU were 357.4 to 1603.5 times more effective against redia/cercaria larvae in sunlight than under laboratory conditions. The present study has shown that chlorophyllin formulations may be used as potent larvicides against fasciolosis.
Cercaria; Chlorophyllin; Lymnaea acuminata; Redia; Fasciola gigantica
Fasciolosis is a well-known zoonotic disease. The snail Lymnaea acuminata is the intermediate host of the liver flukes Fasciola gigantica11. Imani-Baran A, Yakchali M, Malekzadeh VR, Paktarmani R. Molecular study for detecting the prevalence of F. gigantica in field-collected snails of Radix gedrosiana (Palmonata: Lymnaeidae) in Northwestern Iran. Vet Parasitol. 2012;189:374-7., which causes endemic fasciolosis in the cattle population of the Eastern region of the state of Uttar Pradesh in India22. Sunita K, Kumar P, Singh DK. Seasonal variation in toxicity of citral against Fasciola larvae. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2014;4 Suppl 2:S584-8.. Human fasciolosis has been reported in 51 countries from five continents33. Mas-Coma S, Estaben JG, Bargues MD. Epidemiology of human fascioliasis: a review and proposed new classification. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77:340-6.. Human fasciolosis in the last two decades has changed its current status from a zoonosis to an emerging health problem11. Imani-Baran A, Yakchali M, Malekzadeh VR, Paktarmani R. Molecular study for detecting the prevalence of F. gigantica in field-collected snails of Radix gedrosiana (Palmonata: Lymnaeidae) in Northwestern Iran. Vet Parasitol. 2012;189:374-7.,44. Salahi-Moghaddam A, Arfaa F. Epidemiology of human fascioliasis outbreaks in Iran. J Arch Mil Med. 2013;1:6-12.. An obvious solution to reduce the incidence of fasciolosis is to destroy the vector snails55. Singh A, Singh DK, Misra TN, Agarwal RA. Molluscicides of plant origin. Biol Agric Hortic. 1996;13:205-2. or to kill the larvae of Fasciola inside the snail, therefore interrupting the life cycle of Fasciola66. Sunita K, Singh DK. Fasciolosis control: in vivo and in vitro phytotherapy of vector snail to kill Fasciola larva. J Parasitol Res. 2011;2011:240807.. Killing of the Fasciola larvae in the body of the snail without killing the snail will be a new tool in fasciolosis control.
Bioactive plant products have been given much attention because they are ecologically safe and culturally more acceptable than their synthetic counterparts55. Singh A, Singh DK, Misra TN, Agarwal RA. Molluscicides of plant origin. Biol Agric Hortic. 1996;13:205-2.. The chlorophyll derivative chlorophyllin is gaining widespread acceptance among researchers as a natural larvicide, which is based on its photodynamic activity77. Erzinger GS. New perspectives for the control of parasitic diseases through the use of photodynamic products. Pharma Anal Acta. 2011;9:1-3.,88. Erzinger GS, Wohllebe S, Vollrath F, Souza SC, Richter P. Optimizing conditions for the use of chlorophyll derivatives for photodynamic control of parasites in aquatic ecosystem. Parasitol Res. 2011;109:781-6.. Erzinger77. Erzinger GS. New perspectives for the control of parasitic diseases through the use of photodynamic products. Pharma Anal Acta. 2011;9:1-3. has reported that chlorophyllin is extremely toxic against mosquito larvae in sunlight. Chlorophyllin is the most widely used plant product against larvae of insects33. Mas-Coma S, Estaben JG, Bargues MD. Epidemiology of human fascioliasis: a review and proposed new classification. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77:340-6.,88. Erzinger GS, Wohllebe S, Vollrath F, Souza SC, Richter P. Optimizing conditions for the use of chlorophyll derivatives for photodynamic control of parasites in aquatic ecosystem. Parasitol Res. 2011;109:781-6.,99. Wohllebe S, Richter R, Richter P, Häder DP. Photodynamic control of human pathogenic parasites in aquatic ecosystems using chlorophyllin and pheophorbid as a photodynamic substances. Parasitol Res. 2009;104:593-600.,1010. Wohllebe SC, Ulbrich D, Grimm J, Pietsch G, Erzinger R, Richter R, et al. Photodynamic treatment of Chaoborus crystallinus larvae with chlorophyllin induces necrosis and apoptosis. Photochem Photobiol. 2011;87:1113-22.. Chlorophyllin is known to have larvicidal activity, which cause necrosis/apoptosis in Chaoborus crystallinus larvae99. Wohllebe S, Richter R, Richter P, Häder DP. Photodynamic control of human pathogenic parasites in aquatic ecosystems using chlorophyllin and pheophorbid as a photodynamic substances. Parasitol Res. 2009;104:593-600. and it is apparently effective against certain parasites of fish99. Wohllebe S, Richter R, Richter P, Häder DP. Photodynamic control of human pathogenic parasites in aquatic ecosystems using chlorophyllin and pheophorbid as a photodynamic substances. Parasitol Res. 2009;104:593-600.,1111. Mahmoud MS, Richter P, Shalaby HA, Kandil OM, Häder DP. Molluscicidal activity of chlorophyll extraction against the freshwater snails. J Coast Life Med. 2013;1:98-101.. Abdel Kader & El-Tayeb1212. Abdel-Kader MH, El-Tayeb TA. Field implementation using chlorophyll derivatives with sunlight for malaria, filarial and dengue fever vectors control in infested Africa swamps. Malar J. 2012;11(Suppl 1):P42. recommended that chlorophyll derivatives can be successfully applied to control vector borne diseases such as malaria, filariasis and dengue. Earlier, Tripathi et al.1313. Tripathi R, Singh VK, Singh DK. Freeze-dried powder of cow urine reduces the viability of the snail Lymnaea acuminate. J Pest Sci. 2006;79:143-8. noted that freeze dried cow urine (FCU) kept for 15 days in sunlight is a potent molluscicide against the vector snail L. acuminata.
Snail L. acuminata is the intermediate host of Fasciola gigantica in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India1414. Singh N, Kumar P, Singh DK. Influence of abiotic factors and infection of Fasciola gigantica on oviposition of vector snail Lymnaea acuminata. Annu Rev Res Biol. 2013;3:1032-9.. Although snail control is one of the best methods to control fasciolosis, snails are still a bioindicator1515. Singh VK, Singh N, Kumar P. Bioindicator: Lymnaea acuminata as sentinel organism for monitoring and analyzing the water pollutant: a lake study. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert; 2011., as well as an important component of the aquatic ecosystem. The frequent use of molluscicides in the aquatic ecosystem for snail control also affects the non target organisms sharing the same habitat. Redia and cercaria larvae of F. gigantica are different developmental stages in the life cycle. If these larval stages will be killed by biolarvicides at sublethal concentrations inside the snail body, the incidence of fasciolosis can be reduced without killing the snails.
The present investigation reports in vitro larvicidal activity of chlorophyllin and FCU against redia and cercaria larvae of F. gigantica.
Adult Lymnaea acuminata snails (average length 25-27.2 mm), collected locally from lakes and low-lying submerged fields in Gorakhpur, were used as the test animals. Cercariae shedding infected snails were separated. The snails were kept in aquarium water for 24 hours, under laboratory conditions. Each infected snail was dissected in a glass Petri dish containing 10 mL of dechlorinated water at 23-24 °C by using the method of Sunita & Singh66. Sunita K, Singh DK. Fasciolosis control: in vivo and in vitro phytotherapy of vector snail to kill Fasciola larva. J Parasitol Res. 2011;2011:240807.. After opening the mantle of the snails a large number of redia and cercaria larvae emerged from the body of snails and they were placed in the Petri dish.
Preparation of chlorophyllin
Chlorophyllin was prepared by the method of Wohllebe et al.1010. Wohllebe SC, Ulbrich D, Grimm J, Pietsch G, Erzinger R, Richter R, et al. Photodynamic treatment of Chaoborus crystallinus larvae with chlorophyllin induces necrosis and apoptosis. Photochem Photobiol. 2011;87:1113-22.. Chlorophyll was isolated from spinach using 100% ethanol (for about 2 h at 55 0C). To avoid the transformation of chlorophyll into pheophytin by the acid content of the cell vacuoles, 1 mg of CaCO3/g of plant material was added as a buffer. The extract was subsequently filtered and petroleum benzene was added. After the homogenization of the mixture, the chlorophyll has turned into the lipophilic benzene phase. The two phases were separated using a separatory funnel and about 1.0 mL of methanolic KOH was added to the 50 mL of benzene phase. Using agitation, the chlorophyll has contacted the methanolic KOH and has been transformed into water soluble chlorophyllin by saponification and the consequent cleavage of the ester bond located between the chlorophyllin and the phytol tail. The phytol tail is responsible for the lipophilic property of the chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is found as chlorophyllin in the KOH phase.
Preparation of freeze dried cow urine (FCU)
Freeze dried cow urine was collected and prepared by the method of Tripathi et al.1313. Tripathi R, Singh VK, Singh DK. Freeze-dried powder of cow urine reduces the viability of the snail Lymnaea acuminate. J Pest Sci. 2006;79:143-8.. Geer cow urine was kept in sunlight (8 h/day), under laboratory conditions, for 15 days. After 15 days the FCU sample was freeze dried in a lyophilizer. Freeze dried fractions of the cow urine were used in w/v treatment.
Toxicity determination
In vitro: In vitro toxicity experiments were performed by the method of Sunita & Singh66. Sunita K, Singh DK. Fasciolosis control: in vivo and in vitro phytotherapy of vector snail to kill Fasciola larva. J Parasitol Res. 2011;2011:240807.. Six Petri dishes were set for each concentration of chlorophyllin formulations. Ten experimental larvae (redia/cercaria) were kept in different Petri dishes containing 10 mL of dechlorinated tap water. Treatment of different chlorophyllin formulations were made directly in the Petri dishes that were kept in the dark for 4 h. Thereafter, these Petri dishes were exposed to normal daylight in laboratory conditions, and outside directly exposed in sunlight. Mortality of larvae was observed after 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, and 8 h of treatment. The number of dead and live larvae was recorded by using a stereomicroscope. No locomotion was considered as dead larvae. The cross checking of cercariae mortality was examined by the use of the vital stains viz Janus green B and Neutral red. In the control group I, no chlorophyllin treatment was given and samples were kept in sunlight. In the control group II, chlorophyllin treatment was given and samples were kept in the dark. In the control group III, no chlorophyllin treatment was given and samples were kept in the dark. In all the control groups, chlorophyllin concentration was the same as used in the corresponding treated group. Concentration-mortality data for each group of larvae were analyzed using the probit analysis program, POLO-PC (LeOra Software) by Robertson et al.1616. Robertson JL, Russell RM, Preisler HK, Savin NE, Bioassay with Arthropods. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC, Tailor and Francis; 2007. to estimate the LC50 of chlorophyllin formulations and the 95% confidence intervals for these concentrations. The slope of probit lines was also estimated. This program performed the chi-square test to estimate the data goodness-of-fit for the probit model. If the model fits, the calculated chi-square value is lower than the chi-square table value considering the appropriate degree of freedom. If the model does not fit, the LC50 value for the particular population may not be reliably estimated and is adjusted according to the heterogeneity factor (observed chi-square values divided by the degrees of freedom). This program uses the heterogeneity factor as a correction factor when the Pearson's chi-square statistic value is significant at p = 0.05. The index of significance for potency estimation (g-value) was used to calculate the potency 95% confidence intervals (relative potency is equivalent to the tolerance ratio). The parallelism of the probit regression lines implies a constant relative potency at all levels of response. POLO-PC was used to test the equality and the parallelism of the probit lines slope. The coefficient analysis regression between the exposure time and different values of LC50 was determined by the method of Sokal & Rohlf1717. Sokal RR, Rohlf FJ. Introduction to biostatistics. 2nd ed. New York: Freeman; 1987..
In vitro toxicity of chlorophyllin and its different FCU formulations against redia/cercaria were dependent on time and concentration. Toxicity of chlorophyllin + FCU in sunlight was higher against redia than against cercaria larvae, whereas toxicity of chlorophyllin against both the larvae was the same (Fig. 2). Laboratory treatments with chlorophyllin, chlorophyllin + FCU and FCU alone were more toxic against redia larva than against cercaria (Fig. 1).
-In vitro toxicity (LC50: mg/mL) of different chlorophyllin formulations (CHL), freeze dried cow urine (FCU) against redia and cercaria larvae of F. gigantica under laboratory conditions. The concentration given is the final concentration (W/V) in glass aquarium water. A significant negative regression (p < 0.05) was observed between the exposure time and LC50 of formulations against redia. Ts-testing - significant regression coefficient: chlorophyllin- 8.59++, chlorophyllin + cow urine- 21.11+, cow urine- 22.55+. + Linear regression between X and Y. ++ Non- linear regression between log X and Y. Cercaria (Ts- testing - significant regression coefficient), chlorophyllin - 7.51++, chlorophyllin + cow urine - 5.84++, cow urine - 6.79+. + Linear regression between X and Y; ++ Nonlinear regression between log X and log Y.
-In vitro toxicity (LC50- mg/mL) of different chlorophyllin formulations (CHL), freeze dried cow urine (FCU) against redia and cercaria larvae of Fasciola gigantica in sunlight. The concentration given is the final concentration (W/V) in the glass aquarium water. A significant negative regression (p < 0.05) was observed between exposure time and LC50 of formulations against redia. Ts-testing -significant regression coefficient: chlorophyllin - 16.62++; chlorophyllin+ cow urine - 8.54++; cow urine-10.03+. + Linear regression between X and Y; ++ Nonlinear regression between log X and log Y. Cercaria (Ts-testing - significant regression coefficient): chlorophyllin - 6.47+; chlorophyllin+ cow urine - 5.64+; cow urine - 9.30++. + Linear regression between X and Y; ++ Nonlinear regression between log X and log Y.
The rediacidal activity of chlorophyllin (8 h LC50: 0.06 mg/mL), chlorophyllin + FCU (8 h LC50: 0.03 mg/mL) and FCU (8 h LC50:0.11 mg/mL) in sunlight was 740.3, 442.2 and 357.4 times higher than under laboratory conditions (8 h LC50: 22.21 mg/mL, 8 h LC50: 26.53 mg/ mL, 8 h LC50: 39.32 mg/mL), respectively (Figs. 1 and 2).
The cercaricidal activity of chlorophyllin (8 h LC50: 0.06 mg/mL), chlorophyllin + FCU (8 h LC50: 0.06 mg/mL) and FCU (8 h LC50: 0.31 mg/mL) were 1603.5, 1460.6 and 374.6 times higher than under laboratory conditions (8 h LC50: 96.21 mg/mL). No mortality of redia and cercaria larvae was observed in control group I (no chlorophyllin treatment and samples kept in sunlight), II (chlorophyllin treatment was given and samples were kept in the dark) and III (no chlorophyllin treatment and samples kept in the dark).
The slope values were steep and found within the 95% confidence limits of LC50. The t-ratio was higher than 1.96 and the heterogeneity factor was less than 1.0. The g-value was less than 0.5 at all probability levels, i.e., 90, 95 and 99. There was a significant negative regression (p < 0.05) between the exposure time and the LC50 of treatments.
The results of the present study have clearly demonstrated that the larvicidal activity of chlorophyllin and FCU formulations is time and concentration-dependent, as evidenced by the negative regression between the exposure period and LC50. Sunlight-exposed chlorophyllin transfers its excitation energy to oxygen and produces singlet reactive oxygen species. These products have the potential to kill the developmental stages of pests/vectors1818. He YY, Hader DP. Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the UV-B damage to the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2002;66:73-80., 1919. Tominaga H, Kodama S, Matsuda N, Suzuki K, Watanabe M. Involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the induction of genetic instability by radiation. J Radiat Res. 2004;45:181-8.. The in vitro treatment of chlorophyllin with FCU in laboratory/sunlight caused significant mortality of Fasciola larvae. The larvicidal activity of sunlight treated chlorophyllin+FCU is hundred times more toxic than treatment under laboratory conditions. This difference may be due to a higher production of singlet oxygen in light-exposed chlorophyllin, which can easily cross the outer covering of redia and cercaria in sunlight2020. DeRosa MC, Crutchley RJ. Photosensitized singlet oxygen and its applications. Coord Chem Rev. 2002;233-4:351-71.,2121. Kessel D, Smith K. Photosensitization with derivatives of chlorophyll. Photochem Photobiol. 1989;49:157-60.,2222. Richter P, Strauch SM, Azizullah A, Häder DP. Chlorophyllin as a possible measure against vectors of human parasites and fish parasites. Front Environ Sci. 2014;2:18.. Abdel-Kader et al.2323. Abdel-Kader MH, Al-Sherbini AS, El Tayeb TA. Sunlight and photosensitizers for insect control. 9th International Conference on Environmental Protection Is a Must; 1999 May 4-6. Alexandria: Alexandria University; 1999. and Erzinger et al.88. Erzinger GS, Wohllebe S, Vollrath F, Souza SC, Richter P. Optimizing conditions for the use of chlorophyll derivatives for photodynamic control of parasites in aquatic ecosystem. Parasitol Res. 2011;109:781-6. noted that chlorophyllin can exclusively kill mosquito larvae, while other organisms sharing the same habitat were not affected. Erzinger et al.88. Erzinger GS, Wohllebe S, Vollrath F, Souza SC, Richter P. Optimizing conditions for the use of chlorophyll derivatives for photodynamic control of parasites in aquatic ecosystem. Parasitol Res. 2011;109:781-6. reported that the chlorophyllin uptake by mosquito larvae is higher at high temperatures but chlorophyllin does not influence the photodynamic toxicity. The incidence of fasciolosis infection is higher in the summer. Sunita et al.2424. Sunita K, Kumar P, Singh DK. Abiotic environmental factors and infection of Fasciola gigantica in vector snail Lymnaea acuminata. Researcher. 2012;4:49-53. and Singh et al.1414. Singh N, Kumar P, Singh DK. Influence of abiotic factors and infection of Fasciola gigantica on oviposition of vector snail Lymnaea acuminata. Annu Rev Res Biol. 2013;3:1032-9.,2525. Singh N, Kumar P, Singh DK. Variant abiotic factors and the infection of Fasciola gigantica larval stages in vector snail Indoplanorbis exustus. J Biol Earth Sci. 2012;2:B110-7. have shown that the number of F. gigantica larvae in host snails is maximum when the water temperature is higher during the summer. Consequently, there is a higher infection index of Fasciola larvae and also a higher uptake of chlorophyllin in warm waters during the summer, resulting in a higher photodynamic toxicity against Fasciola larvae. Externally applied chlorophyllin was toxic against Culex and Chaoborus larvae at concentrations of 6.88 and 24.18 mg/L, respectively99. Wohllebe S, Richter R, Richter P, Häder DP. Photodynamic control of human pathogenic parasites in aquatic ecosystems using chlorophyllin and pheophorbid as a photodynamic substances. Parasitol Res. 2009;104:593-600.. The chlorophyllin formulation required to kill 50% of redia and cercaria larvae was 0.03 and 0.06 mg/10mL, respectively. When chlorophyll derivatives were applied on 250,000 m2 of infected swamps and sand pits, a 0.1-100 µM concentration of chlorophyllin has killed 85-100% of Anopheles gambiae larvae1212. Abdel-Kader MH, El-Tayeb TA. Field implementation using chlorophyll derivatives with sunlight for malaria, filarial and dengue fever vectors control in infested Africa swamps. Malar J. 2012;11(Suppl 1):P42.. The chlorophyllin treatment against Aedes (2.34 mg/L) and Anopheles (5.88 mg/L) mosquito species was very effective2626. Erzinger GS, Hader DP, Richter P, Carolina S, Wohllebe S. New perspectives for the control of mosquito larvae using chlorophyll derivatives for the control of mosquito larvae using chlorophyll derivates as photosensitizers [abstract]. Environment and Health Conference; 2013 Aug 19-23; Basel, Switzerland. Available from: http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/isee/o-1-12-01/
,2727. Azizullah A, Murad W. Chlorophyll derivatives for pest and disease control: Are they safe? Environ Impact Assess Rev. 2015;50:156-7.. A comparison of the larvicidal activity of chlorophyllin with phyto larvicides demonstrates that chlorophyllin is more toxic than ferulic acid (0.10 mg/mL), umbelliferone (0.18 mg/L) extracted from Ferula asafoetida2828. Sunita K, Kumar P, Singh DK. Phytotherapy of intermediate host snail by ferulic acid to kill the Fasciola gigantica larvae in different months of the year 2011-2012. Sci J Biol Sci. 2013;2:138-44.,2929. Sunita K, Kumar P, Singh VK, Singh DK. Seasonal variation in the toxicity of umbelliferone against Fasciola larvae. J Biol Earth Sci. 2013;3:B93-9., citral (6.08 mg/mL) extracted from Zingiber officinale22. Sunita K, Kumar P, Singh DK. Seasonal variation in toxicity of citral against Fasciola larvae. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2014;4 Suppl 2:S584-8. against Fasciola gigantica cercaria larvae. The use of chlorophyllin is safe because it is non toxic to humans and do not have any toxic effect on animals with non-transparent body66. Sunita K, Singh DK. Fasciolosis control: in vivo and in vitro phytotherapy of vector snail to kill Fasciola larva. J Parasitol Res. 2011;2011:240807..
In the Indian Ayurveda and the Greco Arabic medical system, several workers have noted that cow urine possess insecticidal, fungicidal, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and molluscicidal activity3030. Tesfaye A, Gautam RD. Traditional pest management practices and lesser exploited natural products in Ethiopia and revalidation. Indian J Traditl Knowl. 2003;2:189-201.,3131. Prashith Kekuda TR, Nishanth BC, Praveen Kumar SV, Kamal D, Sandeep M, Meghraj HK. Cow urine concentrate: a potent agent antimicrobial and antihelminthic activity. J Pharm Res. 2010;3:1025-7.,3232. Khanuja SP, Kumar S, Shasany AK, Arya JS, Darokar MP, Singh M, et al., inventors. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India, assignee. Pharmaceutical composition containing cow urine distillate and antibiotic. United States Patent US6410059 B1. 2002 Jun 25.,3333. Kumar S, Singh DK, Singh VK. Binary combination of different Freeze-Dried Cow Urine (FCU) with some plant molluscicides against Lymnaea acuminata: vector of Fasciolosis. Adv Life Sci. 2011;1:24-9.. The cow urine can act as a bioenhancer in the pharmaceutical composition of antibiotics, increasing their effects (US patent 6410059 B1; 2002)3232. Khanuja SP, Kumar S, Shasany AK, Arya JS, Darokar MP, Singh M, et al., inventors. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India, assignee. Pharmaceutical composition containing cow urine distillate and antibiotic. United States Patent US6410059 B1. 2002 Jun 25.. FCU is more toxic against redia and cercaria larvae in sunlight than under laboratory conditions. Tripathi et al.1313. Tripathi R, Singh VK, Singh DK. Freeze-dried powder of cow urine reduces the viability of the snail Lymnaea acuminate. J Pest Sci. 2006;79:143-8. have noted that sunlight-exposed FCU is more toxic against Lymnaea acuminata than under laboratory conditions. However, it can be stated that FCU is toxic against both, host snails and Fasciola larvae.
The light attenuation in the water column is required for the photodynamic activity of chlorophyllin3434. Azizullah A, Rehman ZU, Ali I, Murad W, Muhammad N, Ullah W, et al. Chlorophyll derivatives can be an efficient weapon in the fight against dengue. Parasitol Res. 2014;113:4321-6.. As the cercaria shedding host snails are found in shallow water areas of ponds and lakes, the light attenuation problem is not relevant for larvae of F. gigantica exposed to dark-incubated chlorophyllin.
The steep slope value indicates that a small increase in the concentration of different larvicides caused higher larvae mortality. A t-ratio value greater than 1.96 indicates that the regression is significant. The heterogeneity factor value less than 1.0 indicates that in the replicate test of random samples, the concentration response is limited and thus the model fits the data adequately. The significance index of the potency estimation g indicates that the mean value is within the limit at all probability levels (90, 95 and 99, respectively), since it is lower than 0.51616. Robertson JL, Russell RM, Preisler HK, Savin NE, Bioassay with Arthropods. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC, Tailor and Francis; 2007..
The results of the present study have shown that chlorophyllin and chlorophyllin-FCU formulations are potent larvicides. Both chlorophyllin and FCU can be used against fasciolosis in endemic areas as they are able to kill the Fasciola larvae. It has also been shown that in vivo phytotherapy of snails using chlorophyllin and FCU may specifically kill redia and cercaria in the body of snails without killing the snails. The use of chlorophyllin is safe as it is not toxic to humans, is cost-effective, ecologically sound and culturally more acceptable to native users. Nevertheless, further studies are required on the in vivo toxicity of these formulations against redia/cercaria larvae in the body of snails, providing a possible photo/phytotherapy technique, and at the same time not targeting other organisms that share the same aquatic habitat. This biotechnological tool can be effective to control fasciolosis without killing the snail L. acuminata, which is one of the most important bio indicators of healthy aquatic ecosystems.
1Imani-Baran A, Yakchali M, Malekzadeh VR, Paktarmani R. Molecular study for detecting the prevalence of F. gigantica in field-collected snails of Radix gedrosiana (Palmonata: Lymnaeidae) in Northwestern Iran. Vet Parasitol. 2012;189:374-7.
2Sunita K, Kumar P, Singh DK. Seasonal variation in toxicity of citral against Fasciola larvae. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2014;4 Suppl 2:S584-8.
3Mas-Coma S, Estaben JG, Bargues MD. Epidemiology of human fascioliasis: a review and proposed new classification. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77:340-6.
4Salahi-Moghaddam A, Arfaa F. Epidemiology of human fascioliasis outbreaks in Iran. J Arch Mil Med. 2013;1:6-12.
5Singh A, Singh DK, Misra TN, Agarwal RA. Molluscicides of plant origin. Biol Agric Hortic. 1996;13:205-2.
6Sunita K, Singh DK. Fasciolosis control: in vivo and in vitro phytotherapy of vector snail to kill Fasciola larva. J Parasitol Res. 2011;2011:240807.
7Erzinger GS. New perspectives for the control of parasitic diseases through the use of photodynamic products. Pharma Anal Acta. 2011;9:1-3.
8Erzinger GS, Wohllebe S, Vollrath F, Souza SC, Richter P. Optimizing conditions for the use of chlorophyll derivatives for photodynamic control of parasites in aquatic ecosystem. Parasitol Res. 2011;109:781-6.
9Wohllebe S, Richter R, Richter P, Häder DP. Photodynamic control of human pathogenic parasites in aquatic ecosystems using chlorophyllin and pheophorbid as a photodynamic substances. Parasitol Res. 2009;104:593-600.
10Wohllebe SC, Ulbrich D, Grimm J, Pietsch G, Erzinger R, Richter R, et al. Photodynamic treatment of Chaoborus crystallinus larvae with chlorophyllin induces necrosis and apoptosis. Photochem Photobiol. 2011;87:1113-22.
11Mahmoud MS, Richter P, Shalaby HA, Kandil OM, Häder DP. Molluscicidal activity of chlorophyll extraction against the freshwater snails. J Coast Life Med. 2013;1:98-101.
12Abdel-Kader MH, El-Tayeb TA. Field implementation using chlorophyll derivatives with sunlight for malaria, filarial and dengue fever vectors control in infested Africa swamps. Malar J. 2012;11(Suppl 1):P42.
13Tripathi R, Singh VK, Singh DK. Freeze-dried powder of cow urine reduces the viability of the snail Lymnaea acuminate. J Pest Sci. 2006;79:143-8.
14Singh N, Kumar P, Singh DK. Influence of abiotic factors and infection of Fasciola gigantica on oviposition of vector snail Lymnaea acuminata. Annu Rev Res Biol. 2013;3:1032-9.
15Singh VK, Singh N, Kumar P. Bioindicator: Lymnaea acuminata as sentinel organism for monitoring and analyzing the water pollutant: a lake study. Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert; 2011.
16Robertson JL, Russell RM, Preisler HK, Savin NE, Bioassay with Arthropods. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC, Tailor and Francis; 2007.
17Sokal RR, Rohlf FJ. Introduction to biostatistics. 2nd ed. New York: Freeman; 1987.
18He YY, Hader DP. Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the UV-B damage to the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2002;66:73-80.
19Tominaga H, Kodama S, Matsuda N, Suzuki K, Watanabe M. Involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the induction of genetic instability by radiation. J Radiat Res. 2004;45:181-8.
20DeRosa MC, Crutchley RJ. Photosensitized singlet oxygen and its applications. Coord Chem Rev. 2002;233-4:351-71.
21Kessel D, Smith K. Photosensitization with derivatives of chlorophyll. Photochem Photobiol. 1989;49:157-60.
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Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
11 Apr 2015 -
23 Nov 2015